Month: January 2015

Helping a friend and gun business owner.

A word from a good friend who needs a wee bit of help: Dennis J Badurina of Dragon Leatherworks.

Hey folks…hoping that people on my friends list can see this, and pass it around…

As you all know, Rebecca and I have a brick-and-mortar store for our leatherwork and supplies for the shooting sports. We’re in a fantastic location, about 2 miles from one of the largest shooting clubs in the area. Folks have to ride past our location to get to the club from the center of town.

Problem is, while the location in general is great, the store is tucked in a corner of an “L” shaped building. The part of the “L” that we are in is the part that is perpendicular to the road. Add to it that the store sits, easily, 350 feet from the roadway at least, makes it problematic for folks to even know we are in there.

The city has now twice threatened us with fines because of temporary signs that we have tried to use so folks will know we are there. Oak Ridge has VERY harsh and strict sign ordinances. In short, they suck. We even tried hanging banners off of our Ford Expedition, but the city threatened us with fines for that too, because those signs are *temporary*, yet they won’t issue permits/variances for permanent signs. (Temporary signs are functionally banned).

So, we have a GoFundMe up to raise quick capital to be able to secure an older Ford Econoline, Dodge Ram Van, etc., and get it re-painted as a rolling billboard. Given that it will be a *company truck* and registered commercial, the city won’t be able to tell us that its *temporary signage*, we can park it by the roadway, and folks will see that we are in the paza.

If anyone can manage a few sheckels, it would be greatly appreciated. Or, if you’re needing a new holster, an order would be better.

If you can spare some cash or need a good holster for a gun, give Dennis and Rebecca a hand.
Much appreciated.

What you are not getting from overseas.

Progressive left/liberals will no doubt take offence about my insinuation that all these Muslim prisoners are paedophile rapists. They may have a point, and I in no way claim all Muslim prisoners are paedophile rapists. Some might simply be representing their community as drug dealers, people-traffickers or terrorists… but one thing we know for sure is that not one of them is a Muslim doctor convicted of carrying out female genital mutilation (FGM) despite FGM being a crime both against the law and a crime against humanity.

One hospital alone, Birmingham Heartlands, has dealt with 1,500 cases of FGM over the last five years. On an annual national basis 5,500 FGM victims are cared for by British hospitals. This figure is deemed to be the tip of the iceberg because patients are often patched up by the local Muslim doctor, rather than being referred to hospital where they just might run into an English doctor who might just report the family (or the initial Muslim doctor/mutilator) to the authorities. You won’t be surprised to hear though, that despite these enormous figures being known to the authorities, Britain has yet to see a single conviction. We don’t want to upset community cohesion after all, old chap.

via One Week in the Death of Britain | Gates of Vienna.

First, if you do not follow Gates Of Vienna, do so.

It is not the first time I have warned you that both news and statistics coming from Europe on crime are hopelessly contaminated by politics. Long ago I predicted that Europe was going to face an internal war with all the crap that was coming across their borders and the rise in crime. But what I did not expect was the people simply giving up because they faced both the flood of external criminals and the politically correct forced support by the government. The war happened without a single shot and Europeans lost.

In the article, besides the Muslim examples of “civilization” we get to see the actions of Polish criminals. This is also not new. I have relatives in Spain, literally living in the boondocks that once were places so quiet that the only reason they have doors and windows is because the winters tend to be a mite cold. Now they are barring windows and getting steel-reinforced doors because of marauding bands of Romanians that go from town to town, hamlet to hamlet on a seasonal Home Invasion spree. They are so bold as to attack several houses on the same night, one right after the other. The local constabulary (probably a couple of under-armed cops) know they are no match and simply develop a deaf ear at the incoming calls for help. And yes, you can thank gun control for producing such a veritable crop of easy targets.

But this is not happening here…yet. I’d say we are where Europe was 20 years ago and it is not looking too good. There are compensating factors: one being the heavy amount of weapons in the hands of civilians and the other the growing disrespect we have towards the centralized federal government and even the centralized state government.  More and more we are seeing people telling our leaders to go fuck yourself and twice on Saturdays, which is a healthy attitude to have and a reminder that they derive their fleeting powers due to our temporary consent and not because it was given to them for being descendants of some Sun god.


And Michael Moore cried as he downed twinkies…

Early in American Sniper, the title character, Chris Kyle, stares through his crosshairs at a woman and child who may be preparing an attack on American troops. Even when the woman hands the boy an RPG, Kyle waits to pull the trigger. In one particular theater, with “the entire audience on the edge of their seats,” patrons start screaming, encouraging Kyle to “Just shoot him!”

Where was this theater? Somewhere near a U.S. military base, maybe? Or perhaps in the heart of a red state? Actually, this packed theater, “full and rowdy,” is in the Mansour Mall, in Baghdad.

via Watching American Sniper in Baghdad – Hit & Run :

sad hippy is sad

Open Carry Tarrant County Doubling down on Double Stupid

The group’s leader Kory Watkins posted a message on Facebook Wednesday urging supporters to “hunt down” Republicans opposed to open carry.

Many have criticized the group’s actions as going too far and hurting the chances of a bill passing in the current session.

via Open carry advocates return to Capitol.

I guess he wanted to be sure both parties felt threatened and not to be accused of unfairness.

Do you remember when Texas had a chance to get Open Carry law passed?

FDIC Reverses Course on ‘Operation Choke Point’ | NSSF Blog

Today, the Congressman told NSSF, “After a year of mounting pressure from Congress and outside organization like the National Shooting Sports Foundation, top officials from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation finally acknowledged their involvement and wrongdoing in Operation Choke Point. While I am very pleased the FDIC will put in place new polices and change the culture at the agency, there is still work to be done, specifically with the Department of Justice. I am pleased the National Shooting Sports Foundation supports my legislation, the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act, and I have no doubt the foundation will remain steadfast in educating its members and continuing the fight in ending Operation Choke Point once and for all.”

via FDIC Reverses Course on ‘Operation Choke Point’ | NSSF Blog.

I have covered somewhat this Operation Chokepoint, but not at the depths that others had. In case you don’t know, the FDIC and the Fed in general were telling financial institutes that they may get in trouble and be targets of extra scrutiny if they provided merchant solutions to “shady” enterprises. Now this was supposed to be targeted at suspected money-laundering operations, but somehow a slew of other legal businesses got targeted. From porn sellers to check-cashing stores that might not be the cup of tea for everybody, but by golly they are legal in this country, at least so far.

But it there ever was an “icky” business that this administration does not like one bit is the firearms business. So suddenly gun stores with years of  normal business with their banks were suddenly told “Ooopsie, sorry. We don’t do deal with people who sell guns,”  shut down credit card transactions and more. Some solutions were eventually made and people got back in business, but that did not compensate for the losses incurred or was a permanent solution to the problem. Only what appears to be a congressional smack-down was required for the to cry uncle and stop with the harassment.

And good for the NSSF. They don’t do a lot in the limelight, but they indeed get moving when it is required.