He took on one Aaron Ybarra as he was shotgunning people in the school. He is being called a hero and rightfully so by his friends, fellow class mates and faculty. 

But this episode will soon disappear from the media outlets and even the Gun Control groups BS feeders, why? Checking out Jon Meis Facebook page we see he likes the NRA, Mossberg, Remington, Kinetic Concealment holsters, KelTec, AIM Surplus & Savage Arms.

Darn, he might be a gun nut!

Seriously, the kid has industrial size cojones and God Bless him.

Hat Tip to Bob Owens.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Jon Meis, hero of Seattle Pacific University.”
  1. “Seriously, the kid has industrial size cojones and God Bless him.”

    “Darn, he might be a gun nut!”
    Yes, again. And I think it shows a mindset that allow him to take the action he did, even unarmed. Despite all of the Indoctrination- Whoops, I mean School Systems attempts, he didn’t cower and wait to be rescued

  2. probably didn’t hurt that being a gun nut, he was able to size up the firearm in question and know how long it would take to bring it back into action once it ran dry. knowledge is power.

  3. You might be a LIberal if the guy who risked his own life to stop a rampaging killer and saved many other lives needs to be crucified because he believes differently from you.

  4. Only a college student without a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Wait. Ha ha.Maybe we should rethink that.

    And this kid has to be the only gun nut in college, right? I mean, where else do you read about them going to college? Think about it.

  5. The guy was a KT fan, he may have even had a PF-9 or P-11 on him that he didn’t even need to take down the nut case.

  6. What he had was a concern for his fellows, the fortitude to act in the face of tremendous odds, and a warrior’s spirit. He was the weapon – the pepper spray was only a poor tool.

    A tremendous young man.

  7. Industrial size cajones is right.

    This is what happens when common sense rules over emotion. I only hope I would act in the same manner if the need arose.

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