

Gun Control Has To Hate The Internet.

Carl Hiaasen, Miami Herald’s golden boy gets all fire and brimstone against Florida’s Campus Carry bill.

The very first bill being rammed through the Florida House of Representatives this year would allow guns to be carried on college campuses.

This screwball idea comes from Rep. Greg Steube, a young Republican from Sarasota. Remember his name in case he’s ever daft enough to run for statewide office.

In the macho comic-book world where Steube’s imagination dwells, armed college kids will stand ready to whip their pistols out of their book bags and shoot down crazed campus intruders with flawless aim.

via Carl Hiaasen: Lawmakers cooking up recipe for a bloodbath | The Miami Herald The Miami Herald.

And then, not four days after, this happens to two University of Central Florida students:

A UCF student pulled a handgun and fought off burglars that forced their way into her Village of Alafaya Club apartment on Tuesday, according to deputies.
At approximately 4:51 p.m. Tuesday night, two black males in their early 20’s forced their way into the apartment of two UCF students, male and female, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
According to deputies, one of the suspects held a handgun to the male victim’s head and ordered him to the ground. The female victim then ran into her bedroom and got her handgun.

The female UCF student then pointed the gun at the suspects. That caused both the suspects to run away and for one suspect to drop his gun, according to deputies

via KnightNews.com » Student Pulls Gun on Burglars Striking UCF Area Apartment, Deputies Say.

Dear Mr. Hiaasen: The days of absolute control of the flow of information by The Media died long ago and it is buried next to the stereotype that women are incapable of defending themselves or their loved ones.

No need to send flowers.

Food for Thought: Uniformed Terrorists

Did you see the news last week about the terrorist cell operating in Belgium?  They were preparing a terrorist attack in that country and were arrested just a few hours before the start of their attack.  How were they going to do it?  They had Belgian police uniforms, explosives, and rifles.  The terrorists were going to dress as cops, bomb police stations and shoot citizens in the street.

How many of you would resist a uniformed police officer pointing a gun at you?  Most probably wouldn’t.  That’s why the attack would be so effective

via Uniformed Terrorists | Active Response Training.

Again and excellent article that you must read. And if you are about to say “Well the chances of being attacked by a terrorist…” stop right there. This article is more than just terrorism because it applies also to your common criminals wearing police uniforms and you cannot say that has never happened.


CSGV wants Emily Miller fired from her job.

CSGV Miller


So CSGV wants Fox 6 DC to fire Emily Miller for her Pro-Second Amendment work because it is unethical. As reference they use the works of that stalwart and independent watchdog group Media Matters for America. Yup, not making that up.

That on itself is enough to get a good laugh, but when you have Bloomberg’s Everytown For Gun Safety paying for travel and lodging of 15 journalists to attend a Gun Control seminar, we are now in a comedic heaven of such absurdity, Monty Python would even touch. And let us not forget that David Gregory knowingly broke the DC law against “high-capacity” magazines, but the DC Attorney general gives him a pass even after police had recommended the arrest.

You laughed enough, get back to work 🙂

Lessons From A Real-World Carjacking | Concealed Nation


Here is a carjacking and abduction caught on a security camera located at a drive-in ATM in Arlington, TX. We thought it would be useful to break down the events as they took place to see if there were any measures the victim could have taken to either prevent the crime or to escape. This is timely, because we posted an article titled Carjacking and Concealed Carry yesterday. After watching the video, I came up with the observations below. If you have any other suggestions or a different take on the situation, please comment below. The security camera footage is of excellent quality and gives us an opportunity to analyze the situation and plan accordingly.

via [VIDEO] Lessons From A Real-World Carjacking | Concealed Nation.

It is not the first time I have posted about ATMs and how people seem oblivious at the dangers they may face. Wee, here you have a video to drive the point home.

The article has great points to follow, but I just want to say this: Use the frigging ATM to get cash and keep going. If you need to check your balance, apply for a loan or whatever is you think you can achieve at an ATM, do it from inside the bank or at home from your computer or smart phone.  I have seen people balancing the damned checkbooks at an ATM after a deposit…and don’t get me started on the people who need to check the balance 37 times in a row because the machine says they don’t have sufficient funds.  And they even cuss at the machine.

It is like the ATM suck the common sense after they input the PIN.