Sad story out of North Carolina: 4-year-old dies when he picks an unattended gun from a top of a fridge and kills himself and the Dad gets criminally charged. The Moms pick it up and the followers run with their usual compassion:

MDA CaringEven though there are laws about this, prosecutors are not fond to apply them if they see that it was not a total disregard or presence of Mens Rea. Of course, that does not matter to the Stepford Moms Demand Action:

  • Emily C Reubush YEAH! With all the idiocy coming out of NC lately, I’m proud they’ve done something right.
  • Keri Cameron Hooks Idiot who was in the military should know better. That poor mother. My heart breaks for her. I hope she takes those babies away from him!
  • Gay Fantz ANY adult who leaves a gun within reach of a child must be held responsible for endangerment! Report them to authorities BEFORE harm comes to another child!!!
  • Gloria M Banta It’s about freaking time! The 2nd Amendment is an awesome responsibility, and should never be taken lightly.
  • Shawna Jackson Wilde He murdered his son.
  • Leslie Burrell Wow, in NC even. First thing they’ve done right in awhile
  • Stephanie Beckman I’m not happy about any of this, but the man needs to experience the consequences of his actions.
  • Connie F. Mueller Bellucci If I was this baby’s mom, I would rip this guy’s nuts off, and shove them down his throat!!
  • Carol J Barker Spriggs I will probably catch hell for this, but I don’t feel sorry for this man at all. If you’re going to have a loaded gun in the house with a small child around, guess you don’t have a brain in your head. I do feel sorry for the family but even the mother bears some resposibility here!
  • Martina Nicholson it starts with teaching people to be violent. This man was a soldier. We need to start teaching people how to be PEACE-makers, PEACE-ful. When soldiers come back from war, they need to be re-instated into PEACE-time society. The only tool some of them have is a gun, and the only thing they have been taught is to shoot it. And so many come back with terrible anger, terrible suffering. The way we teach them is so terrible. As a society, we failed this father and his son.

And bet your ass that this coming Sunday, some or most of them will go to church and actually believe they are good Christians with lots of love for their fellow-man.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: Because they are compassionate.”
  1. I have a suggestion — stop paying attention to the mentally ill. Ignore the “mothers” — it’s the best they deserve.

  2. Question.


    Poor parenting, yes, but the gun was left in a location that is both hidden and difficult for children to access. Should have taught the kid more about gun safety and trained him not to go on top of the refrigerator.

    1. My children, at 4, would not have thought of playing wit one of dad’s guns. They were taught, rather graphically with prop targets like watermelons,and large cans of tomato sauce, that guns were dangerous and were not to be touched until they were a bit older and had been trained in safe handling and marksmanship.
      Guns that are unloaded and locked away defeat the purpose of self defense weapons in the home. You place your family in greater danger by leaving them defenseless than by having reasonable access, coupled with age appropriate instruction of the children, if any.

      1. I actually looked up one of those studies that claims a gun in the house increases its likelihood that said gun will be used on an occupant of the house.(Argument with a hoplophobe, he refused to show me the data, so I went looking myself.)

        It should come as no surprise that individuals who lived alone were safer across the board. In fact, the safest demographic listed was individuals without suicidal thoughts, who lived alone, and kept loaded guns out in the open.

        Apparently, living with other people increases your odds of being shot by those people.

        1. The Keller study was done over a period of 6 months in a neighborhood that was not the best. For years he refused to share the raw data for a peer review and has only done it partially. It is pretty much debunked, specially after Lott’s study.

  3. It bothers me that people that claim to be mothers always seem to act in such vile ways. Either I have a very sheltered idea of what a mother should be or these people are mothers only in some “biological” way and not in any other.

  4. Some … interesting … comments there.

    A couple particularly stand out:

    “Gay Fantz ANY adult who leaves a gun within reach of a child must be held responsible for endangerment! Report them to authorities BEFORE harm comes to another child!!!”
    Ummm…. “On top of a refrigerator” is, by any normal definition, “out of reach” of a small child. Unless you have 6-foot-tall 4-year-olds in your family – and if you do, you have bigger problems (pun not intended). I’ll grant that kids climb, and have a knack for finding the ONE place you don’t want them to find (whether or not you tell them about it), but still….

    “Stephanie Beckman I’m not happy about any of this, but the man needs to experience the consequences of his actions.”
    His son is dead, and he’s at least partially responsible. (I know I just said that “on top of a fridge” is normally “out of reach.” Nevertheless, quick-access safes are not that expensive.) If he has any decency as a man and a father, he’s feeling/experiencing the consequences. I guarantee it. As “mothers,” they should know, unless they’re also part of the misandrynist crowd that believes that because fathers CANNOT form a bond with their kids because they don’t carry the fetus. Wouldn’t surprise me.

    “Martina Nicholson it starts with teaching people to be violent. This man was a soldier. We need to start teaching people how to be PEACE-makers, PEACE-ful. When soldiers come back from war, they need to be re-instated into PEACE-time society. The only tool some of them have is a gun, and the only thing they have been taught is to shoot it. And so many come back with terrible anger, terrible suffering. The way we teach them is so terrible. As a society, we failed this father and his son.”
    This is an interesting one. Apparently she’s unaware of the whole “winning their hearts and minds” campaign that passes for war these days. Also note the “society is at fault” mentality. I have it on good authority (many service members returned from Iraq and Afghanistan) that many of them feel lost, disoriented, and sometimes even abandoned when they come home. If re-integration into society is the issue, I expect the Moms groups to push for and support services to help returning soldiers acclimate to life back home in 5 … 4 … 3 … (yeah, right!).

  5. If a kid should wind up with my gun, a crime has already been committed; there are no children in my home nor do any visit.

  6. Again, I have a potential solution. There are so many tax subsidies “for the children” why not have one more that will make a difference? Make the purchase of an approved gun safe or storage device a tax deductible expense, up to a certain value, say $500? It would make a cheap, child resistant safe effectively free. If it’s free, you might as well buy it, and if you have it, you might as well use it. More guns in safes and away from kids without having to put people in jail.

    1. You don’t even need a tax exemption. Just let us teach people how to be safely store guns at home and away from children. But the jackasses of the Gun Control movements and the flunkies in the media much rather demonize and block us than admit we are the ones that can do the job.

      A while back, I saw a Tweet of some lady who turned out to be a member of OFA claiming she was a Gun Safety Advocate. I asked for her firearm training credentials and she said she was somebody who “cared” about gun violence. I pointed out that if she did not have training in gun safety, she was misrepresenting herself.
      She blocked me.
      That in a nutshell is the problem we have with real gun safety in this country: A bunch of Witch Doctors trying to perform brain surgery with a wand and a dead chicken.

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