Bad guy draws gun, gets shot for his effort, cop is in the wrong according to Twitter expert.

And here are some of the comments:

99.9% of the comments are very much in favor of the officer. But we know they are not the ones that will dictate behavior, only the ones that can lead to protests and disruption will be heard.

And one tweet deserves mentioning. A wee bit sarcastic, just a tad.

UPDATE: Bodycam video released.

I do love the guys implying the 911 call was fake to justify the shooting.

“He was a good dude.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “BLM: We make s*** as we go to fit our narrative. (Update: Bodycam video)”
  1. Massad Ayoob once gave a rather pithy rebuttal to the assertions these peope are making about the officer being too quick on the trigger…[With apologies to Mas for modifying his statement for contextual clarity] “If you wait to see him point his gun AT you, you’re going to feel him shooting his bullets INTO you.”

    These people are contorting themselves into mental pretzels to hang on to their hatred. .

  2. A lot of armchair quarterbacking in those tweets. Not one pointing out the obvious; if he simply turned around with his hands visible and talked to the cop he’d be alive.

    Why do these guys walk away as if their problems won’t follow them.

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