

Not Mutually Exclusive

At the end of the service, I was left thinking that the pastor had failed to capture Uncle Obie’s hard and resilient side. But when we returned to his home after the funeral and went to the bedroom to change clothes, we found a loaded shotgun behind the door. My mother and I both smiled and laughed—that was Uncle Obie. Like many black Southerners of this generation who kept the shotgun behind the door, my uncle had Christian faith and a faith in self-defense.

via Fighting for Rights With Faith—and Faith in Self-Defense – The Root.

If book burning would be possible to do without enraging its basic core of supporters too much, the progressive politicos would order to collect every sample of the book by Charles E. Cobb  This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible and possibly the author and anybody who read the book and send them to a gas-fired oven.

There are evil and stupid people who have no problem using violence as  first means to achieve goals or stop others from achieving theirs. Unfortunately, these people do not understand reason…or they do, they are just not moved by it, so sometimes we need to respond with equal or greater violence to remain alive. And since they are human (or a very passable facsimile) they enjoy keeping blood and assorted body parts inside their bodies and are usually very allergic to pain, therefore making a firearm the best behavioral modification tool available to the regular folks.


I Pledge to Ask…. but not the way you think.

Bradys are pumping up the “volume” again with this thing.

Brady I Pledge to Ask


But we had the news this week that Eddie Eagle had reached the milestone of 27 million kids have gone through the program while the Gun Control groups have taught bupkis to kids other than scare themselves into majestic piles of poo the second they hear the word “gun” or arresting them if they play cops & robbers at school.

So what we must do if a parent comes to you and asks if you have guns in your house is to ask them back: “Did your child go through the Eddie Eagle Program and knows what to do in the presence of a gun?” If the answer is in the negative, then tell the parent that unfortunately you think his kid is a danger to himself and others and that he will not be allowed to play with yours or come inside your residence.

It is tough but we are doing it for the Children.

Jon Meis, hero of Seattle Pacific University.

He took on one Aaron Ybarra as he was shotgunning people in the school. He is being called a hero and rightfully so by his friends, fellow class mates and faculty. 

But this episode will soon disappear from the media outlets and even the Gun Control groups BS feeders, why? Checking out Jon Meis Facebook page we see he likes the NRA, Mossberg, Remington, Kinetic Concealment holsters, KelTec, AIM Surplus & Savage Arms.

Darn, he might be a gun nut!

Seriously, the kid has industrial size cojones and God Bless him.

Hat Tip to Bob Owens.


5 highlights of the Deadly Force Expert Panel at ILEETA 2014

 “Use of force is a decision that should have been made before you got the job.”

via 5 highlights of the Deadly Force Expert Panel at ILEETA 2014.

Although International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association is directed to cops, this is something we as concealed carriers and gun owners in general must ponder with all seriousness. Are we really prepared to effectively use  deadly force when the adrenalin dumps?  Most of the time, a forcible felony won’t give you the chance to ponder the mysteries, morality and philosophy of shooting a deadly threat and in the few instances that it may, your brain must be processing how to survive and not what will the consequences be.

And this is something you must think about every day at the same time you pray never to be in that situation.


Another example why we need to fight to keep (or get) Stand Your Ground.

His daughter, Ta’berneka Allen, the only eyewitness, told police she heard glass breaking, then her father screaming expletives and asking, “Where’s my money?” according to a police report.

She walked into the living room to find her father punching Robin Washington in the face, the report said.

Robin Washington grabbed a round-edged steak knife from a drawer, but her husband bent it back and tossed it in a drawer, then placed her in a chokehold until she passed out. He rooted through her purse before she quickly came to and he clocked her in the jaw, Settle said.

Then she stumbled around before gripping another kitchen knife and stabbing him in the thigh, clipping his femoral artery.

He tried to swing at her again but fell.


Detective Andrew Packer found that Robin Washington acted in self-defense and declined to book her with a crime. Police forwarded the case to Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro’s office, which charged her with manslaughter more than five months after the stabbing.

via Judge acquits New Orleans woman who fatally stabbed husband | News | The New Orleans Advocate.

Disparity of Force, use of deadly force, continuing threat and the D.A. for whatever moronic reasons decides to charge the victim with Manslaughter.  In the article, it mentions that the investigating detective was a witness for the defense so that tells you that this case should not even had to be considered for trial.

In darker days, the woman would have gone to prison, no doubt. But that doesn’t mean that there is still a real war against women by people who feel threatened in their acquired power, they just have a little less power and innocent people who only committed the “crime” of self-defense may breathe a tad easier.