From Behind Enemy Lines

Religious “freedom”

Another report from the Left of center…

I received the following on FB from a friend. I haven’t verified it, but I don’t feel the need to. I’ve experienced the things mentioned in it, myself, personally, many times over the past umpteen years. If this one happens to be an amalgamation of other real things, it doesn’t matter, because it describes something that does, indeed, happen. All. The. Fucking. Time.

So much controversy is floating around regarding this photo of a store display in Michaels Stores by those of abrahamic faith and quite honestly, it’s disgusting.

It doesn’t matter what faith, spiritual walk, or religious affiliation you claim/choose (if any) because that’s the beauty of life, Religious Freedom. ❤️

But, when you constantly trash people of different religions/ faiths, and even going as far as to say that ethnic/cultural practices are DEMONIC, by making erroneous assumptions/comments only to toss in every bible verse known to man to strive and justify and condemn those for what THEY believe in…

That folks is evil and at bare minimum, a hypocritical sight.

Some call their religions witchcraft, Satanism, Spiritualism, Buddisim, Native/Ancestral Practices, Catholic, Earth Magic, Islam, Lightwork, Norse and Scandinavian practices, etc with a great number believing in polytheism.

*Please note that Paganism is an umbrella term that covers anything NOT of Abrahamic Religion*

With this being said; there are in fact over 4,000 religions across the globe, with a large amount predating Christianity by 1,000’s….yes, THOUSANDS of years

The issue is this:

Knowing and acknowledging that yes, different religions exist and yes, one may indeed practice witchcraft, however, by saying “Your beliefs are wrong because a book tells me so” makes YOU the evil one, not those seeking connection in whatever form they choose.

Fun fact, many non-christians do not believe in evil as a whole, nor do they believe in heaven/hell, or that the stories in the bible are anything but that, stories.

But if…

You believe in the bible, that’s ok!

You live by what the bible says, that’s ok!

You want to share your beliefs, that’s ok too!

Just please stop degrading, judging, and throwing stones at those who don’t believe the same things.

That folks, is not ok!

It baffles me how ONE store display can cause such an uproar and it literally happens every single year during Autumn time.

365 days a year, you can find Christian merchandise and memorabilia in 9/10 stores.

Some stores not only brand but pride themselves on being for and in favor of Christian patronage.

-Christianbook Store
-Hobby Lobby
…..and 1,000’s of others.

Stores display occult merchandise 1 month a year and it’s

-Oh, the agenda…
-Oh the demonic push for our children…
-Oh, Jesus save us…

What I have found in my 40+ years on this planet is that, the vast majority of evil actually comes from those who claim they walk WITH Jesus but, are only fillled with “love and acceptance” on Sundays 🤷‍♀️

Other religions DO exist people and as such have a right to see their own religious affiliated items.

You don’t have to embrace anything other than your own faith, non one is pushing you to “convert”… just simply choose to keep your judgmental mouths shut and turn the other cheek as you are told to do when you see someone living/shopping different than you 😉

P.S. Michael’s is on point this year
(from “Tara” on FaceBook)

So yes, it does happen. Every year at Halloween (or Samhain for many of us), someone gets their panties in a wad over some costume or another. I’ll talk about the Left’s bullshit another time (can you say “cultural appropriation” kiddies? yeah, knew you could). This is about the Right, because frankly, I don’t know any Leftist uber Christians. They’re all to the Right.

There it is, that religious intolerance. I get really tired of it. Throughout my adult life, I have had so called christians (I refuse to give them the stupid capital letters, because they do not represent what Jesus said in any way, in my very strong and loud opinion) throw rocks through my living room window, with Bible verses tied onto them. I have had someone burn a cross on my front lawn. I have been (and I fucking kid you not, folks) exorcised at a local restaurant, with the whole speaking in tongues and clutching of handbags. I have been yelled at, spat on, told I’m going to hell, had people threaten to “call the police on me” (for what? praying in a park? wtf.). This is just me. I have never lived in a REALLY Christian area of the world. I have friends (face to face friends, not dubious FaceBook acquaintances) who have had their lives threatened over being a religion that wasn’t Christian. I have friends who have lost their kids because someone accused them of being “demonic practitioners who sacrificed children.”

You want to know reasons the Left gets up in arms every time the Right says something? It’s because the Left (and some of us not quite so Left) have been hurt like this… sometimes physically… by people claiming to be “saving” us. Yeah, it doesn’t match every time, but this is one of those ones that gets my goat.

I have to put up with people being not only allowed but ENCOURAGED to proselytize to my kids everywhere but in the actual classroom (and honestly, they do it there too, per my kids)… but any mention of my religion in public and suddenly I’m being threatened with subverting and perverting children. My kids aren’t allowed to wear their religious jewelry to school, because the school says it “promotes hatred and violence” but Christians can wear images of two pieces of wood that a guy was LITERALLY NAILED TO and that’s not promoting violence?

Yeah, I’m pissy today. You want tolerance? Learn to dish it out, first. I hear about how the Right has to keep bending the knee, offering up things, always being the ones to compromise. While that’s true for some things, it is sure as hell not true when it comes to this. When y’all talk about “freedom of religion” you don’t mean me. I’ve been told to my face, the Framers never meant it to include “the godless.” That statement meant that Christians of all colors, “and some Jews” could worship freely, but it was not about pagans or heathens or Buddhists, no.


the angry and irritated.

Edited by AWA for formatting. Any changes in content are my fault.

XX, XY, and XXXXX…Y?

CBMT Tek said to Hagar:
Thoughts on this fiasco?
If the left really wants to live in a Star Trek tolerance level of society, why the automatic leap to “hate” and “…phobe?” It is almost as if the left cannot imagine anyone can disagree with them unless they “hate” them. Someone misgenders you, and it is apparently the end of the world. Why? Because the allure of power is too overwhelming, and shutting down the UK PM over a statement he made is power.
Granted, I see that from the right as well, but not as frequently. (Then again, my personal biases may be at play)

So… I have a ton to say and I’m not entirely sure how to say it. Let me give it a go here.

Part the first: I don’t believe it’s as simple as, “A man is a man, and a woman is a woman.” According to Yale, there are two biological genders: male and female. According to some other scientists there are six genders, or 27, or some other odd number. Per the National Institute of Health, there are two main genders, male and female, and other outliers that sometimes happen, but that basically if there’s a Y in the mix of chromosomes, it’s a male, and if there’s no Y, it’s female. These biological genders may OR MAY NOT match the sexual organs exterior to the body. It’s possible, for instance, for a person with both Xs and Ys in their genes to have genitals that we perceive as female, but they are still male no matter whether they have breasts, ovaries, or even female hormones. Essentially, chromosomes are the only way to actually determine someone’s biological gender.

I personally believe that people under the age of 18 should be restricted from making irreversible life-altering changes to their bodies. That includes, but is not limited to, tattoos, piercings, circumcision, sexual organs, etc. Those changes should be made under only two circumstances. Either you’re 18 (old enough to vote, live on your own, and to give consent that is at least somewhat informed), or there’s a medical emergency that requires something happen (such as an emergency hysterectomy due to cancer, or something along those lines). I am somewhat okay with those 16 and older getting piercings with parental consent, but I’d be absolutely fine with it being 18, as well.

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Challenged Rights

This came across my feed today, from three different people. As some of you may have guessed, many of my friends and acquaintances are Left leaning to some degree. I see this thing come up every election season, basically. Today, I spent 20 minutes staring at it, trying to decide whether to reply. I eventually decided it wasn’t worth it, and moved on. Then I went back, snagged the image, and came here.

Let’s see. I personally have my human right to exist challenged fairly regularly. As someone who is pansexual (which is the new bisexual), for years I was put down by straight people as “just needing to find the right man,” and by gay people as, “just confused and unwilling to come out of the closet.” When you’re bi, everyone hates you. That challenge happens daily, for the most part, not just at election time. I wonder if some of the people who posted this have considered that.

As to watching people vote against my right to exist, well yes… it happens every election season. It happens on BOTH sides of the great aisle we’ve created. I see the Left voting down my right to free speech (their hatred of hate speech). I see the Left voting down my right to carry (second amendment). Both the Left and Right are guilty of raping the fourth amendment (that’d be the right to be secure in my person and against unwarranted and unreasonable searches and seizures, something both sides have eroded in their own ways). The fifth amendment is a mess, because (again for different reasons) Left and Right have decided some things are okay to “hold someone to answer for” without Grand Juries, and due process is a joke these days. The right to a speedy trial is not possible most of the time because of the ultimate mess of our legal system, so that’s the sixth down, though I don’t know that the gutting of the sixth is due to Left or Right… it’s just people in general. Excessive fines and cruel punishment seems to be the darling of the Right.

And the ninth… I don’t think anyone at all even remembers that one anymore. There are hundreds, thousands of rights. Not all of them are written down in the Constitution. Our Framers chose to highlight and protect certain rights because they were That Important, and yes, I recognize and appreciate that. But it doesn’t mean they granted me a right. No one grants me a right. If it’s something you were granted, then it’s a privileged, and it can be taken away. Women didn’t “win” the right to vote, they fought to have an already-present right recognized by a recalcitrant populace. Rights simply are. They exist because WE exist. No one can take them away, though if we don’t guard them, tyrants can restrict them and stop you from practicing them. But they don’t go away.

And on and on. Yes, I know the fear of my rights disappearing, not from the Right, not from the Left, but from both sides. From all sides! The pandering and downright bullshit mind twisting you have to do to think that only one side or group is guilty is mind boggling. I can’t even.

And as an aside, someone in commentary said they wondered why I said “sx” and “abse” instead of sex and abuse. That’s because on some social media, which I also write for, if you use those words you become censored, and can lose accounts. I sometimes forget that this is one of the places I can say things out loud. I won’t apologize for it, and you’ll probably see it again, if only because I will forget. But I do appreciate that here, at least, it is recognized that I have a right to free speech.

who’s angry today.

And then it went TOO FAR

When Roe vs. Wade was struck down, the Right cheered, the libertarians nodded thoughtfully, and the Left went into a full on panic.

The Right said that abortions were originally meant to be safe, but infrequent. The exception and never the rule. An abortion takes a life, even if it is a “potential” life, and that should be thought through very seriously before going forward. With the advent of “abortion on demand,” things got out of control and there was so much push that we had some people advocating for “post birth abortions.”

The Left said that abortions belonged to all women, that it should never be questioned, and that a woman is not a walking incubator. Abortion gives power to a woman, so she can’t be trapped in a relationship, can’t be forced into child care that she’s either unable or unwilling to provide. When and how abortions are done should be the discussion of women, and men ought be excluded.

I’m left enough to say that I believe it’s important to have a certain level of abortion available to women. There are simply too many situations where pregnancy is used as a cudgel to beat women down, even today, that I’m unwilling to even contemplate taking it away entirely. There are also just too many times when extenuating circumstances get in the way.

Today, I learned about a group of court cases challenging the abortion laws in Idaho, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. I’ll let you read the legalese yourself; I know you’re all capable of that. I’ll provide the “feels” for you.

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Never Forget

Twenty-two years ago, some Bad People did a Very Bad Thing. That thing resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, some the day of the VBT, and some weeks or years after.

On the morning of 9/11, I had just gotten home from a night shift. I went online to chat with friends, after getting my kid off to school, and people started telling me someone was bombing NYC. I thought it was bull, but I went and turned the TV on. I tuned in just in time to see the second tower hit. It took a long time to register what I was seeing was real.

I had friends who worked at the Twin Towers. I had friends who had kids in the daycare next door. I had friends who were supposed to be on flights to NYC to be at the Trade Center that day. I had friends who worked in or near the Pentagon. I had friends who lived very close to where the plane went down in Pennsylvania.

People often ask, where the hell was “god” that day, when so many good people died? I try to explain, God (Goddess, The Many and The One) was busy. God was there with the people who took down the plane in PA, giving them courage. God was with those who stumbled blindly down smoke choked stairwells at the Towers. God was making sure some people were sick and missed their train, plane, bus, and weren’t there when they should have been.

One friend was supposed to be in the first tower, getting ready for a presentation. He missed his flight due to a sick kid. Another friend was supposed to be in THAT wing of the Pentagon that day, but she was home sick herself. Another friend was supposed to be driving under the bridge pretty much at the moment the plane struck the Pentagon, but he had pneumonia and was safe in bed. A couple of friends were supposed to be on one of the flights that hit the towers, but got bumped or missed flights.

I’m not trying to minimize what happened, but it could have been so very much worse.

Right now, half my social media is spouting “Never Forget!” and the other half is talking about how traumatic it is to bring up old news and trauma like this. I believe they’re both right.

I will never forget what I was doing, where I was, or the weeks after 9/11. It was a terrifying time.

There’s something else I’ll never forget, either. For a few days, we were One Country, One People. Everyone stood together. Differences were set aside. Religious leaders of opposing sects worked together to sort through the rubble. Medical professionals gave their all. Emergency services went above and beyond. Aid poured in from around the world.

For one shining moment, the Very Bad Thing had shown us what we could be, if we worked together. We weren’t ready to make that our reality, but it showed us. What has been seen can never be unseen.

And that’s why I tell my kids about it every year. That’s why I talk about it here and other places on social media. When I say, “Never forget!” I am referring to what happened after the dust settled, not the planes and the horror.

Never forget, we have the ability to work together, to set aside all our petty differences, if we really need to.

Biker Scum, Keepin’ it Real

A number of years ago, I had the unfortunate responsibility of being the first person that a child told about sexual and physical abuse. I don’t regret one moment being the kind of person who that child felt comfortable (or at least less uncomfortable… such talks are NEVER comfortable) enough to talk to. I do regret that it was a talk that had to happen. That led to three years of horrible re-victimization of the child, as the courts wended their way through the course. The abuser ended up in jail (the Special Jail, way up north, and good riddance), and he’ll be there for the rest of his life. His sentence came to over 200 years. But I’d much rather the child never had to go through it at all.

I don’t know how many of you have ever been through a sexual assault or rape case (for adult OR child), but it’s a shit show. Basically, the person who was abused and harmed in one of the most intimate and trust-breaking ways ever, is forced to talk about what happened to them, in front of what amounts to an audience. Then they have to be questioned by their abuser’s lawyer, who brings up what they wore, how they acted, and what they said. They have to listen to their abuser tell them and that audience that they are just drama queens, liars, and sluts.

Did you know that if a rape or assault victim goes to therapy during the whole court process (anytime before the abuser is convicted), that their private therapy notes can be read openly in court, and used against them? It’s true. Did you know that their lawyer tells them that they are not allowed to emote in court? They’re supposed to simply sit there, with no emotion at all. Emotion can cause a jury or the judge to see things in a bad way, so they’re just supposed to be robots, basically. Did you know that their abuser’s lawyer can ask them questions like, “Did you ever get sexually aroused during the sexual activity?” and “Isn’t it true that you dressed that way to provoke sexual feelings in my client?” These are questions I have personally heard asked of someone who was 11 at the time her abuse began.

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Keeping Secrets


Today’s article is a heck of a ride. Buckle up, my friends. I’m sure some of you will agree with me, and others will not. Regardless, it’s an interesting and informative (and horrific) story that needs to be told, because I firmly believe it’s happening on many fronts. As with everything I write about, there are problems on both sides, and blame, and shame.

Virginia School Kept Teen Transition Secret

A Virginia high school student ran away from home and was sex-trafficked through multiple states — in part because her high school failed to tell the child’s parents she identified as a male and was relentlessly bullied for it, a suit alleges.

Anytime a media outlet starts with “sex trafficked through multiple states,” you know it’s going to be a shit show. I feel so bad for the child involved. There are so many failures in this, at so many levels, that it’s really difficult to lay it out. I’m going to try, though.

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