And the sky has fallen! The seas are rising and we are all going to die! The NRA has betrayed us once more!

That would be the case according to the No Compromise Real Wives of the Interwebs.The NRA has managed to carve out an exception from the monstrous DISCLOSE Bill now in congress and the GOA Babies & Cousins seem to have wet their diapers a bucketful ’cause they are crying a river.  Treason! Qusilings! Death to the NRA! are some of the comments seen in the Chic Radical blogs out there and Sebastian tried it best to be polite and explain things.  But ney! The Real Wives of the Interweb grasped at their tactical perms and tore at their 5.11 robes while decrying the depths of back stabbing done by the NRA and how they would not defend their rights. Mind you, they are not bitching at the Democrats, Congress or calling their representatives on this one, that would be too much work and too much use of the neurons. But the NRA is a much easy target so the NRA is it.

However, one common thing most of the “No-Compromise Commenters” at Sebastian’s Blog have in common is this: They do not belong to the NRA. Allow me to repeat:

The Biggest Bunch of Cry Babies tearing down the NRA for the DISCLOSE bill do not belong to the NRA and thus do not fund the NRA or its efforts. Yet they feel entitled to direct its actions & share in their achievements.

Seriously, What the fuck is wrong with this picture? You don’t contribute, you don’t add anything positive, you do not belong to the NRA but have the immense set of balls to complain when the NRA defends its institution and its members?  What fucking moral authority do you even begin to dream you have to even raise one word against the NRA?  You know why you are all pissed and pillow biting?:

Because you were shaken off the NRA’s coat tails on this one. You did not get a free ride. You pull your own weight or shut the fuck up about what the NRA is doing.

The NRA is not a Gun Owners’ Welfare system. Demand your Government Cheese from your No Compromise groups.

PS: Sebastian once more does a great job on a follow up post regarding DISCLOSE and who in the Gun Rights community gets affected.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The War against the NRA: DISCLOSE.”
  1. Let me get this straight, the Democrats offered a “carve-out” to the NRA which allows the NRA to keep protecting our 2nd Amendment rights, a bill that if made law, will effectively silence the Brady Campaign, the Violence Policy Center, and Bloomberg’s Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns and this is a sell-out?

  2. As a life member (Patron level), I am apalled that the NRA would take this precipitous action which would deny free speech to businesses while protecting union-sponsored free speech. This is a Wayne LaPierre lobbyist-type deal that does not serve anyone well as the DISCLOSE bill was destined for failure. I wouldn’t have minded so much if the full board had been consulted, but I hear that this was a “Wayne World” deal and the majority of the Board was not consulted. This is a bill designed to shield democrats (especially blue dog democrats) from the results of their actions. I don’t give a crap that Harry Reid is pro-gun, he is an corrupt, anti-American enabler of Marxism.

    We need to turn our country around and getting in bed with the democrats is not the way to go about it. The damn bill would have withered under its own weight. Wayne was against it before he was for it. I wonder what he was promised in return — other than the carve out. After all, that’s the Chicago way.

  3. Dan: It was my understanding that there was also any exemption for the smaller-tier advocacy groups like the Brady campaign and the Violence Policy Center. In my opinion, we don’t silence the opposition with procedural tricks, we use facts and court challenges. To deny one free speech rights is to eventually deny all. Especially if you allow the legislators in power to decide what should and should not be free speech.

  4. As far as I understood the bill and commentaries, Brady and VP would be out of the game and that is why they hated it.

    As far as the “distasteful deal”, As I explained in another post, doing NOTHING would have been a much bigger mistake. Being mute a top of the alleged High Moral Ground among Left Wing Liberals raping the Second Amendment is just tactically stupid. If our message cannot be sent out there, we are doomed.

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