
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Protecting your home from a wild fire.

I will freely admit that wild fires scare me. Living in urban South Florida, the chances of being involved on one are practically zero. Ask me about hurricane prep and I will fill your ear. But ask me fire and I will become a functional mute.

I bumped into this video about houses that survived Camp Fire and it was illuminating.

Then I checked on the recommended video that popped after the first.

As usual, a bunch of common sense followed by preparations that go from zero cost to not so much to ouchie. And still it will never be 100% guarantee, but I’ll take 50% rather than zero.


Parkland Kids: From the New Voice and Hope for the Future to Clown Show and Tantrums.

This is happening just now:


(Investigation is done, changes are made, people are reassigned)


And for a moment, you almost get mad, but then remember it is Broward County and pretty much shrug it off. In America, if high school sheep want to end up as Friday’s lamb chop special to a crazy killer, they get to be it.

PS: According to other sources, the protest began with the teachers who resent their buddies got reassigned. Mind you nobody is fired, but still they are raising shit.

To this date, not one single individual connected with the screw up that led to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has been fired. They have either allowed to resign and retire, got reassigned and the majority has not even been chided.

Right now, some other deranged kid is happy that Broward County’s hunting preserves for the criminally insane (A.K.A. schools) are maintaining the same level of security and organization. Mad Killers love soft targets.

Reports from the Southern Border

Lagniappe’s Lair is working down there and sharing his experiences.

For those who don’t know how this game is played, the cartels are all in over here and they keep a network of lookouts in place both on their side of the border and on ours with optics and communications gear just to watch for us and to guide their smugglers across. These scouts also approach small groups of illegals trying to cross without having paid the cartels a crossing fee and they will beat those illegals and send them back to Mexico to pay.


I find more insight on what he reports about the little patch of land where he stands than all the CNN/MSNBC/ETC combined.

Literally Hitler of the Day: State Run Media

The latest flip-out from the NeverTrumpers.

Let us ignore for a second that since 1942 we have a state-run media outlet called Voice of America and nobody flinched at the idea this bad before.  But I am willing to bet that a good percentage of those freaking out about the idea are fans of a very well-known News Broadcast and of at least one show of one of the biggest state-run media conglomerates in the world: BBC.

BBC News, Top Gear, Dr. Who, Sherlock, and I have no idea how many Victorian-Era mini series and movies, are/were produced by the British Government and by extracting funding by forcing the British Subjects to pay a yearly license to own a TV within the Kingdom’s realm.

And, just to make sure you are a good subject and pay the Queen’s fee, they have a fleet of TV detection bans that roam the country making sure no Evil TV apparatus are being used without the proper transfer of quid.

Do I support an US version of the BBC? Hell no. It would be just another useless Federal paycheck generator and probably we would not see the return for our money unless it is miniseries like “Karl Marx: Champion of Transsexual Haitian Lesbians with Asperger’s.” I just find funny that many BBC lovers will find the same principle applied to the US absurd and akin to put people inside concentration camps.

They can’t blame this one on Trump (Part 2): Driver arrested & charged.

HANCOCK PARK (CBSLA) — Some people in a Hancock Park neighborhood said a driver targeted them because they are Jewish. Now police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.
The suspect in the case, identified as Mohammed Mohammed, was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Hate Crime: Driver Targets Jews In Hancock Park

Damned Mennonites!

I expect him to run for congress and win in 2022.

Fridge temp fix.

Redneck repairs are universal.  The Spanish language has a word for it: Chapuza. And ladies and gents, I am a graduate from the Redneck Chapuza College.

The freezer door of our fridge of 30 years was hot to the touch, specially around the gasket-thingy area. After the obligatory Google search, I found that it could be one of two things” The refrigerator condenser fan gone kaput or a lot of crap down there that was impeding the flow of air.

Now, this is me we are talking about and a fridge from the last century, so it ended being both problems. I cleaned up as much as I could and removed so much matted cat hair that for a moment I thought it was fiberglass padding or a filter. I guess three decades of kitties do leave a trace behind them.

Next I tried to figure out how to replace the fan and had to come to the sad conclusion that I would have to hire somebody since there was some tubes with cooling in the way and there was a good chance I’d screw it up big time with the obligatory beat up by the missus for losing all the food in the fridge or having to rush to the Big Box store to buy a new fridge and the suckers do not come cheap.

So, while trying to figure out what to do, I decided to test the efficiency of a clip on small fan I bought years ago for work.

Here is the experiment:

It is aiming at the general direction and not directly at the coils, but guess what? 10 minutes later the door of the fridge was no longer hot.

Obviously this is just a temporary fix. I saw there is almost 2 inches of space between the dead fan and the coils and the dim lightbulb lit. I just ordered a $16.99 muffin/axial fan for ventilation projects pushing 51 cfm and of the 120 AC persuasion. It is small enough to fit in the available space and figure it will push enough air to keep everything cool. Only drawback is it will never stop, but it is low noise, rated for 7 years and hidden inside the fridge so, who cares?

I’ll let you know how the substitute fan works after installed.