Dante Williams, 19, and his accomplice Jawan Craig walked into the Waffle House restaurant and “terrorized” the customers in 2012 intent on robbing it at gun point. Upon being approached by Williams, gun in hand, one of the patrons, Justin Harrison – who also had a concealed weapon on him but had an actual permit for it – shot Williams in self-defense, killing him “almost instantly,” ….

Williams’s cousin Tamika McSwain is saying that although what he did was wrong, he shouldn’t have died and is calling for stricter gun laws. In the video, she specifically cites Harrison in her argument, asserting that tougher regulations for the acquirement of concealed weapon permits may have prevented her cousin’s death.

via Family of Man Shot While Robbing a Waffle House Calls for Stricter Gun Laws.

Although this sound like a bit from The Onion, apparently it is not.  So, it was OK for her cousin to illegally obtain a firearm and use it to commit a crime, but Mr. Harrison’s use of his legally carried gun stopping Critter Cousin and his friend is proof positive we need more gun control. Get it?

Trust me when I tell you that many in the Gun Control side of the issue fail to see the Nova-sized contradiction coming out of the brain pan of Tamika McSwain.

Criminals’ Benevolent Association anyone?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Birds of Gun Control Feather……”
  1. “asserting that tougher regulations for the acquirement of concealed weapon permits may have prevented her cousin’s death.”

    Or maybe not committing armed robbery would have prevented his death.

    I wonder if he had that fatal affliction known as “turning his life around”?

  2. So many times I have observed whole families partake of the ill begotten gains from one or more family members criminal acts. Happens lots of time in drug dealing families. This POS cousin is just another POS looking for a payday and is too damn stupid or lazy to work to earn it.

  3. It seems a little strange that this comes up 2 years after incident. I wander if the Gun Control groups are providing some incentive $$$ to the family. Trying to discourage people from obtaining a CCW.

    1. It’s going to be the Summer of Black Rage, just as soon as they find an incident to hang it on. This may be an attempt to recycle one.

  4. It is called the “law of ballistic canonization.” Whenever some gangbanger/rapist/home invader/armed robber gets killed by a CCW permit holder, the alleged criminal is instantly beatified into a “good boy who never hurt anybody and loved his mama and Jesus with all his heart.”

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