
Chest Puffers and Rights Moochers: It is time to put up or shut up.

Via Snowflakes in Hell we hear that the Obama Administration wants DISCLOSE to get passed come hell or high water. Now that y’all vociferously complained about the NRA and its deal but never how to get the bill defeated, here is your chance! It is time to put your comfortable asses where your gigantic mouths were flapping and do the heavy lifting.

The Bad News: The groups that want our Gun Rights curtailed have done a much better job than you opposing DISCLOSE. You guys are way behind the curve so you better put some traction to “NO Compromise” and quit the bullshit.  C’mon dears, chop-chop. You don’t want me to say again that you guys are good for nothing else that ridding the NRA’s coat tails, right?

I still like them dumb like this.

MIAMI (WSVN) — A suspect is in critical condition from a self-inflicted wound, after trying to elude police.

Family and friends gathered at Jackson Memorial Hospital and prayed that Bonilla will survive his self-inflicted wounds. “He shot himself in the head. It went through and it stayed in the back of his head,” Bonilla’s friend, Selvin Lumbi said.

And he couldn’t even get that right…. I did say Dumb, didn’t I?

Ashamed To Be a Gun Owner.

It is sad but I am actually ashamed of being a Gun Owner this week. But after seeing the reaction of many of my fellow practitioners of the Second Amendment about the NRA’s “deal” regarding the DISCLOSE bill, I feel I’ve been sharing my time amongst people that sit on their stoops drinking cheap beer and waiting for the welfare check to come in the mail. The voices seem especially loud in blogs and gun forums where the NRA is denounced as a quisling organization selling out to Washington special interests and “throwing other gun groups under the bus.” You gotta love how often this tag line was repeated among the interweb blabbermouths over and over till it became the official Talking Point demonstrating a lack of independent thinking and an overdose of mob mentality.

The DISCLOSE bill is an attempt to bring back the worst of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform Act of 2002 struck down by the Supreme Court. McCain-Feingold was a dragon that the NRA faced for seven years at considerable effort and expenditure but I think few Gun Owners actually understood or cared much after the 2008 election. The Democrat-controlled Congress is trying to resuscitate this evil zombie once more through DISCLOSE. Again there was little or no enthusiasm among the Second Amendment populace that is until the NRA managed to obtain a tentative exception from the creators of the bill, as they should have done, since their only worry should be their ability to defend loudly the Second Amendment and the rights of Gun Owners. Only then all Hades erupted and the NRA found itself the target of the arrows of inadequacy from those who did not care before but felt betrayed that the monies of the NRA members and whatever results it may achieve were not shared with those that couldn’t care less for the NRA.

I think many fail to see that if left unchecked, DISCLOSE had a great chance to pass. This bill was being crafted stealthily while the Nation’s attention was concentrated on the Gulf’s oil spill. Once finalized, DISCLOSE would have sailed from Congress to the White House for signature in the time it takes for a politician to come up with a lie. If you don’t believe me, just remember that the Health Care Reform Bill was opposed loudly and constantly by the majority of Americans and it is now the law of the land. I cannot blame the NRA for trying to stay vocal when everybody else was watching and fawning over oil-covered seagulls on TV and balls of tar screwing with the summer vacation in Florida, oblivious to what was happening in Congress. It was much easier for the Moochers to find an easier target with a history of remaining silent as not to endanger the defense of the Second Amendment no matter how vile the attacks were. On its last statement, the NRA was quite clear:

The NRA is a bipartisan, single-issue organization made up of millions of individual members dedicated to the protection of the Second Amendment.  We do not represent the interests of other organizations.  That’s their responsibility.  Our responsibility is to protect and defend the interests of our members.  And that we do without apology.

And now, the Moochers. In its immense majority, the loudest of the loud complaining about the NRA in forums and some Blogs, commenced their denunciations by saying, “and this is one more example why I left the NRA eons ago!” Wait one damn minute. You are not a member of the NRA, you do not contribute but yet you feel entitled to collect the benefits that others have so hard worked for and complain when you didn’t get your free 52” plasma Digital TV in the mail?

When The Moochers asked to what organization they belong, they proudly puff their chest out and proclaim that they belong to a No-Compromise group. When asked about ANY pro-gun legislation has its roots or achievements attached to this No Compromise group, they remain conspicuously silent, try to deflect the issue or mention cases and laws actually brought to bear by the NRA or other groups and pass them as their own (DC v Heller and the Katrina Laws are embarrassing examples of this depraved intellectual looting). The embarrassing truth is that the No-Compromise organizations are just No-Achievement Mobs, who have no qualms in taking credit for events and successes that they were not a part of or even awake when they happened.

It has been open season on the NRA for a long while within the confines of the Gun Rights war. It has been a two front war being the most common the one against Anti Second Amendment groups, Traditional Media, Ultra Liberals and those who see Armed Citizens a direct threat against their thirst for power. And then we have had the shadow wars of jealous and petty people within the Gun Rights movement who hate the fact they are unable to instantly become the 800 pound gorilla that the NRA took years to be.

So, when did some Gun Owners become moochers? Aren’t we supposed to be independent, self reliant and defenders of the Second Amendment and our organizations? When did posture become more important that real work and real results? When did it become acceptable to backstab your fellow Gun Owners because you don’t agree 100% with a gun rights organization? Why theft of achievements has become proper manners and tactics? I know these groups are festering sores not only for the NRA but also for every Gun Owner and Gun Organization that actually cares for the health of the Second Amendment. This has been one of the NRA’s biggest mistakes: by trying to avoid giving ammunition to the opposition, the NRA and other groups have ignored the constant attacks by these organized Moochers. We know that nobody is going to agree 100% all the time, but at least there was an effort to agree to disagree among organizations, to keep the tone civilized and not to snipe on each other. The No-Compromise groups are either too stupid to understand this or too greedy to care (I am betting that membership fees are a great part of the reason for their viciousness) and go on the rampage whenever it suits them and do not mind the damage they can cause.

Now you can bet the Opposition has noticed this divide and they are starting to plan how to use it in the future. They know that AHSA was a small success in diverting attention and misdirecting this administration’s anti Second Amendment agenda and obtaining a few extra votes, but even AHSA has now disappeared, Brady has become irrelevant and they need another wedge to split Gun Owner and that will be the No-Compromise Mob. The NRA and every single Gun Owner that actually cares for Gun Rights must put a stop to the Moochers and bring to light their pitiful selfishness. The Second Amendment cannot afford to carry scorpions on our backs anymore.

The War against the NRA: DISCLOSE.

And the sky has fallen! The seas are rising and we are all going to die! The NRA has betrayed us once more!

That would be the case according to the No Compromise Real Wives of the Interwebs.The NRA has managed to carve out an exception from the monstrous DISCLOSE Bill now in congress and the GOA Babies & Cousins seem to have wet their diapers a bucketful ’cause they are crying a river.  Treason! Qusilings! Death to the NRA! are some of the comments seen in the Chic Radical blogs out there and Sebastian tried it best to be polite and explain things.  But ney! The Real Wives of the Interweb grasped at their tactical perms and tore at their 5.11 robes while decrying the depths of back stabbing done by the NRA and how they would not defend their rights. Mind you, they are not bitching at the Democrats, Congress or calling their representatives on this one, that would be too much work and too much use of the neurons. But the NRA is a much easy target so the NRA is it.

However, one common thing most of the “No-Compromise Commenters” at Sebastian’s Blog have in common is this: They do not belong to the NRA. Allow me to repeat:

The Biggest Bunch of Cry Babies tearing down the NRA for the DISCLOSE bill do not belong to the NRA and thus do not fund the NRA or its efforts. Yet they feel entitled to direct its actions & share in their achievements.

Seriously, What the fuck is wrong with this picture? You don’t contribute, you don’t add anything positive, you do not belong to the NRA but have the immense set of balls to complain when the NRA defends its institution and its members?  What fucking moral authority do you even begin to dream you have to even raise one word against the NRA?  You know why you are all pissed and pillow biting?:

Because you were shaken off the NRA’s coat tails on this one. You did not get a free ride. You pull your own weight or shut the fuck up about what the NRA is doing.

The NRA is not a Gun Owners’ Welfare system. Demand your Government Cheese from your No Compromise groups.

PS: Sebastian once more does a great job on a follow up post regarding DISCLOSE and who in the Gun Rights community gets affected.

The war against the NRA.

The “No Compromise” bunch keeps ratcheting the noise against the NRA. While most Pro 2A will agree to disagree but will not set fire to each other’s fire hoses, the Gun Owners of America has become the best allied the Obama Administration has against private ownership of firearms since the VPC and the Brady Bunch and so they must be brought out to the light.

Under the helm of Larry Pratt, who some say never leaves home with his personal set of embroidered sheets, and a book of selected dictums from James Buchanan (The Pat Robertson of politics), the GOA fancies itself as the true Second Amendment/No Compromise organization. That they haven’t been able to do anything effective other suck up membership fees out of the gullible commando-wannabees and being used as reference by the Anti Second Amendment crowd is a different tune that should not be mentioned in order to keep the image.

It is my opinion that alongside the now defunct and pro-Obama AHSA, GOA has done more damage to the The Right to Keep and Bear Arms than Sarah Brady and Chuck Schummer combined by trying to split Gun Owners away from the most effective Gun Rights organization there is.  That the GOA has consistently batted around zero in his alleged Pro-2A efforts is not mentioned by the organization itself. It is sort like a rogue doctor that badmouths the “Medical Establishment” for not curing 100% of the sick people but has never cured anyone himself and has a tough time operating a band aid.

According to the GOA, they themselves by them lonesome were responsible for the DC v Heller Supreme Court decision but other than introducing an amicus curiae, they had no influence whatsoever in the presentation to the Court. They are also allegedly responsible for the Katrina Bills, although they never showed up in New Orleans or pretty much gave a damn about its gun owners or to recover their confiscated weapons. GOA does have a pattern to claim somebody else’s success (including the NRA’s. Ain’t that sweet?”) as their own.

We know damn well that the NRA is not perfect and that its rating system has now been figured by scum politicos to be gamed in their favor, but it is still a far cry better than a group of wailers that have not contributed one iota in favor of my gun rights and whose leader would not mind at all having my gun rights removed because I happen to have a non-Anglo surname.

On the way to Omaha Beach.

A landing craft carries American troops toward Omaha Beach on the Normandy
coast, June 6, 1944

We have gone forth from our shores repeatedly over the last hundred years and we’ve done this as recently as the last year in Afghanistan and put wonderful young men and women at risk, many of whom have lost their lives, and we have asked for nothing except enough ground to bury them in.

Gen. Colin Powell, January 26, 2003.

How much do we owe to the Greatest Generation? Just about everything. God Bless them all.