And again an armored truck is targeted but this time by the gang that did not know how to stay hidden. The one thing that called my attention was this:

Chance did something that authorities do not recommend anyone doing. “They were running so fast, I felt like I needed to try and stop them. I tried to grab them, but they were like slippery when wet,” he said. “They got away from me, but then I followed them around the corner and saw the getaway car. They fired shots at me, but I was behind the pillars.”

Chance said he saw one of the crooks with what looked like a silver, 9 mm gun pointed right at him. “Especially when I see ‘Click, click,’ he said. If he had one in the chamber, I would have been through, probably.”

Remember: you do not wear your underwear over your pants or have a cape or have journalist girlfriend.  The playing of superhero is not in our job description. I know that as good people, we all feel the need to right the wrongs of this world have but we are not Dr. Sam Beckett either. Chance had a healthy dose of Ego that did not kill him…this time.

Ego kills, kill the Ego.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.