

Criminals are the true Democrat constituents

From the article in the Tweet:

“When we discovered that incarcerated individuals previously received stimulus checks, an amendment was introduced to block them in the second round, and Democrats voted against it,” [Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE)] added. “It’s disgusting, and Democrats who voted against the amendment should be ashamed.”

The Democrats gave a billion dollars to inmates because criminals are their favorite constituents.

If we were a serious country we’d sink their navy

Iranian Navy seized 2 US Navy maritime drones on Thursday

The Iranian Navy seized two US Navy maritime drones in international waters in the Red Sea on Thursday.

The drones were eventually released, but a US defense official says the incident looks like an escalation of Iranian hostile actions against the United States.

The incident began Thursday, the official said, when the Iranian Navy ship was observed taking two US drones out of the water “in an attempt to steal them,” according to the official. The US then quickly moved in with two nearby destroyers, the USS Nitze and USS Delbert D. Black, as well as two helicopters and communicated by radio to demand the drones be returned.

The Iranians agreed but asked to wait until daylight on Friday for safety reasons which the US agreed to, the official said.

Why in the name of Chester W. Nimitz’s massive nautical balls does the modern US Navy let itself get humiliated by Iran.

Remember that when President Biden was VP, his boss and CIC Obama let the Iranian Navy take our sailors hostage.

I have described the Navy as the big swinging dick of foreign policy.  It several million tons of floating American sovereignty that we can deploy almost anywhere on earth in 24 hours.

If we has some self respect and a hard fucking cock we’d introduce the Iranians to our new QUICKSKINK anti-ship missile and snap their fucking destroyers in half.


But no.  The only dick in the region belongs to the Iranian Navy and they are rubbing it on our faces.

Why in the fuck does the Obama/Biden/Obama 2.0 let Iran get away with this?

The next President needs to remind the Iranians no to fuck with our navy by putting theirs on the bottom of the fucking ocean.

The Victors Write History v. The Internet Is Forever – J.Kb’s addendum

This morning I reads AWA’s excellent post The Victors Write History v. The Internet Is Forever.

He is absolutely correct.

I just wanted to add to it.

When the great empires of antiquity would conquere a land, it was normal for them to put the sages of the conquered land to the sword, then burn all the religious texts and writings of the conquered.

There was a reason when the Romans conquered Judea they sacked and burned the temple.

Islamic conquerors did the same.

The goal was to leave no evidence of the vanquished culture behind that could give them a memory of who they were before they were conquered.  Especially something that could take root and revitalize the vanquished culture and/or lead to rebellion.

The history of the story of Hanukkah is that the Jews hid their religion and kept it flourishing secretly under Greek rule, and then successfully fought a rebellion expelling the Greeks.

In modern times, the Soviets and Maoist Chinese had to continuously rewrite history and engage in active oppression to maintain their victor status.

The passage from Orwell’s 1984:

He tried to make her understand. ‘This was an exceptional case. It wasn’t just a question of somebody being killed. Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? If it survives anywhere, it’s in a few solid objects with no words attached to them, like that lump of glass there. Already we know almost literally nothing about the Revolution and the years before the Revolution. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself. After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don’t know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories. Just in that one instance, in my whole life, I did possess actual concrete evidence after the event — years after it.’

That was based on what the Soviets actually did.

So now, given what AWA said, where do we from here.

We remember what really happened and it’s documented all over the internet, which can’t be burned or obliterated.

The more they try to actively rewrite history, the more people will call “bullshit!”

So what methods are they going to try and use to do what previous victors have done to obliterate the memory of the before times so the party is always right?

We know they influence Facebook and Twitter.

Could they shut down blogs like ours?

Throttle our bandwidth to nothing.

Criminalize the truth as misinformation?

As Miguel often quoted, they can’t stop the signal, but I bet they damn well will try.

The Victors Write History v. The Internet Is Forever

To post publicly is dangerous. Every time we write a blog posting it remains as a stepping stone into our past. The terms we use will be judged in the future. The images we choose to post will be considered, weighed, and likely found wanting.

The internet is forever. J.Kb. has written about the evil that is things like OnlyFans. Places where young girls go and become hollow husks of people, losing an intimate sharing that the could have kept for their partner in the future.

There is a story that a young lady was picked to be the model for Ivory Snow soap. “99 44/100% pure” was the tagline. You can’t have your public face be anything but pure. This young lady decided it would be a good idea to perform in an X rated film. She lost the Ivory Snow gig and never had another non-porn gig there after. The story of Marilyn Chambers is out there if you want to read about her.

She made money but didn’t have a great life. Multiple divorces and a drug habit were some of the issues she faced.

One recent blogger that had an unfiltered style of writing had to stop posting when he was doxed and harrassed. In a society where the government lies to tell the truth is dangerous.

Miguel is the public face of this blog. The other authors have setup a small amount of separation between our public persona and our private lives as our postings could have professional ramifications.

Yet still we post.

This post isn’t about this little blogger or the better blogs out there, this is about how history is rewritten by the victors.

The latest authority figure that is rewriting history is Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. She is out there telling the country that the teachers union wanted the kids in school. It was the politicians that closed the schools, her people are dedicated to the children and wanted to teach.

But the internet remembers. It remembers when it was revealed that teachers unions pushed the CDC to recommend that the schools be closed. Even today schools are full of “must mask” rules. In this part of the country about the only place you are required to wear a mask are the schools and doctors offices.

There are a few at risk people that have businesses open to the public that require masks to enter, but they are very few and there is always an option to go elsewhere.

The teachers unions seem to be one of the most self serving entities in the country. Their hypocrisy knows no real bounds.

Back when Chris Christie was the Governor of NJ he went to battle with the teachers union of NJ. One of the counter attacks was how much Christie was paid. He pointed out that the head of the teachers union in NJ was paid almost three times as much as he was and had significantly less responsibilities.

The country is going through a vast gas lighting. They tell us that a grand mother walking through the capitol taking pictures is a fundamental threat to our country but a mob burning a city is peaceful. They tell us that acting in self defense is murder but that violent criminals should be set free.

We are told that it is a “Gun Safety Bill” when infringements on a fundamental right proposed.

We need to remain vigilant to the rewriting of history as we watch. Keep copies of articles and videos, you might only see them one time.

Back in 1991 during operation Desert Storm, the US military was firing Tomahawk Cruise Missiles into Baghdad. We were watching some of the footage on CNN. The new crew was on the roof of the hotel in Baghdad when they heard something. The cameraman pointed the camera down the street and filmed a Tomahawk missile flying down the center of the street. It got to the end of the street and turned at the intersection and continued onward.

We saw it. We saw it exactly once. I’ve never seen that video again. 30 years later I aks “Did I really see that, or am I misremembering.”

Document it. Remember it. Save copies.

Don’t let them gaslight you.

Migue’s Hit and Run: In case you did not get it…

When even MSNBC tells you are now the target of the US Military because you belong to the unapproved belief system, you better pay attention.


The speech itself provides clues. Biden focused in his remarks on identifying Trump and his most hardcore supporters as a danger to the republic, with their disregard for democratic rule and their propensity for political violence. By placing Marines in his periphery, Biden aimed to showcase his faith in the military apparatus and its ability to back the democratic order — to defend against future attacks on the electoral system. It was an answer to Trump’s attempts to thwart a peaceful transfer of power and mobilize the military against democracy during his tenure.

Joe Biden’s speech took place in front of Marines. Here’s why. (msnbc.com)

Is there any doubt left that this Administration and the Democratic Party is ready and willing to massacre U.S. Citizens to stay in power? I feel peace and freedom are dwindling to a trickle and into hopelessness.

I see a November where the Democrats not only keep the House and the Senate but increase their numbers.  And you know how.

If we see a peaceful December 2022, I’ll be amazed.