

I do not think you understand what you are saying.

If you are vaccinated, you should not give a damn if anybody else is vaccinated or not. The vaccine either works and you are safe or does not work and we are all on our way to the crematorium (or not) because we have 99.98% chance of survival.

If you are vaccinated, shut the hell up about the unvaccinated and live your life. You are adding to the confussion by implying that your vaccination somehow will not work because Juan Bubba Tyrone may cough on you and you will die a horrible choking death.

The unvaccinated will either die or not of the Kung Flu and unless they are issuing your paychecks, you should mind your own little business and sip your Chai Latte.

And regarding Takei…

Tactical Weather Gnome is confused.

He went from warding off hurricanes from a sparse backyard…


To be around pretty plants several latitudes North but nothing but gently summer breezes…

“Been here a week now, waiting for a mission, getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger.”

Yup, he might be losing it.

PS: The wife put him there. 

Of course this happened in Bloomington


In the parts of Indiana I’m familiar with, the locals would be firing up the woodchippers already.

Again, like I said in my last post, the point is to humiliate you.

A majority of Americans bought into the idea of “let two gay men who love each other get married” because we’re tolerant people who generally are supportive of equality under the law.

After that, the radical Left decided what we needed was to be humiliated.

“You allowed gay marriage.  Now it’d time to let us introduce your children to homoerotic incest BDSM play, or you’re a bigot.”

Don’t let them humiliate you.


Never forget that the point is to humiliate you

This guy is a PhD mathematician from Harvard:


I also have a STEM PhD and I know what he’s talking about re water and ethanol.

The addition of integer units and the thermodynamics of mixing are different topics.

He knows this.  I’m not going to waste time trying to logically explain why he’s wrong.

The point of this is to humiliate you and make you say an untruth.

Right now he’s doing it trying to appeal to you by convincing you that saying “2+2 doesn’t equal 4” makes you smarter and more sophisticated because of factors us rubes can’t comprehend.

All the wise and sophisticated people who went to Ivy League schools know that women can have penises and men can menstruate and get pregnant.  What sort of ignorant, knuckle-dragging untermenschen are you to think otherwise?

If that fails to work they will apply brute force.

The point is to break you.

Teach your children to recognize and reject this.