Simply put, their priorities are shit and we shouldn’t have to pay for them.

Last week on CNBC:

California governor to propose 10% pay cut for state workers to help with $54 billion deficit, union leaders say

Gov. Gavin Newsom will propose a 10% pay cut for state workers on Thursday, according to two labor union leaders, part of his plan to fill a projected $54.3 billion budget deficit caused by the coronavirus-induced economic downturn.

If the Newsom administration fails to achieve the necessary savings through negotiation, the governor could order furloughs instead.

State officials have furloughed state workers during previous budget deficits. But Edwards said furloughs could cost the state more money because the idled firefighters would have to be backed up with a replacement earning overtime.

California is cutting salaries and furloughing state workers, including firefighters and first responders.

This week on CNBC:

Coronavirus aid assistance for undocumented immigrants in California kicks off on May 18
The state is the first to financially help workers without legal status, who are excluded from receiving federal unemployment benefits and stimulus checks.

Starting Monday, undocumented immigrants living in California who are ineligible for federal financial aid amid the coronavirus pandemic can apply to a new program.

Eligible immigrant families will be able to get up to $1,000 per household under Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus emergency assistance plan, which was announced last month.

Newsom announced a $125 million public-private Disaster Relief Fund for California workers who do not have permanent legal status and are excluded from receiving government assistance such as unemployment benefits and federal stimulus checks during the coronavirus pandemic.

California is giving state money to illegal immigrants.

The state can’t pay for firefighters to have a full salary to keep the state from burning to the ground during wildfire season but it does have the money to give illegal immigrants stimulus funding.

No, I don’t feel like bailing out California.  If they are willing to let the state burn to the ground while California tax dollars are sent in remittances to Mexico, I don’t want my tax dollars to contribute to that mess.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “California shows why Blue states shouldn’t get Coronavirus bailouts”
  1. Guvnor Moonbeam is as much a piece of shit as ubberfuhrer Cuomo. SMH

    “After giving nearly $80 Million to illegal aliens from the cornovirus emergency funds, California governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t have the funds to keep a veterans nursing home up and running in the town of Barstow, in San Bernardino county. Shuttering the home will save the state $2.6 Million, as the state government searches for ways to close a multi billion dollar budget gap.”

    1. All those fucking people ever did is serve our country. Illegals on the other hand vote Democrat and give birth to more Democrats, and that is worth protecting.

  2. Hmm, sort of puts to rest the ‘we don’t know who they are or where they are so we can’t deport them’ LIE doesn’t it.

  3. Not only is Newsom saying “Hold my wine spritzer” to Cuomo regarding killing the elderly, he can’t do the math. Laying off firefighters who get paid at regular time rates, and then paying time-and-a-half to cover the missing manhours makes sense only in Commiefornia.

    1. It’s quite possible that it looks better on paper because the replacement at time and a half comes from “emergency funding” instead of the general budget. The government version of Hollywood Accounting. Remember politics is all about signalling and appearance.

  4. It’s worth repeating: politicians’ SOP is to lay off the MOST important people first, in order to terrify those uppity voters.

  5. Yep. Years ago, living in a very rural, “Up North” county, the school district ran short of money. So, did they cut administrator salaries” (sing along with me in an Eddie Murphy/”Rasta Administrator” voice!)

    no, no, no, nooo!

    Did the consolidate schools?

    (No, no, no, nooo!)

    So, what did they do?

    They cut the busses. After all, NOBODY works in the next county, right? Or has to get up at oh-dark-hundred to, ya know, farm, or anything, right?

    Bastards. We took our kids to school, in that selfsame next county. Let Next County get the state student per capita money (spit!)

  6. I live in bright red community in “blue” New York. I hope the Feds don’t give this state a cent. The NYC kleptocracy has destroyed this state, I don’t want them to be rewarded for doing so.

  7. I don’t know. Here in Texas, I’m sure the illegals didn’t miss a day of work. During the deepest darkest lockdown, Lawns were being mowed, houses built and remodeled, landscaping happening, Mexican nannies out walking kids in strollers.

    What a waste of money. Here’s the rub. Texas, like many states, has a balanced budget. It’s unfair that people in states which run their affairs properly are taxed to bail out these blue states.

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