So Morse and Giron are out and it could have not happened to a nicer pair of autocrats. I was unaware of the money spent in the campaign trying to save them but according to the HuffPo, the Dems coughed up $3 million versus $540,000 that the Recallers gathered.

We’ll soon hear the explanations and how this doesn’t change things much, trying to spin it like a DJ on meth at a Cocaine Addict’s convention. But you can be sure a chill got FedEx’ed to many a politician out there.

Next comes the hard work of knocking down the bad laws off the books. I am guessing it wont be an easy thing, but I have no doubt it will also be achieved.

Congratulations to the organizers of the Recall and everybody who worked their asses off. You deserve our thanks and several dozen Magpul 30 round magazines for your EBRs.

PS: And they didn’t even gave free cell phones to win!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Colorado: Challenge accepted and achieved.”
  1. Rumor has it Hickenlooper’s next.

    I’m ecstatic. We may finally be able to kick the Californian influence out of Colorado and turn the state back to its proper color.

    Red really is the best color 😀

  2. As Dave Kopel reports, the claims that it doesn’t change much aren’t entirely correct. The CO Senate still has a Democrat majority (18-17), but the Senate sits at 19-16 on 2A issues.

    Hell, Giron’s district is full of working-class, blue-collar, pro-gun Democrat voters, so she lost by 12 points in a district where Democrat-registered voters outnumber Republican-registered voters 2:1.

    That – combined with the message these successful recall elections send to pro- and anti-gun activists nationwide – IS a game-changer, whether the MSM and Moms Demand Action want to admit it or not.

    (I’m waiting with baited breath for Joan Peterson’s take on this. 😉 )

    1. BTW, does the comment section not allow HTML formatting tags anymore? I’ve tried to bold/italicize a few things for emphasis, and they come out just plain text.

        1. The link works, yes. It is accepting [a] tags. But [b] and [i] tags for bold and italics don’t show in the posted comment.

          What problems are you having with the instructions? I just might be able to help there.

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