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Open Carry Texas Home Depot
Ope Carry demonstration in North Richland Hills, Texas

And if Sonic,  Chili’s & Chiplote were not enough, Texas Open Carriers are now about to add Home Depot to the list:

Initially Home Depot had stated that:

“Our feeling is that ultimately, the voters direct the laws on gun carry issues, so we defer to the prevailing ordinances in states and communities,” said Stephen Holmes. “Therefore, customers who are legally permitted to carry firearms are allowed to do so when entering our stores, provided the firearms are carried in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.”

It seems that this statement was taken by OCers as permission from the home office to have a “Pro-Gun” rally at Home depot’s property without consulting with the manager which was a very dumb thing to do as Home Depot has a very strict policy prohibiting any kind of political activism in their properties:


Home Depot does NOT allow solicitation or distribution of political literature on Home Depot property by any associate or organization unless required by law.

Who can I contact for guidance if challenged when enforcing the solicitation policy?

The “no solicitation” policy applies to all outside organizations including political groups and individuals. If you are ever challenged when enforcing Home Depot’s solicitation policy, you should immediately contact the Legal Department or the Vice President of Government Relations for guidance.

Can my store permit a candidate to park his campaign van in Home Depot parking lot?

No. This violates Home Depot’s solicitation policy and could be an unlawful corporate political contribution. If there is any question raised concerning free speech or public access rights, you should call the Vice President of Government Relations or the Legal Department for guidance.

The League of Women Voters or another local civic group requests space in a Home Depot store for voter registration. Does this violate our “solicitation” policy?

Yes, it is a violation of our “solicitation” policy. No organization may distribute political literature on Home Depot property unless access is required by law.

Via Forbes, we find out that after that little stunt, Home Depot is not pleased:

Holmes called Forbes to say Home Depot is currently determining whether this rally goes against the company’s non-solicitation policy. “We don’t allow any group or any individual to disrupt a store’s business,” he said.

The bets are open to see which company is gonna be the one  OCers in Texas will piss off enough to ban guns all over the country.  At this rate, we can safely assume that a bill prohibiting the open carry of long guns and black powder firearms will be introduced at the next legislative session in Texas.

The Elliot Rodger Aftermath: CYA Drive Engaged.

Before a half-dozen sheriff’s deputies knocked on Elliot Rodger’s door last month in response to concerns raised by his mother about his well-being, they could have checked the database and discovered he had bought three 9mm semiautomatic handguns. Several law enforcement officials and legal experts on gun policy said this might have given deputies greater insight into Rodger’s intentions and his capability for doing harm….

….The sheriff’s department did not respond to requests for additional comments regarding the decision to forgo checking the DROS database before going to Rodger’s apartment in Isla Vista. In a statement Thursday, the department said, based on the information it had at the time, Rodger did not seem to be an immediate threat to himself or others, so no weapons check was done.

via Police didn’t search database showing Calif. shooter had bought guns – The Washington Post.

You don’t send six Deputies to somebody’s place if you think they are not a threat, so I call BS.

Of course this means the next guy who needs a check will have one done with a full SWAT team and a couple of Predator drones circling overhead.

OCT: Bringing More Companies into the Gun Control Side than Mass Killers.

Chili’s and Sonic said in separate statements that they were asking customers not to openly carry firearms in their eateries, following a similar move by Chipotle earlier this month.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” a Chili’s spokeswoman said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

A Sonic spokeswoman said the company will defer to local laws with respect to storing guns in vehicles, but said it will no longer permit firearms in its dining areas.

“We’re asking that customers refrain from bringing guns onto our patios or into our indoor dining areas,” a spokeswoman said in a statement to HuffPost.

via Sonic Drive-In And Chili’s Announce No-Gun Policies.

What Seung-Hui Cho, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, James Eagan Holmes, Aaron Alexis and other Mass Shooters could not do, C.J. Grisham and his band of merry jerks managed to accomplish in spectacular fashion: Making the carry of firearms unpalatable to more and more business.

thank you OCT

So the SWAT Team was bored…..

DANA POINT (CBSLA.com) — Dana Hills High School students were released from a four-hour lockdown Thursday after an empty rifle or shotgun carrying case was reportedly found in a campus parking lot…

Dozens of officers and the Orange County sheriff’s SWAT team with its armored vehicle rolled onto campus and began an all-out search of classrooms, lockers, cars and the school grounds for a weapon. Authorities say there were no threats received

via Dana Hills High Students Allowed To Go Home After 4-Hour Class-By-Class Weapons Search « CBS Los Angeles.

At least they did not find an “empty” jockstrap or they would have strip searched and arrested every single male in the school and taken them downtown for “ballistic” testing.

California, where they build a moat around the barn after the horses have escaped.

Will they stop “helping”? Apparently they can’t.

So again we see that some Open Carriers in Texas are confirming the initial suspicions that they are just…assholes.

But first, allow me to show you this video of a NYPD officer behaving rather stupidly when he finds out he is being taped in a public space:

Not kosher, right? Public space, no expectation of privacy and getting that close to the person is just harassment. We have seen this before, we will see it again and it will always be wrong.

Now compare the video above with the actions of the Open Carriers in this next video:

Can you tell the difference? Who is the one behaving like a patriot and the one behaving like an asshole? I can’t.  About the only redeeming grace is that the video appeared in MotherJones which is as influential in Middle America as Monday Night Cuban Communist party speeches.

The only thing these Open Carriers had to do was stand pretty, smile and wave. Apparently being polite is something akin to being weak among them and an attitude of “Kill Them All, let God Sort Them Out” is the prevalent attitude.


Richard Martinez and an Expiration Date.

The “new” face of Gun Control: richard+martinez   You know you are having a great PR day when your new emblem (grandfather-type beard, glasses and Hispanic surname? It does not get better than that) gets more air time than the NBA finals combined with the latest Kardasian escapade.  Father of one of the three victims shot by Elliot Rodger (Do notice that the three victims stabbed to death do not count nor their parents get any TV time as if their deaths were inconsequential), he has become the darling of the MSM and the Gun Control groups for blaming the NRA for the death of his son and not the psycho who actually did the killing.

But same as with Colin Goddard and Cindy Sheehan, Mr. Martinez’ usefulness comes with an expiration date determined by how well he can be isolated from a real questioning by an impartial journalist (stop laughing now) or somebody who is not scared to face him as he waves the bloody shirt. Also, the news cycle will also move to new and more exciting news. And of course, he does have a problem with the message itself: There is not a message other than Hate the NRA and the hastag #NotOneMore.

You see, MAIG, Moms, EverybodyInTown, Brady, CSGV, all of them have been harping and harking Universal Background Checks and Expanded Database of dangerous mentally ill people to be included as prohibited persons. The problem they face is that those laws are standard in California and both failed to stop Elliot Rodger so, no matter how much it tugs the heart of people, what the Opposition has been pushing to pass was proven useless no matter how appealing Mr. Martinez’s feelings may be,. Eventually the people will start wondering if there is some substance behind the show or is it just standard BS and Mr. Martinez will promptly be relegated to the Gun Control recycle bin as his usefulness to the groups is no longer in effect.