

I bet this video will raise some memories in Miami


Now forgotten by historians and the complicit media, I still remember being told and reading about the days after the Cuban Revolution and before the Camaradas tightened up the airport about how desperate Cubans would spring across the tarmac and trying to get inside the landing gear well of departing airplanes. People got run over, some clung only to fall  as the plane accelerated and took off, some fell to their deaths and some that managed to actually make it inside died either frozen by the low temperatures of cruise altitude or by oxygen deprivation since that section of the airplane was not pressurized.

Only a handful ever made it.  I read this article when it came out and it is what popped in my mind when I saw that video. I never expected to see a remake of that much desperation, but alas! here we are again.

What honestly pisses me off about what’s going on in Afghanistan

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was inevitable.

Long-time readers of this blog will know that I have been saying for years that our nation-building efforts in Afghanistan are wasted.

First, I need to point out, that the military does not do nation-building.  The military kills people and blows shit up.  Nation-building happens after the military is victorious.  We had to win WWII to make the Marshall Plan possible.

Yes, the military may be needed to maintain peace, but a permanent victory in Afghanistan was never achieved.

That isn’t the fault of the boots on the ground in Afghanistan.  I want to make that clear.

A study of Afghanistan reveals that it is a country made up of clans and tribes that generally hate each other.

The Soviets and the British before them failed to conquer and nation-build in Afghanistan for the same reason we failed.

It is a land of tribal goat-herding, boy-raping, savage, sectarian tribal violence, and it has been that way for 3,000 years.

The only unifying force that was successful in overcoming that tribal conflict was tyrannical Islam.

That is what the Taliban is, tyrannical Islam.

The only way to prevent the Taliban re-capturing of Afghanistan was a permanent US military presence.  There wasn’t enough training we could provide the Afghani Army to shift thousands of years of culture and get disparate tribes to come together as a unified fighting force willing to fight for unified Afghanistan.

I have said repeatedly that if we ever pulled out of Afghanistan, there would be bloodshed in our wake and we will need to accept that or accept that we will never pull out.  Those are our only choices.

Bush knew this, Obama knew this, Trump for all his bluster knew this, Biden was the senile old patsy with a legacy that could be sacrificed to an Afganistan pullout.

I knew this was coming.  So why am I so pissed?

#Afghanistan: This seems to be happening everywhere as the Taliban seize most of the country, but just a sample of the weapons seized in #Herat. Literally hundreds of M4s, M249, M240, as well as PK(M)s, RPGs, and much other assorted materiel. pic.twitter.com/DIa8TdCWL7

— Cᴀʟɪʙʀᴇ Oʙsᴄᴜʀᴀ (@CalibreObscura) August 14, 2021

ef=”https://t.co/Fb5MTpdLKK”>pic.twitter.com/Fb5MTpdLKK— Julian Röpcke (@JulianRoepcke) August 12, 2021

We armed and equipped the Taliban with advanced weapons and vehicles.  What they cannot use themselves they will sell for cash to Iran or China to be reverse-engineered.

We left Afghanistan with a Taliban that are now experienced veterans at fighting and defeating advanced Western armies and with US taxpayer-provided weapons.

These weapons will be used against the US or our allies.  They will be smuggled into Europe or elsewhere.

You will see them used in terrorist attacks.

That is what we did.  We created a Taliban that is stronger now than when we arrived.

Our leadership should have seen this coming and pulled every last penny’s worth of equipment and tech on our way out, but they didn’t.

They left it all to be used against us in the future.

That is a level of incompetence that is unforgivable.

That is why I’m so pissed at what happened in Afghanistan.

Antifa have no principles other than hatred and a desire for violence

Over the weekend there was a protest outside LA City Hall against the proposal for mandatory masking and vaccination, and vaccine passports.

This should be a universal opinion in America.  You should not have to show your papers to travel or shop unrestricted in this country.

Unfortunately, this has become partisan.

Antifa, as the unofficial militia of the far Left, violently attacked these protesters, which included a stabbing.


This is the situation in America right now.

People: “We don’t want to be forced to wear useless masks and have to carry around proof of vaccination to live our lives.”

Antifa: “You are fascists” [attack with knives and bear spray].

Antifa is in this for the violence.  They enjoy identifying a group and violently attacking it.

They are getting more dangerous with every encounter.  This time someone got stabbed.

This stabbing is attempted murder, but it doesn’t seem to be being treated that way.  Because of that, they will be more emboldened the next time.

Desperate Afghanis clinging to US Planes and falling to their deaths.



In the meantime, the Internet’s rumor mill is starting to churn theories about why Pedo Joe has not made a live appearance or even a few words via Twitter and the WH Press secretary seems to have taken a week off during the worse (so far) moment of the Administration.

We are entering a very interesting week.

Update: In case Tweeter deems the video harmful for Children and the current administration and deletes them, I made copies.



Woke California is about to mandate teaching Antisemitism in schools

California bill AB-101 is coming up for a vote, they want to rush before Gavin Newsom faces recall.

It mandates that students be taught ethnic studies as a graduation requirement from certified ethnic studies teachers.

The Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Institute is one such certified group of ethnic studies teachers.

This is the sort of shit that they teach:

Listening to this insanity, I should speak up if I see drivers stop for white people in a crosswalk or white students getting a good education?  Shouldn’t I want everyone to be able to get a good education or use a crosswalk without getting run over?  Apparently, that makes me a white supremacist.

But it’s on the topic of the Jews that they really go off the rails.

Preparing to Teach Palestine: A Toolkit

Given the attacks on teaching about Palestine, it’s important for us as educators to understand the nature of the attacks and where they’re coming from. These aren’t spontaneous protests from random individuals; they are led, organized and financed by Zionist organizations in the United States and Israel.

Zionism is a nationalist, colonial ideology that, from the late 19th century on, has called for the creation and expansion of Israel as a Jewish state in historic Palestine by any means necessary. As support for Palestine and criticism of Israel’s apartheid policies have grown in the US and internationally, Zionist organizations have stepped up their efforts to silence discussion of Palestine/Israel in movement circles, on college campuses, and now in K-12 education.

It’s important to be clear:

    • Critical pedagogy about Israel’s role in Palestine is not antisemitic.
      Antisemitism is discrimination against, violence towards, or stereotypes of Jews for being Jewish. Criticism of Israel’s policies of apartheid and oppression of Palestinians is not antisemitism.
    • False accusations of antisemitism that rely on the conflation of the State of Israel with Jewish identity are an explicit strategy of Zionists, who portray Palestinians as motivated by antisemitism or irrational hatred rather than resistance to oppression.
    • Zionists claim to speak for all Jews, but Zionism is distinct from Judaism. Growing numbers of Jews are critical of Israel’s settler colonialism and support teaching Arab-American studies and Palestine.
    • Claims that discussion, or even mention, of Palestine makes classrooms “unsafe” for Jewish or Israeli American students are racist, just like claims that discussion of slavery or Jim Crow makes classrooms unsafe for white students. Students are empowered by exploring accurate history, looking beneath right-wing myths to face what’s really going on in the world. Recognizing patterns of continuing colonialism and the long history of resistance and resilience is freeing for all of us. That’s how our youth will be able to build the relationships and strategies necessary to create a better world.
    • Safety comes through solidarity. Antisemitism— like anti-Asian, anti-Black, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic attacks and rhetoric —exists in every community, but it is fostered and exploited by right-wing movements in the US and around the world that gain power by keeping us divided.

This is viciously antisemitic while claiming to be only anti-Zionist, which is a common trope of the radical Left.

They are openly claiming that it’s a conspiracy against them by JOOOOOOSSSS to shut them up when they try to teach that Israel is a colonial apartheid state and the Palestinians are just innocent victims.

This curriculum has already been adopted by school districts in California but AB-101 would mandate it state-wide.

This is what the Left is going to do, it will turn every school child in California into an antisemite, filling their heads with the same garbage that Palestinian children are taught in terrorist training camps they call schools in Gaza.



Never forget that the point is to try an humiliate you – Governor Noem edition

A rational person would ask:

“What does the governor of South Dakota making an appearance at the single largest revenue generating event in her state have to do with the Federal Government fucking up foreign policy and military strategy in another country on the other side of the world?”

But the point is to humiliate you by getting you to nod along with such ridiculous untruths, like blaming the governor of the 5th least populous for the national embarrassment of watching Afghanistan fall to the Taliban in three weeks and capture a US taxpayer-funded arsenal in the process.

This is not a smart point.

This is a point that intends to make you dumber and more compliant.