
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

It is going to be interesting at the Broward Sheriff’s Office headquarters this afternoon.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – As Gov. Ron DeSantis prepares to “make a statement on holding government officials accountable” later Friday in Fort Lauderdale, sources told Local 10 News two names are on the short list of candidates to replace Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel if he is removed from office as expected. ..

DeSantis is making his statement at 3 p.m. at the Broward Sheriff’s Office headquarters. A news release from the governor’s office said DeSantis will be joined by Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez and Attorney General Ashley Moody.

With DeSantis’ announcement looming, this could be Israel’s last day as sheriff.

This is a political way to say:  “I am coming to kick you out personally.” You have to give DeSantis kudos as he could have done the same from the comport of the Governor’s Mansion.

He is coming with back up and that is interesting, specially the Attorney General. Are we talking State intervention in BSO to examine training and procedures? A clan up of the department would be nice, but the Broward Democrats would have kittens having a Republican Governor “interfere” with such sacred institution and they still do not like to be reminded of former Sheriff but Felon Ken Jenne.

Maybe I am seeing too much into the whole thing,  The legislature will have to approve  Israel’s suspension and I do not foresee any trouble there.


A Menstrual Cycle with a Gun attacks man in New Jersey.

No, not a bad joke about your Significant Other.

The intruder allegedly arrived at the residence brandishing a semi-automatic handgun and a fight erupted with the man who lives at the home….Police say that during the altercation the resident was able to get control of the gun and fired — hitting 29-year-old Terrence Coulanges, of Old Bridge, who died later at an area trauma center.

Scuffle Ends in Deadly Shooting Outside New Jersey Home

What is with the use of stupid euphemisms? I do not care who he is: If a person goes to somebody’s noise waving a gun and looking for trouble, they are NOT visitors, unwanted or otherwise. What was the stations thinking? Not to hurt the guy’s feelings? He is done having them!

Oy coño!

Hat Tip Keith G.

Florida: HB 197 – No Carry in a child care facility.

Representative  Cindy Polo (D) thinks carrying a gun while dropping off or picking up the kids at Day Care is a danger.   How many times have we heard about shootouts in Child Care facilities through the decades of CWP in Florida? For some reason I can’t seem to shake the idea that Ms. Polo is trying to make Churches Gun Free Zones by sheer proximity knowing that most Houses of Worship offer child care on days of service. It would force parents to disarm before dropping the kids or force the church to have people getting the kids from the parents outside the child care area.
As they say, the devil is in the details with HB 197.

Text of the bill.

Get Woke, Get Hep C, HIV and other maladies.

Via Wirecutter

Starbucks is installing boxes for safe disposal of syringes in the bathrooms of certain locations, following workers’ reports of discarded needles and sometimes concerning conditions.

The coffee giant is exploring remedies after employees expressed fears about being pricked by uncapped needles and experiencing related health risks. Starbucks is testing solutions, including installing sharps-disposal boxes, using heavier-duty trash bags to prevent needle pokes, and removing trash cans from certain bathrooms.

Drugs and syringes have become such a problem in Starbucks bathrooms that the company is installing needle-disposal boxes in certain locations

I love the fact that Starbucks’s experiment in “inclusiveness” is exploding badly in their faces. However, the health risk to its employees is no joke. If I were a very disgruntled employee, I would begin a careful recording of daily occurrences and when I have about 3-4 weeks, contact OSHA and have an inspector come over to see how the company is not properly avoiding blood borne pathogen contamination.

Corporations hate OSHA like vampires hate sunlight in a field of garlic.  Starbucks deserves what it gets when it decided that being all SJW-company was more important than the health and life of its employees.

NRA Haters and NFA 1934.

OK, I get it. You are a Gun Owner that hates the NRA for whatever silly-or-not reasons you may have. And you can give me a litany of points where the NRA has screwed up lately in your opinion, but please, I beg of you, do not use the passing of the national Firearms Act of 1934 as you raison d’être.  It makes you look like the ignorant you probably are and confirm you are just regurgitating what somebody else has said without checking for facts.

Why am I being insulting? Because it is always NFA 34 but somehow GAC 68 is never mentioned by these “patriot partisans.”  That tells me they are bleating sheep just blasting talking points that sound more like shit written by Michael Bloomberg for Shannon Watts and Moms demand than from Gun Rights organizations.

I am going to be magnanimous for once and give you a hint: The Cincinnati Revolt.

My surveillance system is being sabotaged.

By spiders. The frigging spiders are driving me crazy.  I guess the IR lights attracts them at night and they decide it is gonna be cool to weave web in front of the camera.  The good news is that the camera does not see the web, the bad news is that the camera does see the frigging bug pottering all over the damn place and that trigger alerts.

I have covered the lens and sprayed repellant on the camera, but it seems not to affect them.

Any ideas?