I am actually embarrassed to say I found this one out over at Wirecutter’s.

From Summit News:

And here is the link to Broward County Emergency Order 20-22 (page 5) and down below, a nice screen cap for Internet memory.

Right out of the box, the obvious thought is this is something that is pretty much doomed to be ignored by a lot if not most people.  My thought is gonna be the Karens and Kens roaming then neighborhoods, peeking  in windows to make sure you are complying with the order and not trying to murder the old geezers in the zip code and the inevitable calls to 911 and the confrontations between busybodies and people that just want to be left alone inside their homes. 

Not gonna end up well.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Broward County mandates use of masks INSIDE your home”
  1. I just did a quick lookup of the Broward county Ordinance rules. And it appears that if the enforcing body deems the violation to be a serious enough risk, and said violation results in “irreparable or irreversible” harm to the community they can dish out up to a $15,000 fine per day per violation. And they’ll consider each person in the home without a mask to be a separate violation. So if they want they can threaten people with “comply or be bankrupted”.

    I’ve been trying to show people I know that they need to research the fine print and referenced codes to see just how big of a book they can throw at you for violating these edicts. And just how egregious of an overstep these rules represent.

  2. Idiots never even HEARD of “never give a command you know won’t be obeyed”. They’ve also never heard of “utterly ineffective”, which is what masks INSIDE YOUR HOUSE are — you’re going to have dinner at some point, so you have to remove your mask. You’re going to drink, so you have to remove your mask. Masks are to protect OTHERS from the virus, and anyone inside your own home, well, they’ve almost certainly had all the exposure you have. And the idea of social distancing from people in your own household?! Idiots.

    I also wonder what would happen if they tried to enforce this on someone who lives alone. Less than useful in that case, and I suspect the courts would be sympathetic to a “not even remotely medically necessary” argument.

  3. For all my admittedly insane rantings that actually seems to get some approval here (because you know as I do they hate us and want us exterminated and do not value human life) that I was actually at a loss for words. The first thing that pops in my mind is “How the hell are they going to enforce this?” And “How the hell would a court not slap this down?”But then I remember that the vast majority of judges have raging hard ons for authoritarianism and all courts hate individual liberty and regard the bill of rights and the Constitution as toilet paper. More so than your average leftist and that’s saying something. As you can tell I have no faith in the courts.

    We have the mask mandate here in Arizona. I think it’s stupid and I only bother when going grocery shopping as the gun stores don’t give a shit. Did manage to get a couple boxes of .40S&W for a not insane price. I’m glad I went with 40 instead of 9mm. Don’t have anything chambered in 9mm. I am willing to tolerate mask mandates but only to a degree and if someone goes without a mask I honestly don’t care. I actually watched some Ken literally try to fight the store manager at a grocery store because they did not and refused to kick someone out who wasn’t wearing a mask. But admittedly I do have that momentary “they are not wearing a mask” reaction which I quickly quash.

    1. The nice thing about .40 is, you can often get conversion barrels to make it a 9mm. Or .357 SIG, albeit those are a bit less common depending on the model of gun. So you have a better chance of finding ammo you can use.

  4. Heck, I see people demanding to know why characters in comic strips aren’t wearing masks. Even if the characters are all within their own home, the strips are reruns from years ago, and/or the characters aren’t human.
    “Why aren’t Pogo and Howland wearing masks in this strip from 1955?”
    In the case of the Broward edict… I have to guess that this is the result of sheer incompetence, in that whoever drafted it didn’t even consider the possibility that the set of “persons on the residential property” might include the actual residents. Maybe the intent was to require residents to rat out gardeners, neighbors’ guests, and such?

    1. This IS intentional. You find it all over the place in the codes. The actual law says X but “everybody knows that it doesn’t apply when…”. And when the state decides you are a bad person all those “everybody knows” no longer count.

      Take the law that says you can’t carry in a post office. This was passed because a postal worker shot up a post office. Not because a member of the public did anything bad. Everybody knew that it meant “don’t take your gun into the post office”

      Today it include the parking lot. Drive through the parking lot to the vehicle mail box and you have broken the law. Leave your firearm in your vehicle (follow Miguel’s rules, secure it!) And somebody sees it? You be the law.

  5. Two words: window shades. Pull the shades down and no one sees in. Another word, blinds, work as well. They’ll also help keep the sun out and keep your electric bill lower. If someone comes to your door, don’t answer it. If you have to answer it, you could put on a mask if you wanted to or had to.

    I saw that the other day and couldn’t imagine anyone being stupid enough to say what they’re saying.

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