Month: June 2015

UC Berkeley becomes the Playboy Mansion of the Taliban

One California institution employs a unique method of lawncare on campus.

Every June, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory near UC Berkeley uses a herd of goats – numbering in the hundreds – to graze on lawns to reduce risk of fire.

Video caught this year’s flock of 800 goats hurtling down a hillside as workers stopped traffic to let the animals pass.

The Daily Californian spoke with Thomas Price, maintenance supervisor for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who called the goats a ‘crowd pleaser.’

The goats are provided by a local family business, Goats R Us, which also sends a herder to manage the flock.

The herder lives on the laboratory campus full time while there with the goats, moving the group across the 202-acre property with the help of several dogs.

‘After five or six weeks, having completed the circuit of all our perimeter open spaces, the goats depart, moving on to their next customer,’ Price say.

Dear #Gunsense : Tell me about your highly regulated Teddy Bears.

A Zion gun store might lose its Federal Firearms License with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in connection with allegations that 1st Class Firearms owner Craig Bricco has failed to address clerical errors in firearm purchases.At the heart of the revocation issue is what the bureau considers an excessive number of mistakes on the six-page ATF form 4473, which is required of the buyer for every sale of a weapon. Bricco told the News-Sun that he takes responsibility for the mistakes made, but feels that 42 clerical errors in over 1,500 forms, over a 12-month period going back to early 2014, is hardly excessive. Bricco stressed he’s always tried to improve on mistakes, but that past history with the bureau has probably worked against him.

Source: ATF moves to shut down Zion gun store over paperwork errors – Lake County News-Sun

First thing, the numbers. 1,500 forms filled and 42  clerical errors (more on that in a second) comes to a 97.2% of forms filled to ATF perfection. It is something funny that ATF demand God-like precision on mindless paperwork when they themselves are losing guns, have no idea where they went. It is so bad, it merited its own special audit by the DOJ’s Inspector General. And that is not counting Operation Fast and Furious, let’s leave that out before I get a migraine.

Back to clerical errors. We are not talking about shady practices where false information is written in the ATF 4473 form to hide the illegal transfer of a firearm; nope, no sir. Failed to do a proper check mark, transposing a number, any number, initial instead of full name, missed check mark and possibly the gun people’s favorite reason to declare a form bad: Writing ‘Y’  instead of ‘Yes’ in older versions of the form which drew such an uproar and ridicule, it was revised and they now have check boxes.

I am not saying that the FFL holder bears no responsibility or that he should not be properly chastised and fined, but taking his license away for having a 2.8% clerical error rate? Let me give you a couple of examples: Old farts like me, the basic checkbook contains 25 checks and no matter how good you are, you will make at least one mistake per book. That is a 4% error rate. Younger farts, when you fill online forms (without the use of auto-correct or auto-fill) how many times do you use Backspace till you get it right? There are usually 7 lines to fill (first name, last name address , etc) and messing on one is a 14% error rate and still you have the advantage that once you Click OK, the form will come back saying you messed up.

So Gunsense people, tell me about all those Teddy Bear factories shut down for clerical errors. I can’t seem to find anything online about them.

Stingy with my Blogging.

Some have noticed the drop in number of daily posts and asked about it. No, I am not getting tired of blogging and I will continue to do so, but I am also writing a book and I found out the hard way that it is not an easy task.

Holy crap it s hard… and talk about learning a new definition of unintended consequences. Make one small change to an already finished chapter and you may find yourself fixing stuff in three more.

No, it is no SciFi so there is no chance I’ll be part of the Sad Puppies saga 😀 Pity on that because I could abuse Larry Correia to get me in Baen at least to get my manuscript read and properly rejected. It is a family book …told my way… I guess Mario Puzo also wrote about a family his way so you know it is not going to be an after school special.

I have been told that I always could spin a good tale (Not quite the word used, but you get the meaning) and people like Larry Coreia, JD Kinman and Jim Curtiss made me realize I did not need to be part of the “intellectual world” smell of patchouli and speak like Andy Warhol to write a book. Regular folks have provided me with hours of pleasurable reading so how come can’t I do the same thing?

So, a book is coming. Not necessarily a good one, but it is coming indeed. And I have to get to it because JD keeps coming at night, reading my mind and stealing MY ideas! 😀

Still crouched, Johnny looked inside the bank through its glass pane walls to see what was going on and noticed two armed individuals dressed identically as the fallen rifleman outside, “Probably more cops.” was the thought. He could not believe nobody had seen him yet but he was happy for the advantage it provided. He stood up, went to the door and after the briefest of pauses, he committed himself to action. Time slowed down.

“Pull the door open hard…..gogogo…turn hard left… there is the first guy…profile…head shot…aim to the ear…use the front sight! front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover, target down! Turn hard right…behind the column now…hard cover…slice the pie…target two…his back to me…two to the body… front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover, aim for the head now, front sight, press trigger, recover, target two down!…slice the pie…Another target? Where the fuck did he come from? Holy Shit this guy is huge! He is carrying bags?… he saw me…he dropped the bags…nonononono, don’t do it! Shit he is going for his weapon…body, front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover… down on his knees and still trying to get his gun?  aim for the head, front sight, press trigger, recover, front sight, press trigger, recover…Finally! Fucker would not die! Stop staring at the gorilla..scan..scan!”

Present Day.

Supervisory Agent Randolph Jennings stopped typing and looked at the young man sitting in front of him. He could not believe that the boyish face covered in tears belonged to a stone cold killer who popped four cops like they were paper targets. In all his years as Federal Law Enforcement Officer, he never had to draw his weapon other than the yearly qualifier and this young man had taken out three people with head shots and one with a field-expedient mace.

“And what did you do next.”

CSGV: Lying Josh is Lying.

CSGV Charleston

Brand new The Huffington Post blog from our executive director, Josh Horwitz, commenting on the National Rifle Association’s blaming of the Charleston victims for their own murders.

The nine innocent Americans murdered in Charleston were exercising their fundamental freedom to worship in a manner of their own choosing. Because they chose to pray without weapons does not mean they were “waiting for it.” It means that they were trying to live their lives as the Constitution envisions — in “domestic tranquility.”

Source: The Charleston Victims Weren’t ‘Asking for It’ | Josh Horwitz

Here is the original:

“[Senator Pinckney] voted against concealed carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue.”

Was the reply tacky? Probably a wee bit too early and strong.
Was he blaming ALL THE VICTIMS? Certainly not.
Was he blaming State Senator Clementa Pinckney? Most assuredly.
Was Senator Pinckney responsible for the shooting? Of this particular attack, No. In general? That is a different story.
Why does Josh Hortwitz have to? Because he can get away with it.

I am going to go as far as saying that I would not be surprised if it were to come out that the Emanuel A.M.E. Church had armed security in a regular basis but probably only used for big services.  Many churches do and they choose not to inform their parishioners because they know some will object at the idea of having armed people in a Church because they believe in that magical force field of Sanctuary. Yes, even your church.

If you want to know what really happens behind the scenes at a church regarding security, you should listen to this episode of ProArms Podcast. You are not alone in this little piece of dirt called Earth and your Church is not an isolated, worry-free-everybody-nice locale.




You know who is really sad?

Shannon Watts and the rest of the Moms, their Mayor “husbands” and the rest of the Anti Bandwagon.: They hear about a mass shooting, take out their Blood tap Dancing Shoes only to find out that no Assault Weapon was involved, no High Capacity Magazine was used, Background checks were done and passed and the event happened in a Gun Free Zone.

Still, they went ahead and made their shrilly attacks demanding we need to do something, only to be rolled over by the Confederate Flag controversy and then the media circus over SCOTUS and Gay Marriage.

All the left when out to play in recess and did not invite poor Shannon to hopscotch with them. Them bullies!

Girl Looking out of Window
Sad Shannon is Sad.