(CNN)About 4,500 Chicago police officers didn’t report their vaccination status by October 15 as mandated by the city, officials said Monday.

That means roughly 35 percent of the city’s 12,770 officers could be placed on no-pay status in the foreseeable future.
The Chicago Police Department had the lowest response rate of any department in the city, but of the about 64 percent who did report, the majority of officers say they are vaccinated, according to data released by the city. Specifically, 6,894 indicated being vaccinated while 1,333 reported they have not.

More than a third of Chicago police officers defy city vaccine mandate – CNN

That would be the equivalent of losing a whole shift, 8 hours of police-free Windy City. And you can bet the Criminal element is watching this with rapt attention and rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of having the city for the picking.

But wait, there is more!

The Chicago Fire Department had the second-lowest response rate of any department with 72%, despite most of that percentage indicating they were vaccinated.

Unimpeded Burning and Looting are in the menu? Livestreaming please!

Noah had a divine mandate to save creatures, but I doubt he put much of an effort on saving termites and carpenter ants. Sinking the boat would have not been productive in the end.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Chicago: I hope they livestream the caos”
  1. The argument I’ve seen repeatedly is that ‘more police officers have died of wuhan that have been killed by gun violence”. My response…. So?

    The latest I’ve seen is that they’re threatening the officers who retire instead of getting the shot w/ losing their benefits.

    This has nothing to do w/ safety.

  2. During the George Floyd riots, the four local Minneapolis St. Paul TV stations went to 20-24 hour coverage of the riots, and interviews of anyone involved they could find. The surreal part was the traffic helicopter reporting on the fires and the traffic jams around the riots, looting, and arson at midnight.

    They kept reporting 24 hours all weekend, even after the National Guard, State Patrol and Corrections Officers stopped the riots after they were finally (FINALLY!!!) deployed Saturday morning. All four channels went back to normal programming at the same time, midnight Sunday. One minute there was continuous news, the next infomercials.

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