

That chair saved his life

This is an interesting video:


You can see the moment he loses consciousness when he gets punched in the face.

He topples head first towards the floor.

Instead of hitting his skull on the hard tile floor his body lands in the chair.

Had he toppled head first onto the floor, he very well may could have gotten a fatal or permanently disabling TBI.

I’ve covered a lot of one punch kills on this blog, and this video is interesting because it shows one almost happening except for the chair that broke his fall.

I don’t care what the boy said to the man, I hope that man was charged with attempted murder.

Constitutional carry to fight corruption

The most compelling reason for shall issue, or even better, Constitutional carry, is because fuck corrupt cops.

Anyone who has been in or around occupational licensing knows just how fucking corrupt that system is.

I watched health inspectors demand bribes in restaurants.

The New York Liquor Authority is the most corrupt agency in America at the state level.

It is impossible to get a liquor license without bribes, and since restaurants live or due on liquor licenses, the agents know they can demand high dollar values for them.

Miguel has documented the corruption at the NYPD for issuing gun permits.

California is no different.

Star witness affirms pay-to-play for gun permits at Santa Clara County sheriff corruption trial

A star criminal witness, whose confessions to bribing his way into getting concealed-gun permits laid the groundwork for criminal indictments that scandalized the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office, took the stand Monday in the civil corruption trial for Sheriff Laurie Smith.

Martin Nielsen testified publicly for the first time about how he and the former head of the defunct executive security firm AS Solution — whose high-profile clients included the likes of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg — agreed to financially support Smith’s 2018 re-election bid to procure so-called concealed-carry weapons permits for their security agents. Those agents were assigned to protect executives for the company then known as Facebook.

As he told a criminal grand jury in 2020 and a separate civil grand jury last year — in secret testimony later disclosed in public transcripts — Nielsen detailed how in the wake of an infamous 2018 shooting at the YouTube campus in San Bruno, he was tasked with finding a way to get their high-level security agents the ability to carry concealed handguns.

Nielsen, testifying under a grant of immunity from criminal prosecution, said that he and then-AS Solution CEO Christian West eventually arranged to donate a large sum to an independent expenditure committee backing Smith’s re-election. Nielsen added that Capt. James Jensen brokered the issuing of four CCW permits for Nielsen and three security employees.

Initially, the discussion involved acquiring more than a dozen permits, but Nielsen was clear in affirming that a hefty political donation would make it happen.

That hefty donation was $90,000.

That’s $7,500 per permit.

Ordinary citizens can’t get them and the bodyguards for the wealthy elite have to pay a king’s random for them.

Corruption and bribery is what happens when you put may issue in the hands of government authority.

I would love to see nothing more than SCOTUS make the whole country Constitutional Carry just to fuck over corrupt cops.


I never thought I’d see it but it’s happening

Florida just went Constitutional Carry.

It was the 26th state to do so, making more than half the states in the Union Constitutional Carry.

Moreover, two of the three most populous states (Texas and Florida) are Constitutional Carry.

Whatever the antis say, it doesn’t matter, Constitutional Carry is now the national norm.

Now all we have to do is make the remaining 24 states Constitutional Carry as well.


They are moving the Overton Window to justify murder

I posted this Tweet before:


This is a popular talking point, that if you don’t affirm transgender children’s gender and promote their transition, you are literally killing them by driving them to suicide.

Now consider that in the context of these passive-aggressive threats.


If stopping kids from transitioning is killing them, then that’s a threat to their lives, a threat they feel is justified countering with violence.

The rhetoric only becomes more aggressive after that.




See, if you even question transitioning, you deserve violence for being a transphobe.

My tinfoil hat is telling me that the weird reaction to the Nashville school shooting is to push the Overton Window to the point where when a trans person or ally kills a “transphobe” it’s justified.

They have to murder you to save the trans children from your forcing the trans children to kill themselves.

I have seen this movie before.

Kevin O’Leary, an investor who appears on ABC’s (DIS) – Get Free Report hit show Shark Tank, has an intriguing reaction to the Nashville school shootings.

The violence has shocked the nation and poses a question about whether people have viable creative ideas about finding solutions. O’Leary offers a technological one.

O’Leary suggested that artificial intelligence tools could possibly be used to detect people with violent motives.

“Are you willing, in America, to allow AI to scrape social media and target you to law enforcement?” O’Leary asked. “If we said yes to that, those people wouldn’t be dead.”

“All of these shooters generally post hours before they do the deed on some social media here or there,” he added. “In China, for example, a combination of face recognition with AI scraping of all the social media would identify this individual hours before they did their move into the school, and they could have been apprehended,” .

Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary Has a Big Idea He Thinks Will Help Prevent School Shootings – TheStreet

I guess there would be good money in a Pre-Crime department, especially when AI is not quite the fantastic and accurate tool he is trying to sell. Of course, mentioning the Chinese should make a lot of US politician have pleasure discharges in their nether regions.

Mr. Marks, by mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I’m placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin that was to take place today, April 22 at 0800 hours and four minutes.