

And that moment when The Second Amendment Foundation lost me as member.

“The gun rights lobby has to wake up and realize we need to lead, not follow,” the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation and the chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms told Guns.com in an interview at the at the NRA’s 143rd Annual Meetings and Exhibits in downtown Indianapolis last weekend.

Gottlieb’s desire to strike a deal on an enhanced background check measure that would cover private sales made over the Internet and at gun shows is based on the premise that fighting UBCs is a losing battle over the long run.

via Gottlieb: Gun rights lobby needs to lead, not follow on background checks (VIDEO).

We had a nice discussion about this in Facebook yesterday.  Although he might be somewhat right, the timing and the wording could not be any worse.  The issue is that for many of us, the mentioning of the words Background Checks is immediately associated with the infamous Manchin-Toomey-Schummer Universal background bill that was Rosemary’s Baby trying to be passed as the Gerber Baby.  And it does not help either that Mr. Gottlieb was also involved temporarily in that spawn and his reputation was tarnished by it.


The comment also feels defeatist. Yes, Bloomberg has many millions and a great PR company, but he just simply does not have the numbers as in people backing his side. And yes he has the Media but unless they hire the best hackers to create millions of Facebook and Twitter personas, they are only so many who can come up and take over Social Media.  It is not gonna be an easy fight, but I know we will win it. Just look at the different legislatures, how many Anti Gun bills were presented and how very few passed compare with pro-gun bills that did pass. 

 Mr. Gottlieb should have waited till he had a firm proposition to present to all of us and not some generic platitude. We have a good base in what was the Coburn Amendment which is a good first step.

I may touch ion this later.



Why don’t you get some ashes while you are at it? (Language Warning)

Visitors have scratched messages onto bunks where prisoners once slept, and people are increasingly removing “souvenirs” from the camp that claimed the lives of more than a million people during the Second World War.
In some cases vandals have etched their name with the tag “was here” onto walls and furniture, while one wrote “I had a smoke here”. Others have stolen items such as bits of barbed wire and spikes from railway line that transported people to the infamous camp that operated in German occupied Poland during the war.

via Auschwitz museum hit by thefts as visitors remove ‘souvenirs’ from Nazi death camp – Telegraph.

OK, what kind of sick heartless fuck does shit like this? How disconnected from basic humanity can you be to treat Auschwitz like it was DisneyWorld? 

And yet, it explains how the Final Solution came to happen.


CSGV: Baking a turd cake and eating it too

Four days ago, I posted that CSGV was suddenly defending a Gun Dealer who mixed alcohol with guns and threatened to kill politicians in a video.

It seems that they did not see the video in its totality on the first run and maybe somebody told them “Hey Dude! This guy is like off the charts! You sure you wanna defend him?” and the original Facebook post disappeared substituted with one more attuned to their views:

CSGV Engage Armament 2

And yesterday, they retake the treason/insurrectionist meme.

CSGV Engage Armament


I’ll leave you with Bill Cosby’s opinion.

CSGV finds out there are civilians with machine guns in the US. Panic ensues.

csgv machine guns

The Cult followers immediately began to tear their clothes and pour ashes on their hair:

Sheila Lechner Seems it’s also pretty easy to convert a semi-auto to full auto….. Another gun law loophole you can drive a truck through.
(Loophole: Something I don’t like and needs to be made illegal)

Joyce Wickizer Nielsen Good to know – will we be seeing them in open carry situations at restaurants anytime soon?
(Yes, cops have them)

Nana Kim Why does Joe Citizen need a fricken machine gun? Thanks NRA.
(Next the NRA is gonna be blamed for Global Warming and dandruff)

Kendrick Williams That’s just the amount that are registered. How many aren’t registered, or do I have to ask that to the manufacturers?
(Well, most are War Trophy gun and you really don’t want to know the estimate of non registered guns)

Dan Moore Time to limit gun numbers and ammo limits? Now they have smart guns. Maybe they should be required. The technology can be retrofitted. Since thousands of gun deaths are accidental, including most child involved deaths, requiring smart technology would make guns way safer. I am ambivalent about private ownership, but adamant about safety, especially the safety of those not involved in violent play with firearms.
(Jesus Dan,  you barely passed LEGOS in kinder-garden, didn’t you?

Adam Gagne The level of fear needed to purchase a machine gun is something I cannot even imagine.
(Actually the level of zeros in your bank account to buy one would scare you)

Vivi Gold I guess is for “hunting” , “sport” and “self defense”?…
(Have her attend Knob Creek would mar her psyche for the rest of her life)

Raymond Bradshaw How long before bazookas are available I wonder.
(OK, nobody tell him they are already available under Destructive Devices. Mortars too)

Alec Gevarter Which is why the assault weapons ban should be re-instated. Civilians don’t need machine guns. They’re too dangerous for what they offer.
(And we see the results of the well orchestrated Josh Sugarmann deception and the reason we can’t let them control the message)

We face dedicated and fanatical ignorance.  I don’t mind people who is not expert or even has no idea on a subject, but being purposefully  ignorant is a different matter.

Not that CSGV and its cult followers matter much…

Building the AK-47 magazine


Over-engineered? Yes. But they last forever. Some years back, I bought a bunch of “rescued” AK mags from the Balkan conflict, some in what appeared to be really bad shape and with dirt and even rest of vegetation inside. Some naval jelly, elbow grease and Krylon later I had a whole bunch of perfectly functioning AK mags. Only two of them were not recoverable and that was because the metal of the body was out of spec. Still I ended up with 2 spares sets of springs, followers and base plates.

Bearded Hipsters be Butthurt. (Language Warning)

She strikes again! Apparently An Open Letter To Bearded Hipsters did not fly well with some.

I made the statement that I am sexually attracted to beards. To those of you who pointed out that this is because I secretly want to sleep with my father, I thank you for your profound insight. You have saved me a fortune in therapy bills. I have done some deep soul-searching, and now realize I also want to sleep with the members of ZZ Top. And Santa Claus. In fact, as long as a man has a beard, consider my vagina open for business. I am also sorry for daring to write on my personal blog about my likes and dislikes. You are all right, that is a completely outrageous thing to do. I am humbled.

via I’m Sorry « The Nicki Daniels Interview.