This is a very important article to read and process.

 American policing today is in a state of slow-motion collapse, struggling mightily to attract new officers — no matter how low standards are dropped.
Under sustained assault by the City Council, pundits and self-styled civil-liberties advocates, a new generation of New York City cops is being conditioned to avoid showdowns with civilians, especially where coercion or force is called for. We could have saved the costly investment in body cameras by explicitly telling the cops two words: “Do nothing.”

In many parts of the country, the police have gone to ground.

In Chicago, the street cops’ ethos is “go fetal, stay fetal.” In Philadelphia, as murders soar, cops are the ones in prosecutors’ crosshairs. It is crystal clear what was long suspected: Costly Justice Department intervention in local police departments expedited the end of hands-on policing.

String together a series of adversarial videos, and almost every officer can find him or herself fast-tracked to trouble.
The new-era calculation for the police is: Conflict is the quickest path to extinction.
Some of this was wholly predictable when people who harbor disdain for the police and resent law enforcement are allowed to pose as reformers.

Why cops are standing down all across America.

I have seen this article referenced in other blogs under something we already know: You are on your own when shit hits the fan (A.K.A. You are your own First Responder.) We have known this for quite a while and it is a state of mind you should be prepared for or else you have been wasting your time.

But What I have not seen is the amazing political opportunity this presents for the Second Amendment. The same political wave that hates guns, hates the second Amendment and hates you enough to have you killed is the same wave of Leftie assholes that hates cops. You have read here examples of Moms Demand siding with Black Lives Matter and crapping on cops. Their hate for Law Enforcement is obvious.

We need to extend our hand  and have cops come to our side. And yes, there are people in our side that may have issues with the way certain departments conduct business and need to be changed. But to get that change, the old adage of attracting flies with honey apply here and even you take advice from those who are friendly to you than those who are openly hostile.

Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emmanuel said “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”  Let’s not be dumb and waste this crisis, a crisis created by our common enemies who wants both sides run to the ground.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Cops beating retreat across the country.”
  1. We’d do better if more pro-2A people *became* cops. That would help ensure a disastrous result to any confiscation efforts, and fewer obstacles to passing things like Constitutional Carry in the states.

    1. Outside of liberal, urban dystopias, many police are pro-2A. The problem is you get these political appointees running large departments, and of course they tow the line of their liberal boss and come out against the 2A.

      Speaking of recruiting, the standards have definitely dipped, and in some departments, steps have been taken to exacerbate the issue even more. For example, a while back, the Buffalo, NY PD tried to limit hiring to recruits who not only lived in the city but apparently gave preferential treatment to those who grew up in the city. If you’ve ever been to Buffalo, you understand why this is a laughably bad hiring practice. It’s the 3rd poorest city in America with a dying population base and terrible crime. Even the “good” neighborhoods aren’t particularly good. I have LEO friends with Buffalo PD friends, and they say there are times when the line between gang member or police officer is hard to distinguish.

      1. “The problem is you get these political appointees running large departments, and of course they tow the line of their liberal boss and come out against the 2A.”

        And of course, when it comes time to appear before the legislature that is considering stand your ground laws, easing concealed carry requirements or, horrors, open carry, It is the politically appointed Chiefs of Police who testify under oath that “blood will run in the streets” if this evil law is passed. If a rank and file officer dares to speak in favor of the 2A, retribution is swift and draconian.

        1. “And of course, when it comes time to appear before the legislature that is considering stand your ground laws, easing concealed carry requirements or, horrors, open carry, It is the politically appointed Chiefs of Police who testify under oath that “blood will run in the streets” if this evil law is passed. If a rank and file officer dares to speak in favor of the 2A, retribution is swift and draconian.”

          ^ This!

  2. If the police departments are going hands-off and losing recruit numbers, then the nation will start to look more and more like the Wild West.

    And it’s the Left that’s doing it, not the Right.

    1. Contrary to the Hollywood version, the so called “Wild West” was pretty tame. Yes there were exceptions like Dodge City where alcohol, lingering enmity form the Civil War, and a large influx of young men fresh from months of hard work on the cattle trails looking to cut loose, created an incendiary mix. However, you had a higher chance of getting killed in that bastion of civilization New York City than you did in most small towns in the rural west.

  3. The left is so deep into TDS they dont care who they scream at. There WILL come a time when the left will find itself highly out numbered because they have pissed on EVERYONE who aint them. Then it will get fun……for us

  4. Portland Maine decided they are not gonna drug test new cops and hiring ILLEAGALS as cops
    What could possibly go wrong??????

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