

Was going gun the answer here?

Here is a video..

My opinion: No.

With the little girl literally in the line of fire, it makes no sense to start the festivities. In fact, I think it is downright irresponsible. The shooter had a chance to move and use the pump as cover, it also means he could have retreated safely and let the bad guys take whatever they wanted but instead he muzzled the girl at least twice, maybe three times.

On the info accompanying the video, it says it was an off duty cop with his daughter. It makes more sense to me to snatch the girl and run away.

Stupid saved by sheer luck.


Japan: The Irrationality of Gun Control.

However, Detective X said police sometimes misuse their weapons: “A few years ago, an officer on duty used his gun to kill himselfclearly non-designated usage, so that’s a crime.” He was charged posthumously to publicly show that even the dead can’t get away with breaking the firearms laws, and to shame his family. It may seem like overkill but it drives home the point.

Source: Even gangsters live in fear of Japan’s gun laws | The Japan Times

Go read the article. You may need anti-acid after you are done.

Even understanding that Japan has nothing that looks like a tenth generation xerocopy of our Bill Or Rights, the lengths that the government goes to control guns is simply mind-blowing. If it does not confirm once and for all that gun control is about control and not about the guns, I don’t know what else could be.

“Japan is basically a place where only yakuza and cops have guns,”

Never heard a version of that one, Have we?

Moms Demand Orange.

Moms OrangeSo tomorrow and in another chapter of “More Fashion, Less Substance” the members of Moms Demand will wear orange under the guise that hunters use orange vests to stay safe from gunfire and some other convoluted stuff. The fact that they have to take a page from the Gun Culture to promote their cause tells you how empty of true ideas they really are.

But I think that the “wear orange” meme has a different meaning. I think it is in support of all the former Mayors Against Illegal Guns and now Everytown For Gun Safety, who are wearing or wore orange rompers for felonies committed while being distinguished members of the “gun safety advocate” club .

Now that is closer to the truth than anything else.


Speeding On the Road to Hell.

In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year. Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. “Crime is the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said St. Louis Alderman Joe Vacarro at a May 7 City Hall hearing.Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May. Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%.Those citywide statistics from law-enforcement officials mask even more startling neighborhood-level increases. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%….

….This incessant drumbeat against the police has resulted in what St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson last November called the “Ferguson effect.” Cops are disengaging from discretionary enforcement activity and the “criminal element is feeling empowered,” Mr. Dotson reported. Arrests in St. Louis city and county by that point had dropped a third since the shooting of Michael Brown in August. Not surprisingly, homicides in the city surged 47% by early November and robberies in the county were up 82%.

Source: The New Nationwide Crime Wave – WSJ

When you have people with “the best intentions” but lacking in Real Life Knowledge in positions of power aided by idiots with a political agenda (or vice versa), the consequences tend to be bloody.

And I am not going to be as naive as to make this a Left-Only problem. We have our share of idiots who have helped this collapse by painting Bad Cops and bad police procedures as a standard policy and behavior because it has been the fashionable thing to do among the Chest Beaters.

Let’s be Rham Emannuel crass, shall we? We are presented with a unique opportunity: By openly supporting Law Enforcement during these times, we can only but gain points for the future of our cause. Cops are not going away anytime soon nor the Powers That Be want them gone as they are not stupid and understand that they will become victims themselves if they make them disappear or castrate their effectiveness.

That bad cops need to go and bad procedures need to be fixed? Yes.  should paint every cop as a killer and every procedure as corrupt? That is stupid and basically doing what the Left is doing and people are now paying with their lives. You do not torch a Cadillac just because the cup holder leaks and the radio won’t come on. Let’s fix the crap that needs to be fixed only.

Cops have rather long memories, How do you want to be remembered?

The reason why The Ride of the Valkyries is used in Psy Ops.

It is opera, but actually it also sounds like the Universal Wife throwing a major hissy fit….and then getting back up from her girlfriends.

I don’t care how tough a warrior you might be, you will run scared at the prospect…..and that is why Rambo ended up in a monastery somewhere in Thailand where women were not allowed.

Hat tip to Brother Chuck for the video.