
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why are Anti-gunners so bigoted?

Not to give Carl Hiaasen any ideas, but this has the makings of a good novel: Frustrated by government that allows rampant overdevelopment, eco-conscious gun-range enthusiasts protest by taking aim at tourists as they sit on their balconies watching Everglades sunsets.

Sun Sentinel columnist Michael Mayo (Don’t get me started) commenting on the development of a hotel (allegedly a Marriot) and office complex half a mile north of the Markham Park Range. For enlightened people, “journalists” sure are easy to repeat bigoted and profiling characterizations.

But we knew this already.

Good Bye Markham Park Range? Money may talk louder than guns.

Markham Park Range is one of the two public ranges in South Florida and the only one in Broward County. Located within the Markham Park Complex, it has Skeet and Trap, a Pistol/Rifle Range, and a Sporting Clays course.Also hosts IPSC, IDPA, Steel and Cowboy Action matches and I am guessing I am missing somebody somewhere. Some say that the fees collected at the range basically help sustain the rest of the park.

The City of Sunrise, strapped for cash like any other city, was in the process of approving permits for a new Hotel & Corporate park when they found out that barely half a mile south of the proposed location, there was a gun range <gasp>. Now the vote has been postponed and I wonder if the machinations have begun in order to close the range as they drool over the possibilities of tax income, kickbacks and paid political favors for the construction project.  And to cap a beautiful idea for Gun Owners, another article seems to suggest that the hotel to be built might be a Marriot. After the legal faux pas during the NRA convention, Wouldn’t that just top it all?

The “Absence of Malice” Files: Life in Prison for $4 worth of socks.

Appearing in Drudge is the following headline from the Sun Sentinel: Life in prison for stealing $4 package of socks. It instantly evokes the mishaps of Jean Valjean and his horrible sentence of 19 year for a loaf of bread, the injustice of a out of control justice system and society’s inability to deal with crime. Of course, after reading the article one must ponder if “reporters” Barbara Hijek and spent the weekend watching a marathon of Twilight and Glee because the culprit, one Dean Rockmore was found guilty of not stealing $4 worth of goods but brandishing a gun to the Security Officer trying to stop him. Rockmore is a repeat offender with goodies in his record like Arson, Aggravated Assault on a Firefighter/Paramedic, trafficking stolen merchandise, violently resisting arrest with violence & forgery. His incarceration history goes back all the way to 1981so we are not talking about an innocent man driven by circumstances, Bush and the War in Iraq.

The jury seemed to reason along the same lines when they took under an hour to send Mr. Rockmore to spend a vacation in the custody of the State of Florida and Circuit Judge Margaret Hudson decided to make such vacation permanent.

Now why Barbara Hijek and What a douchebag of a newspaper.”

One must agree.

“Blood will run in the streets of Charlotte! Wait, What do you mean less crime?”

Via the NRA we find out that during the NRA Convention, crime in the area was down 45% compared to the same week the year before. According to the CharlotteObserver.com, not only the convention was the biggest in Charlotte’s history, the only issue was traffic congestion on Friday. There were no reports of people suffering from Road Rage and shooting their guns wildly while in traffic.

It was not suppose to happen that way damn it! Them NRA Redneck were suppose to be wild, host a KKK party, burn some crosses and shoot innocent people at random!

Oh well! 😉

Hat Tip to Sebastian

Gallery of Scumbags: President Calderon and the US Congress.

So Mexican President Calderon comes to Congress and gets standing ovations from the congresscritters when he lashes against Arizona and blames all the ills of Mexico’s Drug Wars on the sunset of the Assault Weapon’s Ban.

If you invite a guest to your house and he decides to crap on your living room floor and make a pass at your wife, unless you are some sort of amoral creep, you don’t cheer him or remain silent (like the GOP congress-idiots did) you grab them by the neck and toss him out while planting such  firm kick in his buttocks that he leaves with your shoe.

That the United States was allowed to be insulted in the People’s House is just amazing. It is just embarrassing that nobody had the balls to tell Calderon to shut the fuck up and to take a hike.

Remember November.

Hat Tip to John Lott.