The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence announced today that the organization has filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Columbia, for the purposes of reorganizing its debts. The group reportedly has blamed its bankruptcy “on the recession, inability to raise new funding, the NRA and a hacked E-Trade account.”

“We will reorganize and come back fighting stronger than ever.” said president Paul Helmke. “At this time we are looking for other avenues of refinancing and some appear to be promising.”  Earlier on the week, rumors of trouble flew across Washington when it was known that Sarah Brady had approached the Joyce Foundation for a loan and was rejected. The rumors about the Brady’s potential bankruptcy became stronger when Joan Peterson was seen at a local gas station buying $30 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets.

Sarah Brady refused to comment about the filing.

(Yep, April’s Fool but with a deep wish of prophecy to be fulfilled)
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence files for Chapter 11”
  1. Damn! I should read faster, I was just about to start jumping up and down in class when that dastardly parenthetical caught my eye.

  2. […] Miguel goes for the traditional April Fool’s joke in the gun blogosphere. One of these days it may not be a joke. The Center is in much better financial shape than the Campaign, however. But I don’t expect the Campaign to declare bankruptcy. Brady will just minimize the amount of activity they conduct under 501(c)(4) auspices. Most of what they do is legal for a 501(3)(c) to engage in, regardless. The Center, if I recall, is still losing money, it just has much further to fall. In addition, their 501(c)(3) status can help them get donations, since they are tax deductible. […]

  3. Forgive me, I’m not treating it as a joke, but as a wish – and, Lord willing, may the wish help to bring about the result…

  4. I would hope that the Brady Campaign’s bankruptcy filing is REJECTED! They need to be totally out of business. Troublemakers are all they are.

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