I have experienced mind altering pain.

I had kidney surgery, they cut out two ribs and a chunk of kidney to dig out a tumor.

I went into surgery at 4:00 am and woke up at 10:00 am.

I was on a PCA machine.  I pushed that button and the pain never went away.

I laid there in a cold sweat, shaking, barely able to breathe.  I was told I looked like death.

The doctors and nurses kept looking at the readout of my PCA and said I was getting Dilaudid.  One resident even said I was a wuss and would have to “man up and take the pain.”

At 8:00 am the next day, the nurses came in to refill my PCA and lo and behold, the syringe was full.  The plunger has gotten jammed.  So while the machine printed out that it has administered a dose of painkiller, nothing was actually pumped into my IV.  At that point the doctors realized how much they fucked up, in front of my dad, a lawyer, who hadn’t left my side all night.  The next thing I remember was a shot of Fentanyl.

For twenty-two hours after kidney surgery I had not a drop of painkillers in my system.

That much pain resets your brain.

So when I say I know what mind altering pain without painkillers is like, I do.

One thing you don’t do when you experience pain like that is get into a social justice word salad argument worthy of Tumblr.

After abdominal surgery you can barely breathe, anything that shifts your abdominal cavity hurts so much your body doesn’t want to do it.  Yelling is not an option.

I don’t know what is going on here, but I have a hard time believing that a dude yelling at nurses while making a TikTok video, asking for Dilaudid by name is hurting as bad as he say he is.

I also don’t believe that they did a GSR and only gave him a Tylenol.

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By J. Kb

20 thoughts on “Because he’s a drug addict?”
  1. Why do we think he’s an addict?
    We know he’s mentally ill if he thinks he has a vagina.

    When I woke up post op my back surgery, I remember saying two things:
    I heard the Dr reply, “Blanket and morphine”

  2. That’s because people who demand dilapidated frequently ARE drug addicts, no matter what color they are. And yes, white people too. It’s so bad that many emergency rooms now have a “no opiates” policy, thanks to drug seekers.

  3. Tylenol is all he needs. For someone who is in “so much pain” he is holding that camera really steady.

    People feel pain differently. What is a three for one might be a five for another. But, if you are claiming you need prescription level pain killers, especially right after surgery, and you can hold your cell phone steady while ranting, you do not need them. Maybe some Tylenol 3, at best.

    Spoke with an ER doctor once, and he regularly got addicts in claiming their pain level was at a 10, maybe higher. (Tough to do on a scale of 1-10, but drug addicts are not well known for their math and logic skills.) Someone who is really at a 9 or 10 on the pain scale is either passed out, or screaming incoherently. They are not responding to the question calmly.

  4. My wife works at a place where the owners 30something son is big time addict. He shows up to work whenever, has to leave mid shift for a couple hours, shows up high, tries to get other workers hooked. A real POS. The owners has her head up and locked. The pos leaves my wife alone cause she will beat him senseless. I have a cure for addicts, it costs .17 cents… (hate me if you want, addicts made their choices). I have little respect for so called doctors who coddle addicts. Harsh reality needs to take precedence…

    1. There is a segment of the addict population who became addicted due to following doctors orders. Not all chose to take them for recreation

      1. Sorry, but from my experiences with bleeding accidents (mine), several surgeries, dope head family and friends, I think that is a very scarce occurrence. I know, from experience, it is a frequent excuse though.

        1. There are quite a few. Sickle cell anemia is one example. Terminal cancer is another.
          With that being said, the vast majority of people who are complaining of chronic pain are simply drug seekers. The largest offenders are the ones who claim to have fibromyalgia. IME, fibromyalgia is complete, drug seeking bullshit. Drug abusers are the number one reason why people who are really in pain can’t get painkillers.
          But a I said, there is a percentage that became addicted because their pain was poorly managed by doctors who in appropriately kept them on pain killers for too long. I would guess that this is a small percentage of addicts, but they are there.

          1. Now, I like your posts here and I like your website, but throwing in terminal people with druggies of any kind, is a road to far. That is beyond stupid to me. Speaking as a caretaker for a now quadriplegic, in hospice care woman, that five doctors have written off as being beyond hope/nothing we can do other than give her opioids until she passes, and call her a druggie? I’ll stop now, before I start posting vulgar opinions about that bullshit.

            1. People with sickle cell and those with terminal cancer are frequently given pain medications of a level and for a length of time that causes physical dependency (addiction) on pain killers. These are exactly the kinds of people that I was talking about- people who are addicted to drugs through no fault of their own. As I said in my comment at 11:54 above, “There is a segment of the addict population who became addicted due to following doctors orders. Not all chose to take them for recreation”

              You replied “I think that is a very scarce occurrence. I know, from experience, it is a frequent excuse though.”

              My response was to point out that cancer patients are an example of those who become addicted through no fault of their own.

              I think you are mad at me, when we are in agreement on that. Sometimes, addiction to painkillers (opiates) is a better choice than the alternative, having a person live in pain.

              The trick, as a health care provider, is to decide which is the legitimate person requesting painkillers, and one who is simply looking to get high for recreational reasons.

              1. They had me on fentanyl patches during and after cancer therapy. I’d hate to think what the pain would’ve been like without them, because it was bad enough even with the patch.

                What was worse was getting sicker than a dog when the patch was exhausted.

                Every stepdown when I was trying to wean myself meant a day or more of feeling gross.

                I really feel for these chronic pain sufferers. That was miserable, even when it was working. If I were to do it over, I think I’d look for another alternative.

                1. For the ones who are legitimately in pain, I agree. Even so, some pain must simply be dealt with. Look at the video above:
                  the (man/woman/whatever) is complaining that after a surgery where he had his penis removed and then an artificial vagina created, that he is in pain and is “bleeding from his vagina.”
                  Those are both expected from that surgery. If you expect that a major surgery is without pain and without some bleeding, you are delusional. Of course, we already know him/her/whatever to be delusional, or a man wouldn’t believe themselves to be a woman so strenuously that they are willing to have their bodies mutilated to support that belief.

        2. There are more than most people think. The thing that separates it are those people who are on opiates for a couple of days (such as after surgery) versus those who are prescribed opiates for weeks or months. If one takes opiates for long enough, it causes long term changes in the brain that can be seen by functional imaging (e.g. PET imaging). Once these changes occur, it takes 2-5 years for brain scans to return to normal, even with abstinence during that entire time. This long-term anatomic change in the brain is one reason that simple detoxification frequently doesn’t work. It’s necessary to fight the urges for multiple years, even if one has been abstinent for years.

          And it’s not just opiates. There are two drugs prescribed for restless leg syndrome (Requip and Mirapex) that are not opiates at all (they are dopamine agonists) that cause gambling addiction, hypersexuality, and compulsive shopping, among other things. People who suffer those side effects have to deal with that addictive drive for up to five years after discontinuation of the drug.

          I used to smoke cigarettes, and my addiction to tobacco was similar. Two years after I quit, I would still have the occasional strong urge to have a cigarette. Now that it’s been 32 years, I have no desire to smoke at all.

  5. That’s not pain. I’ve seen pain. Wife is on chronic pain management, meaning really good drugs and a neuro-stimulator. First thing the ER people do is shut the neurostimulator off and then give her Narcan. Any meds after that for pain are immediate release and in small amounts, instead of extended release and large amounts.

    So, for any stay overnight, she’s under all the pain that is normally mostly blocked.

    And no matter how stoic she tries to be, it’s far more than the idiot in the video shows.

  6. I am white as snow and I am currently dealing with a herniated disk that is impacting not one, but two nerve bundles. In the first week, my leg was trying rip itself apart with opposing muscles flexing. Then the nerve pain… I assure you, these fucks aren’t giving me any pain meds either. Welcome to the war on drugs aimed at prescription drugs. It’s got nothing to do with race.

  7. A few years back, my wife was in a great deal of largely nonspecific pain for no apparent reason. She made a series of pilgrimages to the county medical system (this was back in Silicon Valley), trying to get some sort of diagnosis, and was basically brushed off as an obvious drug-seeker, though drugs to cover up the pain were exactly what she wasn’t asking for.
    After a few days, she managed to see her primary-care doctor, who diagnosed some manner of systemic inflammation and sent her off to see various specialists – and just in time, too, as the inflammation was starting to damage important things.
    IIRC, this led to her being on prednisone for quite a while, which ain’t great but at least it got the inflammation under control, which painkillers wouldn’t have done.
    (Then there are those have severe, long-term pain for known reasons, who really do need something just to deal with the pain, and the ever-increasing restrictions on pain meds don’t exactly help.)

  8. One resident even said I was a wuss and would have to “man up and take the pain.” — that dude needs to be run out of med school on a rail; he is unfit ever to set foot into any medical establishment with an attitude like that.

  9. Once upon a time, I had Adult Onset Still’s Disease. Your immune system attacks your joints, for one thing. I didn’t want pain meds because I didn’t want to leave the hospital addicted. One day, I was refusing food and talking in grunts through the pain. After the nurse telling me that I had to breathe and how to do it, she put her foot down and gave me something. Pretty soon, the food sounded acceptable.

    With my knee replacement, I just did what they said. No addictions either time, so I’m not scared of pain meds now.

    All that to say, the way that guy was able to rant and hold the camera makes me wonder just how much pain he was really in. Maybe he’s just more stoic than I am?

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