Rules do not apply to them.

On the left (in more ways that one) are Texas legislators who ran away from the state to break quorum and sabotage the passing of Voting Laws.

On the right, just regular folks traveling under Covid Theater rules.  And that is not enough:

The above are more Texas legislators pretending to be more “folksy” and running away in a bus still without wearing a mask against US DOT Covid mandates and the added bonus of a case of beer!

But the  best commentary award goes once again to the Babylon Bee:

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Best illustration that we are down to electing Royalty”
  1. Even worse: the Texas Democrats are on a private plane. I heard it was chartered, not one that belongs to the party, but that hardly matters. They have the almost infinitely deep pockets of their billionaire backers. The second pic looks like it’s on a chartered bus ride.

    If any of us were rich enough to charter a plane, we might be able to not wear a mask on it as well.

  2. And now three of them have tested positive for Winnie the Flu.

    EVEN BETTER, the whole “must wear a mask on public transportation” actually does apply to charter jets as well. Just like it applies on Uber, Lyft, and taxicabs.

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