

These are the people that know better about Gun Safety.

Long post, but fun. This was a wee bit of a Twitter exchange I had with a “gunsense” mother from Washington D.C. Dear God! It was so pitiful, but fun. I trimmed down the whole thing because there were a couple of interlopers (one brought the Guns Like Cars thing and had to be schooled while discussing with this Mom) and I know I pasted one of her responses out-of-order, but the gist of the conversation is a true as it was in real-time. My favorites has to be her equating of teaching kids about staying away from guns with “blaming the victim.”




Pretty much after that and with the “help” of a couple of other friends of her, it became the usual and obligatory Redneck Prejudice ride and assorted Insults. If they have not deleted their tweets, the whole thing should be still up there if you feel inclined to read the rest. But what else can you expect from people who have demonstrated they really have no idea what they are talking about or how to fix the issue? It is all slogans and memes and when those fail, go straight to the insult to see if they can get a rise out of you. No substance.

And that is why we win.

GunBlog VarietyCast #29 is out!

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Also available in you favorite podcast delivery system. Subscribe and leave us a 5 star rating with complimentary bacon breakfast.

  • Blue Collar Prepping – Waterproofing
  • Foreign Policy for Grownups – Dan Carlin’s “Re-heating the Cold War”
  • AlArma – Absence of Malice: Joseph Amore
  • Tech Tips with The Barron – Government messes up everything it touches
  • This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery – Mandatory Training (and Constitutional Carry

Never happened, move along, nothing to see here.

Not a single clue.

Julissa MagdalenaMaradiaga-Iscoa attempted to drive her vehicle through the airport entrance, crashed her car into a Miami-Dade Police patrol car and screamed at officers in what was believed to be Arabic and then, in English — all before falsely claiming she had a bomb, according to authorities.Miami-Dade police turned over the case to the FBI, which confirmed the federal charges against the 33-year-old Honduran citizen.

“At this time there appears to be no nexus to terrorism,” FBI special agent Michael Leverock said in a statemen

via Honduran making false bomb threat at MIA to appear in federal court | Miami Herald Miami Herald.

And this is from her Facebook page:

Julissa Iscoa

I looked up “Shaheeda Hadee” and came back as “Martyr Supporter”.

The suspect is from West Palm Beach where she owns an online store according to state records.

It will end up being a simple traffic accident. She was trying actually to get into the Flamingo Garage.


Editorial: Chicago’s Gun Control a Failure? We need more Gun Control!

Editorial Hissy Fit Warning.

Chicago’s next mayor should use his bully pulpit much more to push through better gun laws, especially in Springfield. As we said before, Chicago and Illinois need a vigorous champion of common-sense gun control, someone as willing to be as identified with the cause as former Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in New York.

There’s not shortage of smart ideas to reduce the number of illegal guns. Illinois should license gun dealers and create stronger penalties for people who fail to report lost or stolen guns or disregard the state’s new background check law. Congress should require universal background checks, nationwide, and crack down on gun trafficking.

via Editorial: Chuy? Rahm? Who will be Chicago’s gun control champion? | Chicago.

So, even when they were given “special status” to do almost what they wanted about guns, crime is not going down (other than in possible cooked stats.) And their solution is to ask not only for more Gun Control but to have a major like Michael Bloomberg in NY…a NY that has seen an increase in the number of violent crime after the passage of the SAFE law which the politicians swore over a stack of Bibles, Bhagavad Gitas and Qurams, that crime was going to pretty much disappear?

And the killings will continue as long as the people keep voting for the same politicians that are sending them to the morgue.

And they will blame us.