
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Why Florida cannot have nice things: $130,000 pension for Brenda Snipes.


Brenda Snipes, the elections supervisor for Broward County, Fla., who resigned after coming under scrutiny for the way her office handled vote counting during the Nov. 6 election, will receive nearly $130,000 in annual pensions once she leaves office in January, according to reports.
Snipes, 75, already receives a pension of more than $58,000 from her time as an educator and is poised to collect another $71,000 for 15 years as an elected official, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

Departing Broward election official Brenda Snipes stands to receive $130G in pensions: reports

So yes, same as anywhere else, the Teachers’ unions are powerful in Florida, specially when they have one of them rigging elections.

Broward Elections and Broward’s School Board need some serious clean up.  Will the Republican Governors have the stones to do it?




Cato Institute gone Islamophile.

It is not a long article explaining why this whole killing and mistreating of non-Muslims is really a recent thing. The author pretty much blames the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for starting the whole thing in 1989. Basically the extreme Islamic thing is not even thirty years old for this senior fellow of the Cato Institute.

Except history is a quirky thing. You see, the Prophet Muhammad dies in Media in Anno Domini 632 and by AD 711, just 79 years later, the Muslims were invading what is now Spain and subjecting is habitants to death if they did not swear allegiance to Islam or they could pay a recurrent “fee” to remain “free” or simply become slaves.

So, unless they want to revise the article and say that in 79 years the Islamic Jurisprudence went for Kumbaya My Allah to Just another bunch of assholes exercising power via religious fiat and military power, I have to say that Cato Institute is looking for a place in the Liberal Democratic Party table.

The Libertarian Movement has died. It is now a Zombie for Hillary 2020.

Homophobia and gay bashing is OK if you are attacking Trump.

You have to admire the ignorance of the poor young (and very probable) Liberal) Mr. Richardson. I don’t think I am mistaken when I say Germany is the second most important diplomatic post in Europe (London being first) and for many years when we still had two Germanies, the embassy was in Bonn and it was the diplomatic trenches of the Cold War.

This is the Embassy in Berlin, located one door down from the Brandergurg Gate. I might be old-fashioned and with lack of sophistication,  but somehow it does not look like a ballroom to celebrate weddings, Quinceañeras and Bar Mitzvas .

So, if you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, you can be both dismissive of an important diplomatic post and denigrate Gay People that did not come out of the proper Left Wing Closet.



How dare you say the Migrant Caravan is a prepared show?

I just saw this video in Twitter. It is weeks old when the Honduran migrants were breaking through the border with Mexico.
What caught my attention was the guy in the bullhorn telling the photo journalist what pictures to take.
Fake News much?

I have been told of videos where you can hear the “migrants” cussing the US because they are not allowed in. Normally I would have ignored the accusations, but with all the crap going on and the decades of socialist indoctrination in Latin America, I do believe it is possible. Back in my youth I got tired of seeing the mental disconnect of people wearing Levi’s and Nikes while protesting Capitalism and denouncing US consumerism.

Well, for us is cold! (Updated)


Even the National Weather Service acknowledges it that it gives us a Wind Chill Factor and everything.  I know you people in northern latitudes are laughing, but day before yesterday we were at 87 degrees. 30+ degrees drop is not something our bodies take in stride.

I am already wearing a thick t-shirt inside the house. Gym socks may be involved if I have to step outside.

Buddy Sal F. just posted this meme in Facebook and it is absolutely true: