I don’t know the details. But what struck me the hardest is that I simply did not care that they were arrested. I felt that anything CNN has long ago stopped being journalistic and therefore deserving the protections of the First Amendment. I guess I am just returning the same level of care they had for my Second Amendment rights and the rest of the B.O.R.

Anyway, you just watched the next Pulitzer Prize.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “CNN Crew arrested in Minneapolis”
  1. I may detest CNN’s liberal, biased style of coverage, but in this case I cannot see why they are all being arrested. Amazing that thousands can loot, burn, and do harm, but it seems the only real arrests are the softball ones and in this case, unless there was a direct threat, or they had been warned multiple times to leave the area for safety, well, this is WHY we allow reporters to do their job.

    Sorry, but that seemed completely unnecessary, and truthfully, could be a violation of Freedom of the Press in action….. sheesh…

    1. The only good CNN lying crew is a jailed one! Hope they enjoy a long stay allowing them to make up some more FAKE NEWS!

  2. Let’s see if the entire national corps of journos don’t jump on this with both feet in fake outrage, lasting for WEEKS.
    I took notice 40 years ago when I first started paying attention to world events, that NOTHING got attention on the nightly news like some reporter getting iced in some crap-hole local shoot-up. You would have thought that a major national leader had been assassinated. Locals being killed NEVER rated the amount of attention like a reporter getting killed in the same dust-up.

  3. I watched it this morning and what struck me most was that you couldn’t hear what the officers were saying. I know it’s an intentional technical limitation with the microphones (feature, not a bug), but I think it’s very important to know exactly what they were saying. The reporter kept repeating “we’ll move wherever you want” but we cannot hear the response. Was the response “just go over there” and the crew just stood there saying they’d move but not actually moving? That’s really the only logical thing I can think of.

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