

Baiting violence

This video:


You might have seen other videos of some white kid saying something racist and then getting beat up.

That is part of a TikTok trend where the unsuspecting victim is told to say something racist a a joke or for internet fame, only to be attacked.

The video then edits out the first part and only leaves the racist tirade to make it look like thr attack was justified, because we live in a perverted society where violence against words is considered justified under certain racial dynamics.

Given that idea, racist words justifying violence, bad actors are manufacturing racist incidents to get away with violence.

This boy was smart enough not to fall for it and still was the recipient of violence.

And potentially lethal violence as well.  The victim was hit in the head with a metal folding chair.

Social media is poison.

There is clearly such a shortage of white racism that a professional victim class needs to manufacture it.

And I doubt Romario will make it to his 21st birthday before getting yeeted by the police or maybe a CCW.

I guess police everywhere are terrible at prevention

It was a tiny blip in the news so I missed it, but almost a week ago there was a gunfight in Australia between police and three heavily armed citizens that left six dead.

This morning I saw this story and boy did it hit close to home.

Police shooter Nathaniel Train breached Queensland border in a car carrying weapons months after school resignation

The COVID-19 border breach — along with other evidence that the former school principal potentially broke laws relating to the possession and disposal of weapons during the same incident — was reported to Queensland police less than a year before Train was involved in a deadly shooting that resulted in the deaths of two young police constables.

The revelations raise questions about how much Queensland police knew before they sent four officers to a remote Western Downs property on Monday to follow up a missing person’s report about Nathaniel Train.

Now an ABC investigation has confirmed Nathaniel Train broke through the border gate on the Boongangar Bridge over the Macintyre River to enter Queensland in December 2021, months after his resignation from Walgett Community School.

The state’s land border had opened just days earlier but only to people who were fully vaccinated.

A Queensland farmer in the Goondiwindi region who asked not to be named said he had contacted police about the incident after finding Train on a flooded road near the border.

The farmer said Train had tried to ram his black Toyota LandCruiser through the border gates.

When that failed, the farmer said Train used an angle grinder to cut the padlock on the gates and drive into Queensland.

Train returned to his vehicle to take guns, a bow and arrow and some military-style “Rambo” knives before getting into their vehicle, the farmer said.

The farmer said he found documents near where the vehicle had been, including some that identified him as Nathaniel Train and outlined his work history at a NSW school.

He said he contacted police about the vehicle and the border breach, fearing the car might have been stolen.

Police told him because the vehicle had not been stolen, there was nothing they could do, he said.

So this guy had a bunch of guns and acted violently, it was reported to the police, who politely told the farmer reporting it to fuck off because they were too lazy to check it out.

Then this guy kills a couple of cops in an ambush.

Wow, does this seem familiar.

I guess the Queensland police have been reading from the same training manual as the Broward County Sheriff and FBI.

I feel bad for law abiding Australian gun owners who wear going to get another round of fucking because their cops were too lazy to act on a tip about some crazy fucker dumping guns in a river.

Real Gun Safety Group

Every day we read article regarding “Gun safety”. Normally this is propaganda for “ban guns”. It is the same way that it is “gun violence” and not “violence”. The words are twisted in order to hide the true meaning.

Questions that you can ask any of these “gun safety” groups that will expose them almost immediately are “How many gun locks have you given away?” “What educational programs do you have to teach children gun safety?”, “How many classes have you run to teach gun safety?”, and so on. What you will quickly find is that the only thing they have is a petition for you to sign demanding that somebody in government make things safer by banning guns.

Over the last year or so a small trickle of articles have been showing up. These articles are about groups that are running gun safety courses. They are giving training. They are teaching people how to be safer when they handle or are exposed to a gun.

If nothing else, they are teaching the four rules of gun safety.

  1. Treat the gun as if it is loaded.
  2. Never point a gun at something that you are not willing to destroy or kill
  3. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it
  4. Keep your booger hook off the bang stick until you are ready to shoot. (Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot)

Yes, we have to apply reason to these rules. Nonetheless these are the four rules.

I firmly believe that every gun owner should get some level of firearms training. I’ve been handling firearms consistently for many years. I never had that “gun safety course” until I took advantage of a reader’s offer to provide official NRA training for my wife and myself.

We had a great time and I did learn a bit. She learned even more. That was the day she fired her AR-15 for the first time and after examining the results has decided that is her goto weapon for a self-defense situation. We still need to do more manual of arms training but today she knows how to and is capable of charging the weapon. She knows how to manipulate the safety. And she knows how to put rounds on target exactly where she wants them, up to about 50 yards.

So when I see an article talking about “gun safety” groups attempting to “reduce gun violence” I have already prejudged the situation. Another bunch of lying gun grabbers misusing language to hide their attempts to infringe.

This group is out to make a buck. They sell training courses. But here is an article on the local TV news telling people where to go to learn a little bit about guns and gun safety. Real gun safety.

And if they are interested, they can sign up for an actual class.

The owner even talks about how this is not training for blacks but instead is for everybody.

Thank you to Black Agenda Alliance, Inc for running this seminar and I hope it leads to more people getting training and a few bucks in your pockets.

Things that go “boom”, well “snap”

I’ve always been a cheap arse bastard. Years ago I started making my own black powder because buying it was just to expensive. This required a little bit of investment but I more than broke even.

One of the tools I purchased was a ball mill. It is a small table top mill, about 3 liters in size. It is hex shaped so it moves the media better than a round mill and it has a 1/8in replaceable rubber liner.

I’ve used it to mill all sorts of things. When I got into reloading I just used it with water and a little dish soap to clean my brass. The brass came out looking pretty good.

Later I purchased stainless steel pin media specifically designed for cleaning things like cases. Switching to Dawn dish detergent along with a Lemi Shine as a final rinse gave me wonderful results. Brass looked as good as new.

The problem is that it is messy. It takes multiple water changes and rinses to get all of the soapy water out. You have to be careful not to let the media wash away.

Since I was interested in powder coating bullets I finally picked up a vibrating tumbler. But I never used it to clean cases. I still tumble cleaned and then put the cases in the food dehydrator to dry them.

Recently I switched to using that vibrating tumbler to clean cases. It does an ok job but not new brass clean. The images I shared the other day of the .38 special with the bottom of the primer broken out was run through the tumbler for an hour. It is clean but not great.

So I struck a deal with a friend to send him some primers loaded into .45ACP cases. I’ve a few hundred .45ACP cases that are ready for reloading. Except they are straight from the range and are not clean enough to reload. So I decided to tumble clean them before I primed them and sent them off.

I got everything ready… Put the tumbler in its base and powered it up. It started doing its magic.

About 5 minutes into the first 30 minute run it stops. I hear a whine but no tumbling action.

The twenty plus year old power belt had snapped.

So I’m stuck until the belt material gets here. I pride myself on being prepared. I didn’t have a spare belt. I didn’t have the material to make a proper belt. On Monday I could likely get some big rubber bands from the PO to use for a bit. But I don’t have it here and now.

So tumbling will have to wait until the new belts are made. That will happen on Monday. If all goes well I should be able to ship out fifty cases to my friend on Tuesday.

Bah Humbug

“I’ll just have the salad….”

And five sides of Thousand Islands dressing.

The missus saw it first. I believe I stared at that scene for a full minute trying to comprehend what I was seeing. And yes, the guy had his own gravitational pull.

If you are gonna fat, do it with pride. Just go straight for the frigging fully loaded baked potatoes and the 12-ounce rib eye.

PS: I am not sure, but I am willing to be that was a Diet Coke.