
I am a racist.

According to the great “trustworthy” Mass Media types and with the official confirmation of none other than Super Former President Jimmy Carter, I am now a Racist because I am against the ultra-left wing policies of this administration. That kinda gives you a load of warm-fuzzy, doesn’t it?

How desperate can the Ultra Left must be to be throwing the Race Card around with such agility? Note to the first I-Hate-America-and-I-sucked-as President Jimmy Carter: A majority of voters elected President Obama. So when you state that ““There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president.” there tends to be a contradiction with reality, you know, the one that real people live and work? That one you do not seem to understand? Yep, that one.  If a majority of voted for him it would be a good guess that also a majority of Americans is not racist and they are just fed up with the LIAR in a very short time.

I really don’t give a flying crap how the melanine in your skin diffracts light and gives you that particular shade or if you light candles to a particular deity or not or if you engage in private  games involving Crisco, a bottle of milk, a saddle and a tuning fork with a consenting adult (apologies to Return of the Killer Tomatoes) or even your political views as long as they do not interfere with the Rights recognized in the Constitution. However, I am prejudiced to hell against those assholes that swore to protect and defend the Constitution without any reservation or purpose of evasion but they did just that. Yes, I am prefuduiced against Communist Red because my kin lived under the “wonderful” Communist shitholes. I get pissed when members of congress extol the virtues of Fidel Castro and or Administration Czars that consider the Chavez Revolution as a good thing. Against idiots like that, yes I am prejudiced and no amount of sensitivity training is gonna change that.

And before I am outed and before some enterprising young couple disguised as pimp and prostitute go through my account at WalMart Photographic section, I am displaying a picture of a local KKK gathering I just attended locally.

The Latino Branch of the KKK in South Florida
The Latino Branch of the KKK in South Florida

And in case somebody have not figured out yet, I am a Spic A.K.A a member of the “Oppressed” races with a Hispanic background and I don’t give a damn if you want to call me names, but do not condescend me or tell me what’s good for me because you know better. That is the truest form of racism ever designed.

We pledge to no man.

PMY commented in the last thread the following:

Absolutely NO ONE swore obedience to the president or to any one appointed by him unto death, as God is our witness. ONE person pleadged SERVICE to him. Two others pledged to be a “servent” to him. (ie to help him)

And missed the whole point. We, the Citizens of the United States of America, do not pledge to anybody. Our only pledge is to the One Nation, Under God. We pledge to the basic principle that created this country and is represented in the Constitution. We respect but never bow whether by body or by mind. Not even the President, who was elected to serve the Country and us, does not (should not) pledge to anything but to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  But I guess if he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, it would be natural that us, lesser mortals should bow to him.

Pledge:: a bailment of a chattel as security for a debt or other obligation without involving transfer of title b : the chattel so delivered c : the contract incidental to such a bailment
2 a : the state of being held as a security or guaranty b : something given as security for the performance of an act

I pledge to President Obama?

By via of Michelle Malkin, the new Hollywood production of Buttkissers for Obama shown at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington, Utah. This has gone far beyond Beverly Hills left wing rubbish and now us just plain scary. No, I am not making it up, the title do reflect a pledge in the video.

I know that any comparison to the Nazis is considered a Non-Starter, but this is the first thing the video above reminded me of:

We pledge to you, Adolf Hitler, loyalty and bravery. We swear obedience to you and the superiors appointed by you, even unto death, as God is our witness.
The SS Oath

Sorry, but this is the only pledge I’ll ever say.

And just in case:

I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; pledging my life, my fortune and my sacred honor, so help me God.

And if you still haven’t figured it out: Only subjects pledge to a head of state. We are Citizens!

Captain Obvious speaking…


That has been the cognoscenti reaction to New Hampshire and Phoenix. where law abiding citizens had the unspeakable gall to legally carry firearms in the open. Immediately the race card was brought into play (“You know them rednecks just wanna kill our black President!”) but MSNBC pretty much shredded it when it manipulated the video of a man with a rifle at the Phoenix rally and vapid newsgirl Contessa Brewer explained that “because people feel like, yes, there are Second Amendment rights for sure but also there are questions about whether this has racial overtones. I mean, here you have a man of color in the presidency and white people showing up with guns strapped to their waists or to their legs.” Unfortunately for the MSNBC Race Card players, other outlets (Mostly Internet) showed that the alleged racist redneck was in fact a Black Gentleman.

After that colossal failure, the “reasonable” crowd of reasonable morons entered the fray. “Well yes, you do have a right but is it reasonable to have a gun at a politically charged event? What if…?” The Reasnoally Afable Idiots want to point out that tempers could flair if a gun is brought to such an emotionally charged event and bad things could happen.  HELLO? There are no “what ifs” here my dear moron. There were TWO EVENTS WERE WEAPONS WERE PRESENT AND NOTHING HAPPENED! q.e.d.

I know, it is obvious, but some people need to be foresmacked with a cricket paddle to loosen up the gears inside the cranium and process the information right in front of their noses.

Now, should I scare them and inform them about the people attending these rallies and carrying a concealed weapon? I better not, they would not look their best if their bowels loosen up in front of the camera.

Hypocrites and Imbeciles.

I am guessing that by now you are pretty much aware of the literal hissy fit that Liberals are throwing about the protesters against Obamacare. The now famous Obama as Joker poster has shocked some to tears and the well expected cries of racism are bouncing of the rafters. Liberal nutjobs are demanding the head of Glenn Beck for comparing Obama to Hitler (and Stalin and Mao) and even Maureen Dowd is demanding that the opposition’s freedom of speech should be crushed. You see, it is all Hate Speech not First Amendment if the criticism does not come from the selected ones in the Left.

You see, this picture is Hate:

But this one is Free Speech as expressed in the Constitution:

From Zombie Time
From Zombie Time

This is a gentle and polite political discourse:

From Zombie Time

But this is just is KKK fearmongering:

From Zombie Time

People can only deal with so much bullshit. I know my bucket is full already.

This is getting scary.

Attention Subjects: You are not to contradict what comes from the Government. Your elected representatives not only do not represent you anymore but actually order you to do their bidding forgetting that they work for you. Dissension must be curbed by ridicule (calling it AstroTurf as in fake grassroots) or to denounce it by emailing the White House and snitching on the dissenters. Just to be sure that these disruptors don’t take over Town Hall Meetings with their pesky questions, Union volunteers are now sucking up all available spaces in any room a Town Hall meeting is being held and removing (by force if necessary) those heathens who dare to oppose Obamacare.

Disclaimer: If you find this post offensive, racist and politically contrary against the Exalted One and his political bootlickers, please be free to contact SNITCH@WHITHEHOUSE.GOV … wait, I got it wrong, you must contact flag@whitehouse.gov and let them know that an enemy of the state is deeply conspiring against the Government by using that fishy First Amendment Right.

How dare they?

In order to obtain my concealed weapons permit, I had to take a class, be fingerprinted, photographed and checked by the FBI. I am certified not to be a criminal or an habitual consumer of alcohol or hooked on drugs.

However, we have alcoholics, self-admitted drug users, bad check passing corrupted officials in Washington that by virtue of their own “human mistakes” exude sympathy, simulate regret and posture for forgiveness in order to get re-elected. At best they would be suspicious and put on hold if they apply for a CWP. Yet they feel that they are smart enough to legislate my disarmament and to rely on the police which has no duty to protect me. Or they confiscate my earnings to bail out companies that they themselves set up to collapse with previous laws while paying for bodyguards and guns to protect them from the crime in D.C. which is nothing more than a failed experiment in the social engineering of Gun Control.

If a man with a gun kills 30 people, he’d be hunted down, prosecuted and given a free ride in the Needle Express while the corrupt Washington politicians renew their war cry for more gun control and increased infringements on People’s rights. But when a member of the Media Bordello publishes a story that ends up killing 30 human beings, he gets away with a lame excuse and claims the protection of the First Amendment while its clients in Washington cover them and pamper them and no thoughts on Laptop Control even cross their minds.

Maybe it is time that we kick D.C. off the Union of These United States. We have no reason to secede but we can be choosy about who we have in the Union.