
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Gun Control “Heroes” always come with an expiration date.

Earlier this year, the gun control group Everytown launched a new program to train its volunteers to run for office. More than 100 people are participating in Demand A Seat this year.

Among them is Mia Livas Porter, who is running for a California Assembly seat, and whose brother, Junior, took his own life with a gun after battling mental illness. She said that for years she felt powerless — but that changed when she joined Moms Demand Action, an arm of Everytown.

“I felt empowered to use my voice as a survivor. And I saw how it could make legislative change,” Livas Porter said.

Their lives were changed by gun violence, and now they’re running for office

Wow! So much BS is such a small number of lines. Well done NPR!

Everytown did not launch a new program, but it is a rehash of a constantly failed tradition within the Gun Control community: The Waving of the Bloody Shirt. They select somebody who was a victim or related to a dastardly event where a gun was used, and the media came down like crows pecking on the corpses and then tried to use that person as political battering ram.

Here I have to confess something: I tried to remember some of the people used by Gun control in the past and short of the most recent asshole, “pillow magnate” failure David Hogg and his short-lived partner in BS Emma Gonzalez, my mind drew a blank. I had to rack my brain trying to search cases I remembered that spawned “activists” like the Incel mass killer in California and that led me to Richard Martinez, (the parent of one of the victims) and this old post where I also found the name of Colin Goddard who was supposed to be the perfect and eternal voice of Gun Control since he was indeed a survivor of the Virginia Tech massacre.  He was supposed to be the NRA killer, the Chose One to help Pass “sensitive gun control” in this country. He was courted by everybody and every news media organization, but he eventually disappeared from importance like all these “Bloody Shirt Stars” do.

About the only success story you can point out after decades of media push and millions upon millions of dollars spent in Bloody Shirt Stars is Lucy McBath whose son was killed in Florida by an idiot at a gas station over loud music or stupid crap like that. She is now  U.S. representative from Georgia’s 6th congressional district, and I seem to recall it was said she had a lot of support from Bloomberg money. But other than that, the Gun Control Rock Stars have been a miserable political failure.

And as for Mia Livas Porter, her claim to fame is she is a victim because her brother, afflicted by mental illness, killed himself with a gun. Holy shit! She is the victim! Not her emotionally sick brother, nope, she is the one suffering for his actions. How dare we challenge her victimization and not support her cause? Because we do not coddle vultures, especially the ones pecking the corpse of their own family for political or any gain.

Hat Tip MarkC

You kind of missed the obvious points, dumbass (UPDATED)

A 14-year-old boy shot a would-be robber in the face Thursday after the man attacked the boy’s father at a pizza shop in Philadelphia, police say.

The events unfolded just before 10 p.m. on Thursday night at Bold Pizza. A man walked into the shop intending to rob it, police said, forcibly reaching over the counter attempting to steal money from the register.

A pizza shop employee attempted to stop the man when the attempted robber put his hands around the employee’s neck. The employee’s son, a 14-year-old boy, grabbed a gun, legally owned by the employee, from behind a counter and shot the attempted robber in the face, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Would-Be Pizza Shop Robber Stopped Cold After 14-Year-Old Shoots Him In The Face, Police Say | The Daily Wire

Good! Philly has become a monumental shithole under whatever administration is being run by and with the added spicy flavor of the pandemic. But it seems Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney (D, no shit) still has not figured out what the hell is going on in its city and resolved to go for the old and work talking point.

“The volume of guns that are in circulation in our communities is at a record-high,” Kenney said at the press conference, calling for more gun restrictions. “[Crime guns] join a sea of illegal and legal guns that are accessible in the heat of the moment, turning what could have stayed an argument into a homicide.”

Only a dumb and mentally lock-stepped moron redefines a robbery into “an argument.” I figure he would redefine a rape as a “bad weekend lay” if it suits him politically. But that is Gun Control advocates for you:  the victims are just emotional currency needed to be traded for political power.

Hat Tip Willrock

UPDATE: Local TV station says it was mom being attacked, not dad.

You don’t mess with mom!

Locals support the kid’s actions. Indeed!

MNPD: What kind of f***ery is this?

The Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) requested from the city’s COVID-19 Financial Oversight Committee a budget for new tasers, saying the ones they currently use are outdated, obsolete, and do not work properly.

MNPD Deputy Chief Chris Taylor told the committee in a December 8 meeting that the review of their taser equipment was prompted during COVID-19, while the department addressed how to arrest unruly suspects who were COVID-19 positive.

Metro Nashville Police Asks COVID-19 Budget Committee to Purchase New Tasers – Tennessee Star

OK, I am new to the state and all, but that seems to indicate a Law Enforcement agency has full access to a medical database of people infected with Chink Flu. My question is why and for what purpose? And no, I don’t think office safety is truly the motive, a suspect engaged in a criminal activity usually is not very forthcoming with the idea of identifying him/herself, so it is not after the arrest is made and an identity established that MNPD would have access to the infection status of the individual.

Now, needing tasers for known infected individuals who (for example) refuse to go to a Tennessee equivalent of Australia’s COVID camps does sound more plausible. I see you shaking your head and saying “Oh crap, he is now into the tinfoil hat mode” well, after all the shit that has happened in the last couple of years, you cannot dismiss the weird and the farfetched anymore.


Gang hit in Puerto Rico (Graphic Video)

Not for the faint of stomach.

Most people are not used or have no idea what real violence is like. We have many a snowflake that believes violence is when you tell them to go flock themselves for butting in in your life. They cy a river demanding reparations because they suffer PTSD and unrepairable damages for 2 words according to them.

This is real violence. The people in the video who ended horizontally, do not come back from its consequences. The only positive thing you could say, they were equally scum as the assholes that shot them.

Donut Operator has a full deconstruction and explanation in his YouTube channel. Most interesting.

PS: In case the video is removed, I made a backup of it.

“Papiere bitte Der Weihnachtsmann.”

It seems Santa was approached for not having a mask, ask for ID and he refused.

Only governments with some morals left or the capacity to be embarrassed, can be persuaded by pacifist means. If the Powers That Be do not give a shit how they look on TV or YouTube, there is little you will accomplish with your cell phone camera and your chanting.

And then you get the feeling they did not hang enough MF’ers at the Neurenberg Trials to engrave the message firmly in the Teutonic DNA, so we are back to this crap.

OK, fuck this: Just slap them.

J Kb sent me this one:

Marvel comic panel in which a white girl explains to a Latina
character why Latinx is a more inclusive term and Spanish is wrong.


And he hits it right in the head: It is condescending.  And what is more, it is offensive in its racism. We have us some young adolescent White bitch disrespecting mom and calling her ignorant of her own race’s denomination? The kid, apparently the son, sits there without a reaction and probably even approvingly, hoping that Miss Bitch does not friend-zone him and rubs the front of his jeans at a later date.  True Latino would be raising bloody hell while holding conceited bitch by the throat and explaining in very loud terms you do not insult mamá.

And as for fluid language, since Spanish has been Spanish, the genre of the term Latino is either male or neutral depending on its application. I believe that this usage of Latinex does have to do with “inclusivity” because the language does not allow for alternative uses of gender in fluid individuals which is a lie: We have Latinos, Latinas and the following adjectives to those they are trying to push under the “x” umbrella: maricones, pendejos, sadicos and degenerados.

PS: And “Latine” is a dash too close to latrine. You really want to go with that one and be able to eat solid foods after saying it?