
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Holy Crap, that was me!

A photo taken by the missus Christmas Day 3 or 4 years ago I did not remember, versus today.

And I was feeling guilty because I murdered the diet this morning. There were pancakes and biscuits made from scratch and bacon and sausage and maple syrup and butter…. so, I said, “Screw it, go for it.”

I don’t feel as bad now. I’ll go back to the diet next year.

Gym? Tomorrow.

A member of The Cult of Covid attacks a Senior Citizen during a flight.

I love the irony of her “righteous” indignation demanding the old man to put on a mask while she is not wearing hers.
And for the record, at the face-scratching part, she would have gotten slapped hard enough to have her lower jaw chew 90 degrees off center.

The Popsicle Shot.

Stolen from LawDog’s Facebook page for your reading pleasure:

Since the statute of limitations has run out, here’s the back-story behind the “Popsicle Shot” meme:
So. There I am, in the Wal-Mart parking lot earlier, taking deep breaths before venturing into the Heart of Darkness, when I notice a smartly-dressed young lady, probably college-aged, moving with a rapid stride down the centre of the driving section of the parking lot.
This strikes me as a bit odd — most people walk closer to the bumpers of the parked cars — and as I take a closer look, I notice that she has her right hand buried forearm-deep in her purse.
Oh, ho, think I, we have three anomalies here …
And then Chew Toy Of Interest #1 pops out between two pickups, spins her half around by her upper left arm whilst bellowing something that sounded suspiciously like, “You mucking bore!”, before Our Wee Damsel grabs the collar of his sweatshirt with her left hand, jerks a hot-pink Comtech Stinger out of her purse (rather than the pistol I was expecting), and hammers it into his taint area with three lovely looping uppercuts.
As an aside, being a dilettante in the Sweet Science, I have a great deal of admiration for the loving papa or uncle who taught her how to put her weight into her punches. Damn.
Anyhoo, apparently getting punched in the gooch by a healthy girl with some skill will turn out the lights, because he dropped like a sack of dead trout and laid there for at least five minutes longer than it took her to hurry into the store.
Looks like the Christmas holiday this year is getting off to a rollicking start.
Oh yes, this is the Comtech Stinger.

Dear CNN Priest: You swapped your Catholic Roots for Socialist Pride Sins (Mortal)

I was supposed to be in a break, but J Kb’s post brought me back in.

You miserable Kiddie Porn Child Molester Enabler motherfucker, you have to know the centuries-old tradition in Santiago De Compostela Cathedral of the Botafumeiro.

It was believed that the smoke of incense was not only good to cover the smell of the sick parishioners who sought and were given refuge and comfort from plagues but also had medicinal properties.

Ten centuries of Catholic Tradition of having the doors open for anybody regardless of health and this hijodeputa in a clerical collar figures out is worth shitting on it for a few seconds on CNN.

If we had a Pope that was not in the same Socialist funk, Father Beck would have been getting a one-way ticket to Equatorial Guinea on January 6th.  Unfortunately, the Moron with the Mitre in Rome is probably agreeing with him.

Then again, CNN is now where the Child Molesters congregate, and that explain why the good Father was available for the interview.