By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Civilians are not trained like the military.”
  1. Wonderful congrats
    I used to shoot in a bullseye league and we used a lot of Police Ranges, and they shot up the walls, ceiling, floor, booths, benches and target mechanisms as they qualified We shot for X’s at 25 yards !

  2. I always laughed when people mentioned civilians having “military grade” weapons.

    Bitches, please! My shit is way better than that. I’m not toting around shot out rattle traps that should have been deadlined and used for a helicopter chock 10 years ago.

    1. Nah. The new hipster hotness is the PRC line. 6.5 Creed aint reached old fart status yet, but its no longer the coolest kid on the block.
      Heck, I waited 10 years after the 6.5 manbun came out before I got one, just to see what the market did with it. My favored 6.5 hipster round wasnt even young be a hippie. Maybe a flapper. An old one.
      6.5×55 SE for the win, baby!

  3. That’s very true. I’m an Air Force Veteran. (4 years 1996-2000). We had a 1 day class on the M-16 (morning was classroom/cleaning) Afternoon shooting.
    I was a communications guy. My last 2 years I was placed in a small Combat Com unit – which meant our Primary weapon quals then become once every year. (as opposed to the once every 4). We also got to qualify on the M9 for comsec courier duties. (Once very 4 years).

    So In my 4 years, I shot the M-16 three times, the M9 once.

    10 years after I started recreational shooting. (Outlaw USPSA) That jumped my skill like nothing else.

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