

Distance is your friend.



Accompanying description: ( Viewers’ discretion is advised )
December 19 in #NYC, during an exchange of words between 2 men , a man pulled out a knife and slashed the other man across the neck , The man fell to the floor and bled to death.

Part of the violent male ritual seems to be demonstrating you are not afraid of your opponent by getting up close and personal while issuing verbal challenges.
If you can smell his breath, you are too damned close and well within his envelope of attack.

Be a coward. Keep as much distance as possible. Remain alive.

Degerating grandpa in Christmas ads

This is how fast and how far the degeneracy of Western Society has gone.

In the Western World, the Grandfather has a place of honor.

This dates back to ancient Rome with the Pater Familias, the “father of the family” who was the oldest living male in a household.

As recently as 2020 we respected the grandfather in Christmas ads.


Yes, it’s a little dusty now.  That’s okay.

This is not.


Now you’re angry and you’re pouring your J&B Whiskey down the drain..

The grandfather is wise and experienced and would not be indulging his grandson in such sexual degeneracy that would ultimately lead to his sterilization and the ending of his bloodline.

The grandfather would recognize this abhorrent social trend for what it is and not participate.

The grandfather would be a resolute and stalwart example of proud masculinity.

This degrades the grandfather.

This is an obscenity.

This is evidence that the whole purpose of this Leftist movement is to destroy the family as the bedrock of civilization.


Oregon Measure 114

On Friday, Dec 23rd, 2022 Assistant attorney general Harry B. Wilson argued before Harney County Judge Robert S. Raschio to lift his temporary restraining order holding the purchase permit requirement of Measure 114.

This is the case which saw the state appealing to the state supreme court of Oregon on an emergency appeal and having it firmly squashed. Interesting Updates on Bruen Cases At that point the case goes back to the county court to be heard.

At this time all parts of Measure 114 are being held by injunctions issued by the county court. This is interesting because the only place to appeal from the county court is to the state supreme court. The state may argue that the case should be moved to federal court but that hasn’t happened yet.

Because the case is not within the federal court system there is no appeal to the 9th circus court. The 9th circuit court is very much an anti-gun court. The twists they have put on cases to rule that every state gun infringement is famous. The state could appeal the denial of the state supreme court to the US Supreme Court but I don’t really think that the state wants the US Supreme court to step into any part of the Measure 114 fight.

As is normal with the infringers, the argument is that their particular infringement “will save lives” and “is constitutional”. In this particular case they are also arguing that the plaintiffs (good guys) didn’t directly challenge the universal background checks and thus the court shouldn’t be ruling on it.

The question wasn’t asked is a reoccuring theme in looking at Supreme Court decisions. It is also that way in appellate court decisions. There are times when the court will hear a pleading to take the case and they will reform the question. When the case is finally argued it is always about one or more specific questions.

In some cases we’ve seen this in 2A issues. The circuit courts changed the question in order to be able to rule in favor of the infringing state.

The State’s argument is that there is a “loophole” that allows prohibited persons from buying firearms from FFLs (and others). The argument is that sometimes the Oregon State Police get so busy that they can’t reply to Oregon State Police Firearms Instant Check System (OSICS) within the 3 days required by federal law.

Continuing the argument the state says that in the last 4 years they have stopped around 6,600 prohibited people from purchasing firearms from FFL. “from illegally buying guns” as the AG puts it.

From published data OSICS seems to be running around 0.9% denials. Out of every 1000 people filling out the state version of a 4473 (which could be the federal version), 9 people were denied (or investigated, it is unclear from the reports).

Of course there are no easy to find references to number of people that were prosecuted for attempting to purchase a firearm from an FFL that were denied. There is a fair bit of antidotal data that says that there are many more people incorrectly denied than there are actual prohibited persons attempting to buy firearms from FFLs.

My LGS FFL has told me that he has had a number of people get all the way to filling out the 4473 and when they looked at the form just walked out of the store. It happens.

The AG continues his argument that because they OSICS gets the answer back within minutes for a “significant percentage of background checks” that there should be no real issue in allowing more time for all the others. The actual numbers on “significant” is somewhere between 38% and 41%. Which means that more than half of the people asking for permission to exercise the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are subjected to a more intensive background check.

And those 60% would have their rights denied.

The lawyer for the plaintiffs (good guys) rightfully points out that because Measure 114 has no limits on how long it can take for the OSICS to get back to the FFL, that it can easily become a defacto gun purchase ban. Does anybody really trust the government at this point.

Why does it take the ATF upwards of 90 days to give permission to buy a muffler? Sometimes longer. The number of stories of people waiting years to take possession of their NFA items could fill this blog.

It all comes back to the same thing, infringing gun grabbers want to take guns from the law abiding and leave only the police and criminals with guns.

And remember, when you need a man with a gun, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Magic Sign Fails To Work. Experts Confused.


BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) — Five people were arrested in the fatal shooting of a 19-year-old man at the Mall of America that sent the sprawling commercial center into lockdown on one of the final days of the holiday shopping season, police said Saturday.

At an evening news conference, Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges announced the arrests in connection with the Friday night shooting in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington and said all would face murder charges, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

The chief added that one of the 18-year-olds is believed to be the shooter, though another suspect may also have fired a weapon. A sixth suspect was still being sought.

5 arrested in deadly shooting at Minnesota’s Mall of America | AP News


But wait, it gets better:

Since it opened in 1992, the Mall of America has been a tourist destination and community gathering spot. It bans guns on the premises, but shoppers have generally not been required to pass through metal detectors. The mall said in October it was testing a “weapons detection system” at one of its entrances.

The mall was placed on lockdown in August after a reported shooting sent some shoppers running for cover, and two people were wounded last New Year’s Eve during an apparent altercation.

Malls officially belong to the urban boneyard and this one will not be the exception. Even the slowest-witted partner of the mall knows it will be the French kiss of death to subject the shoppers to TSA-Airport-Style searches to buy sneakers when the online shopping enterprises is a very comfortable and less intrusive option.


“If we only had some of them newfangled Green Energy systems.”

The Tennessee Valley Authority called for temporary energy load reductions, or rolling blackouts as some call them, to stabilize the regional power grid for the first time in its 89-year history amid subzero temperatures Friday morning.

TVA Chief Operating Officer Don Moul told The Tennessean Friday the power operator had to reduce strain on its grid as demand for energy ran nearly 35% higher than expected on a normal winter day, while at the same time a few of its coal and gas energy facilities were down because of the freezing temperatures.

Why Tennessee Valley Authority ordered rolling blackouts in Nashville (dnj.com)

Obviously, this is sort of a “big first” for TVA. But the question is going to be how we propose to fix the system in a way they do not have to do rolling blackouts again or at least keep them to a excruciating minimum. This is when we need to make sure the Green Movement stays the fuck out of the planning, or we are going to be spending millions in solar cell farms and windmills that could not get enough power in winter to charge a cell phone with the unfortunate consequence of not rolling blackouts but full-fledged collapses of power generation.

I believe I will be investing in a dual fuel, electric start generator. Some 10KW should do it.