In a span of a few years, we went from embracing all cultures via  Multiculturalism to denouncing the same as Cultural Appropriation.  From Desegregation to People-Of-Color-Only Spaces. From Only Fascists are against Freedom of Speech to Only Fascists want Freedom of Speech. From people discovering their racial background to people making up a racial background.

And I am the weird one.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Confused? You are not alone.”
  1. The post modernistic ideology asserts that the definition of “UP” and “Down” are in fact the same….to a person who stands on his head when in a state of reasoning and evaluation. Therefore “Absolute Truth” is in fact a ruse, designed by tyrants to enslave the weak and the disadvantaged psychologically. There is no such thing as incorrect and correct, right nor wrong, ….but only your brilliant special place that you’re in….right now. NOTE: They assert that this ideology is the only Absolute Truth to believe in.

    1. To which, as a practicing scientist, I reply, “Try that with gravity as you walk off a roof. Please.” (Um, not a reply to DD but the folks he’s posting about, of course…)

      1. Ok….that’s it, time to form a mob, make signs, “Racist Bigot Hate Speech” for attacking all who espouse approaching life, “Head First”. Quick find out where his kids go to school and call David Hogg right away.

  2. Just to lighten the mood! I self identify as Mexican every time I walk into Taco Bell. By the liberals standard ( I think it’s standard 17 of 196 ) I have to carry a DNA card around with me to walk into an Italian restaurant or I’m committing cultural appropriation uhh oh no Italian DNA on the card, but I really wanted a ham & pineapple pizza

    1. Ham and Pineapple? No one will mistake you for an Italian.

      Try a Canadian Bacon and Green Pepper pizza sometime.

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