

Everything you ever needed to know about Tactical Flashlights


And then some. Our buddy Kevin Creighton goes full nerd/Mythbusters-Intensive investigation on tactical flashlights and presents us with a very complete result.

And let’s face it: we are secret tac light sluts. We just don’t advertise it like with guns or knives.

The Best Tactical Flashlight – Torch Testing Results (ammoman.com)


The death of manliness in America

I’ve seen this meme posted on a few differ Twitter accounts.

I understand that in this day and age that a wife can make more money than her husband.

What o do find objectionable, grotesque is probably more accurate, is a grown man asking his wife to buy him a lego set like he’s a 12 year old boy.

The horrifying thing is how many people I’ve seen, both women and man-children, say how great this is.  How many husbands want this and how man wives would use this to get their husbands to do more chores or domestic tasks.

This is not a husband and wife relationship. This is a child in a weird oedipal relationship with a surrogate mommy.

What happened to manliness in this country?

Why is this any way socially acceptable?

It’s a sad state that this gets more praise than condemnation.

Thank you for your donations and I Open Carried!

It is long overdue, but I want to thank all of you who donated to keep Troglodite services under the ruling of AWA as our Webhost Magician for another year. I believe you all have noticed how smooth the site has been running and we owe it to him.

I went to the post office to finally mail him his check and I had to come home because the place was packed and the usual Federal slowness was in progress. I can print my USPS labels online thankyouverymuch, so I grabbed a Priority Mail envelope and returned home.

After I got the label and envelope ready, I realized I had to cross the street to the mailbox and I was still fully geared but without cover garment… and I remembered that I was in OC Country, so, I OCed. About 17 cars went by (OK, only 3 but felt like that many) while I placed the envelope in the box and I returned back inside with my wife looking and smiling as if saying “Good boy!”

No, I did not pant.

And that is what OC represents to me: A convenience to be used in specific and temporary moments. And to stave off any fights, you carry the way you want and prepare accordingly.

How dare they demand what’s theirs!

But there are rare cases in which the landlord doesn’t want to go through the commission process and instead wants possession of the property.

There were a handful of such cases during [Judge Gale] Robinson’s court Tuesday.

When a landlord wanted possession, Robinson would ask if they also wanted the back rent, pointing out that the commission would be the best way to get that money.

“[The commission] has millions and millions of dollars,” Robinson said during one case.

In that case, the landlord’s lawyer said the property owner wanted possession but also “didn’t want to waive the right to pursue damages in the future.”

Courts anticipating wave of eviction cases with moratorium over in TN (tennessean.com)

The whole feel of the article is obviously against property owners because they had the gall to demand what’s owed to them and the return of their legal property. “But there is free money from the Federal government!” seems to be the cry for “reason” which ignores the fact that is not government money but taxpayer’s money and that the same emotional appeal used to get funds to pay for the rents of a lot of assholes who could pay but refused to do so under the protection of a mandate,  can disappear if the political winds change and the property owners are stuck with an occupied structure that they cannot make money out of it.

I read in another article that some owners are evicting no-paying tenants and then turning around and selling the property: How dare they! (Part 2)  And again, do what you want with your goods is somehow shameful and immoral, but somehow not paying for services provided is morally righteous because there is a pandemic excuse. My take is that the owners got a nice fat offer and being tired of dealing with the fact that the monies owe were not coming in, they would rather get rid of the headache for a tidy profit. And I cannot blame them for that since they are not in the public housing business.

I am amazed that some lefty in congress has not come out with a proposal to expand Eminent Domain to seize private rental housing and give a chance to the poor families that “cannot pay [coughbullshitcough] rent” to live with dignity and all the accompanying flowery horseshit.

Then again maybe is hiding in that Infrastructure bill that we need to approve to read it and know what’s in it,

Anarcho-Tyranny in Portland is the future of America

One of the more interesting political concepts is the one of Anarcho-Tyranny.

It seems like an oxymoron but it is a system that combines anarchy and tyranny, and very well describes parts of the US and possibly our future.

The idea of Anarcho-Tyranny is actually quite simple, the state is tyrannical on certain subjects and totally anarchist on others, generally relating to socioeconomic status and political orientation.

If you’re a middle-class, law-abiding tax-paying citizen, you live under bureaucratic tyranny.  The state will absolutely fuck you do death over things like paying taxes or fees and bureaucratic regulatory compliance.

It’s when your kid can’t set up a lemonade stand in the front yard without a business license, restaurant license, tax ID number, and a health inspector audit.

But the state is totally unable to – and is generally disinterested in – dealing with things like cities turning into war zones.

Chicago can have 73 shootings and 11 homicides in a weekend and prosecutors are busy dropping charges.

Portland is the model for the Anarcho-Tyranny state.

As Miguel wrote about, some Christians were attacked by Antifa over the weekend.

A Christan concert was set up on that spot, with volunteer security, to make a stand against Antifa.  Antifa did not attack the concert, where they were outnumbered.

As people left the concert and were no longer protected in the venue, they became targets for Antifa.

This is flooring to see for Amercians.

We live in a country where masked people with shields and pepper spray can attack innocent people and hose them down with noxious chemicals and the police do nothing.  They are not even there.

But God forbid you fight back, you will face the wrath of the legal system.  Just ask the McCloskeys or Kyle Rittenhouse about that.

The lesson here is deliberate.

If you are on the side of the politicians in power, you will be protected by Anarchy, to be as violent as you want without fear of the state.

If you are against the side of the politicians in power, you will face the full weight of tyrannical government.

This is how Portland functions and it is the model for the rest of the US.


Senator Mark Kelly just made the greatest argument against DACA



Grijalva, an illegal immigrant to the United States, is competing for his home country of Guatemala but wants to live in the United States under a program that was sold as being for kids brought to the US at such an early age that this is the only country they know and consider home.

So if that’s the case, why is he running for Guatemala and not Team USA?

Fuck him, if he wants to try and win a medal for Guatemala, he can stay there when he’s done.

And fuck Gabby Giffords’ husband too, that cosmic ray irradiated mutant, for giving away a fast track for citizenship to someone competing against America.