Via the NRA we find out that during the NRA Convention, crime in the area was down 45% compared to the same week the year before. According to the, not only the convention was the biggest in Charlotte’s history, the only issue was traffic congestion on Friday. There were no reports of people suffering from Road Rage and shooting their guns wildly while in traffic.

It was not suppose to happen that way damn it! Them NRA Redneck were suppose to be wild, host a KKK party, burn some crosses and shoot innocent people at random!

Oh well! 😉

Hat Tip to Sebastian

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on ““Blood will run in the streets of Charlotte! Wait, What do you mean less crime?””
  1. Well of course! It astonishes me every time that a state or other Gubmint entity loosens firearms restrictions, the emotionally retarded (hey, it’s Doc Freud’s diagnosis, not mine) gun grabbers immediately start chanting their age-old mantra of “gun fights in the streets” and “shootings over a bad latte order”. Has it happened yet? Of course not, but that doesn’t stop them. *sigh* They think the public is so stoopid that no one will say, “Um, guys, this disaster movie is gettin’ a bit old, when’s Doomsday again?”

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