I wanted to split what I found in the hit piece because I think it is important to show the level of hypocrisy from the Media and some people and entities.

In that same article you have the following paragraph:

The German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel reported Friday that a delivery of protective equipment ordered by the State of Berlin in China for the coronavirus had reportedly been intercepted and diverted to the United States. Berlin’s Interior Minister Andreas GeiseI said they considered the confiscation to be “an act of modern piracy” and urged Germany’s government to demand that Washington play by international trade rules.

Piracy? Confiscation? Where did that happen? Were Special Forces involved? Marines? The Mafia?

Another manufacturer, also from Shenzhen, seemed much more serious. He signed a contract with the Hamburgers, had the advance payment transferred and then began producing 500,000 masks as agreed. When Schacht sent a truck this Monday, as agreed, to invite the masks and take them to the nearest airport, his employee found just 100,000 pieces. In the meantime, the manufacturer explained, Americans had offered twice the price for shafts already made masks. He preferred to give the goods to them. “Contracts are broken, delivery dates are ignored,” says Schacht. “What is happening there is criminal.” (Original in German, bold are mine)

Diese Hamburger Unternehmer wollen Millionen Masken aus China holen

Oh my fucking Lord. We offered more money! How dare we? This is just like in the era of true Pirates of the Caribbean where Blackbeard and others would go to towns and offered them more gold pieces that the Spaniards from their goods and services!

The German hit piece continues:

The scenes that are now taking place in front of and in the factories are adventurous. The areas are guarded by armed personnel, suppliers are no longer allowed on the farm without a security check. In front of the entrances are potential customers, entrepreneurs from the USA, Italy,Canada, Uk. Some have suitcases full of money with them. “I know it sounds absurd,” Schacht says. “But money cases are now the norm there.”
Customers try to outbid each other. Bribes are also flowing. The Americans, in particular, were racist. “The climate is more aggressive than anything I’ve ever experienced in my professional life.”

Now suddenly it was not just the US bidding hard cash for the masks, but also the Canadians, the Brits and the Italians. But of course, the Boogie Man for the Left is the evil U.S. of A which is enough excuse to throw the accusation of racism without any backing whatsoever. If the guy with a suitcase is a gringo, he is racist by default, right? That sounds bigoted to me.

But the cherry on top of this political hit piece pie?

Before the start of the crisis, local manufacturers produced the FFP2 masks for 40 cents apiece, with no delivery costs. When the Hamburgers stepped in two weeks ago and made their first deal, they were already paying significantly more, but from today’s point of view it was still a bargain.

The masks that arrived in Frankfurt on Wednesday evening are now on their way to Hamburg. Most of it goes to a clinic, a smaller one to a retirement home, and doctors are also supplied. Of the masks to be followed by the next machine, 400,000 go to a Dax company, which needs them for its field staff.

What? You did get the masks after all? They were not confiscated in a piracy act by the U.S Military invading your bonded warehouse in China? So what is that you call US Piracy? That the Chinese actually charged you more that you wanted to pay for?

If being outbid of a good you want is now called piracy, we need to shut down EBay as soon as possible. How many millions acts of “piracy” occur in that evil website every day?  We cannot allow that to happen ever again!

For fuck’s sake people, it is commerce, not a raffle.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Back to that Miami Herald article on the Barbados Ventilators.”
  1. I’ve read that while the West thinks of written contracts as promised future behavior, the Chinese think of them as codifications of the present state of affairs.

    This behavior seems in accordance with that. More money offered, sell to the highest bidder of the moment. Somehow I don’t think the Chinese firms will be successfully taken to court for breach the way a Western firm would, either. But the angst and anger come from a mismatch of expectations and cultural misreading.

    Short version: know who you’re dealing with, especially when death is on the line. (with apologies to Vizzini)

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