California needs some fires started again, but this time it should be in some government buildings if only to clear the dense people in them.

From KUSI NEWS: California releases crazy mandatory guidance for private gatherings this Holiday season

Some selections:

Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests.  Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer. 
you truly have no concept of Southern, Italian and Latino families, do you? At least take three households just to cook the meal and another two to do efficient beer runs. 

The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information in case contact tracing is needed later.
We usually have the fights after the meal, not when Uncle Pedro decides to re-enact his time as Pinochet’s enforcer as you walk in.

Gatherings that occur outdoors are significantly safer than indoor gatherings. All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.
So if we live in a building, we cram the balcony and even pee over the railing if necessary because I doubt mom is going to be disinfecting the bathroom every half an hour.

For any gatherings permitted under this guidance, the space must be large enough so that everyone at a gathering can maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance from others (not including their own household) at all times.
Well, no shit you need to hold it outside with all them distances. We would have to rent a frigging stadium!

Everyone at a gathering should frequently wash their hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. A place to wash hands or hand sanitizer must be available for participants to use.
Raise your unwashed hand if you foresee mayor arguments outside the bathroom and the kids running all over the house and squirting each other with purloined  bottles of Purell.

Gatherings should be two hours or less.  The longer the duration, the risk of transmission increases.
Really? It takes two hours just to set the table and another hour to gather people from all over and sitting them down before grandma goes atomic and stabs the turkey with a rusty machete.

And my favorite:

Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians maintain at least 6-foot physical distancing. Musicians must be from one of the three households.  Playing of wind instruments (any instrument played by the mouth, such as a trumpet or clarinet) is strongly discouraged.
I have the solution for that: Put a face mask in the bell of the wind instrument and problem solved! Covid Mute!

Bless their Californian Government Hearts!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “California mandatory guidelines for Holiday gatherings.”
  1. California is a BIG state with climate varying from Mediterranean to Alpine from Desert to Cool Rainforest. I can imagine a family gathering in Bishop being held outside especially during a snowstorm. Yeah that’ll be fine.

    1. California policies are set by people who never venture out from between LA to Sacramento. If they had to live in the desert, they wouldn’t create energy policy that makes it prohibitably expensive to run an A/C.

  2. When the Democrats accuse Trump of wielding unfettered executive power… just look at Darth Noisome and Gretched Whitless for examples of the (D) vision of executive power. And assume (based on evidence to date) that Kamala “Heil” Harris has the same vision.
    The permanent state of emergency justifies everything!

  3. And I love the language, “mandatory guidelines”. In RFC we just the words MUST, and SHOULD. Mandatory is MUST. And guidelines are SHOULD.

    Just like “mandatory government buy back.”

    1. Lovely. A gun blog that references RFCs.
      (For those who are not computer geeks: “RFC” is the tag used to label Internet standards — like the one that says how your web browser interprets the data it is sent by the web site. It stands for “request for comments”.)

      1. More importantly, they are the standards used. Somebody writes an RFC, it gets published. People comment on it or not and it becomes a standard. No big committees, no government approval, just done.

        That’s why we have IP over carrier pigeon as a “standard”

        Pkoning, I’m likely going to head towards the Manchester firing line in the next couple of weeks are so, if you want to meet up.

    2. Yes, and earlier this year when people were asked to “voluntarily self quarantine”, with threats of punishment for those who ignored the rule. I’m pretty sure that’s the thing that’s in the back of my head. I remember bitterly laughing at something they were pitching as “voluntary” while at the same time threatening punishment for noncompliance. But I almost think there was something else I can’t quite recollect just now. Right up there with “we’re recruiters for the Army; would you like to volunteer and collect the $200 bounty, or should we just put you down as drafted?” That’s how my state managed to fill our entire enlistment quota in 1864 “without resorting to drafting anyone”. See, not a single person enlisted as a draftee! Amazing how quickly “voluntary enlistment” picked back up all of a sudden.

  4. As I stated in another forum,
    I’ll obey Gav’s diktats only if he live-streams HIS Thanksgiving celebration -in its entirety- to reassure us that His Royal Arrogance is abiding by them as well.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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