The cheerful idiots of CSGV pointing out at this article in the Christian Science Monitor:

CSGV CSMLet’s going point by point, shall we?

1. NRA has alienated key Democrats.

“The NRA could almost change its name to the National Republican Association. On the NRA’s board sit at least 14 Republican politicians or nationally known extreme conservatives.”

So? Mind you, there are 75 people comprising the NRA board so that means 88% of the board are not “Republican politicians or nationally known extreme conservatives.”

And let’s not forget something: To be a member of the Board, you must go through an ELECTION by NRA Life Members and not just send a butt kissing letter to Michael Bloomberg & Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Among the board members we have Law Enforcement active and retired, Military, Game and Fish Commissioners, Lawyers, Computer experts, Entrepreneurs, Doctors and even a former NFL player. Oh yes, one of them “Republican politicians or nationally known extreme conservatives” is an African American.

2. NRA isn’t as scary anymore

What about the tons of money the NRA deploys for lobbying? An independent group, Open Secrets, ranked them 176th in lobbying expenditures among Washington players in 2012.

Allow me to introduce to you the Frank Lopez Principle (as applied in Politics): “Don’t get high on your own supply.” If you come up with a BS narrative, always remember that it is BS and it may come back to haunt you if you start believing in your own press releases. The NRA was never a big money machine and a rather pitiful one compared with the Lawyers or Union lobbys. The NRA’s strength comes by its members and the people they influence (family, friends, co-workers) but they keep ignoring this and I am not going to correct them. You never help the enemy when they are making a mistake somebody said once.

3. NRA can’t deliver swing voters like it once did

Imagine you are a Democratic member of Congress from a swing district. Can the NRA really promise to deliver you pro-gun votes if you desert your president on background checks this summer? American politics is so polarized right now that there just aren’t as many conflicted voters like the famous union members with guns.

Funny you should ask. One of the narratives deeply entrenched among the intelligentsia is that Gun Owners are nothing but Republican and misguided Libertarians from Trailer Park States. But the new Gun Culture has become much more inclusive and that means that even rank & file Liberal Democrats gun owners are going “WTF do you mean you want to confiscate my guns?” Plus confidence on this administration kinda took a hit when the first paychecks came in this year.  The NRA may not need to put an extra effort to deliver votes just as it did not have to put an effort to increase the sale of guns: President Obama did that all on his shinny own.

4. NRA won’t be the only big spender anymore.

Wait… didn’t you just said that the NRA was never a big spender? What is this? Bi-Polar Editorial?

5. Democrats will remember Joe Baca

I will tell you that I have no idea who Joe Baca is or what was the deal with particular election. But we are talking about California here the state that elected again Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown as Governor and also to raise more taxes on themselves. If that is not enough…..

6. Newtown is different

The Newtown massacre, unlike the bloodshed at Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Arizona, is still resonating with the public.

But not in the way it was supposed to go according to the Gun Control Pundits. Although much of the initial narrative was aimed against the “bloodthirsty” NRA and Gun Owners, it then turned to “How come my kids do not have armed security at schools like the Big Honchos do?” and “How come the Criminally Insane are allowed to walk free?” masterfully pointed out by Wayne LaPierre (hate him, but he can be a very effective prick.) After that it has been a collection of amazing political screw ups that has been eroding any “public” support. Other than parading the parents of the victims whenever they feel they need to do a PS stand, the Newtown victims are pretty much forgotten by the Administration and the Media.

But the biggest demonstration we have on this article about how difficult a time the Obama Administration is having trying to pass Gun Control laws is in the title itself: Universal Background Checks. Why only Universal Background Checks? Where is the federal ban on “hi cap” mags? What happened to the ban on “assault weapons”? I mean just a month ago they were sure these measures were sure to trail-blaze through Congress because they had the support of 80%-90% of the people in the US! Except they never really did and the opposite was true so they had to lower expectations over and over again to the point we see articles like this.

We ain’t out of the woods yet, but we are not losing. They never expected this opposition and they will come away sideways to paraphrase a character from a Sci Fi show.

Be ready.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Being deluded is not a good political strategy.”
  1. Alota people did not vote in 2012 because Mitt did not float their boat.
    obama and crew are now trying to sink the boat….those people are now paying attention…. 🙂

    1. Too little attention too late. The people who weren’t keen on Mitt were warned what would happen if they stayed home on election day so they can’t say a word about the results. Same for the people who just didn’t care or didn’t feel like they were represented or some other lame ass excuse. They all were told that if you didn’t vote or didn’t vote for Mitt you were helping to re-elect ‘he-who-must-not-be-named’.
      And if we don’t get better voter id laws they’re going to keep seeing unusual precinct results.
      And for this article? It made my BS meter rise considerably.

  2. “NRA has alienated key Democrats?”

    I’m trying to figure out how you can alienate a demographic that doesn’t exist. That’s like saying “PETA has alienated key hunters and trappers.”

  3. Two things: first, awful proposals are coming out at the state level. Missouri and Minnesota have proposed confiscation laws. If they pass you have 90 days to give up your property or sell it. Colorado has proposed making it not only illegal to have, sell, or purchase, but to sell to out of state magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. This effectively kicks a successful business, PMag, out of their state along with all the jobs they provide.

    Second, I think the time is right to counterattack. Instead of just trying to block their punches, push for real “reasonable gun laws”. Legalize suppressors, eliminate “gun free zones”. Push back hard. Why is it that we’re required to have a muffler on our car, but required not to have one on a gun? Hollywood. We just want to protect everyone’s hearing. That sort of thing.

    1. OK, I have a question about how to deal with the violations in Colorado.(And I’m a bit upset I didn’t find out about those until today.)

      I didn’t vote for any of those guys, so I clearly can’t threaten them with a non-vote.

      Liberals have this nasty habit of dismissing any contrary evidence presented to them, and any argument I can provide will only steel their resolve that “This guy’s just an insane right-wing nut,” so I can’t convince any of the liberals I know to vote the bums out.

      Do I just wait for the war and start shooting “zombies?”

      1. I was listening to Michael Bane’s podcast last night and he said something that I think it is true: They just hate us.
        With that kind of thinking there is no way to have a conversation.

      2. so… zombies, then.

        fortunately, I’m pretty sure none of my liberal friends hate me(I live with two of them), but they do have absolutely no respect for my opinions, and have dismissed my education as irrelevant on several occasions.

        this despite the fact that I made more last year than both of them combined, and am regularly able to do things that make their heads spin.

      3. I’m in the same spot. Denver is apparently not part of the rest of CO. At least according to the politicians in it. (Don’t know about anyone else but I’d be perfectly happy to see it actually leave CO). Best we can do is stay here and keep talking to anyone that’ll listen or leave. I’ll wait to see what happens to the inevitable challenges but I’m thinking leave.

        I loved the part where the supreme court decided last year that CU can’t restrict concealed carry on campus. Now Denver says “OK let’s restrict it on every campus”…

  4. And the CSGV still has zero membership, survives primarily on grants from the Joyce Foundation and works in an office below a fortune teller/above a bar.

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