This clip should be played every 10 minutes on every news channel in the country.

These people listened to the Left and the lesson that they learned, quite explicitly, is “violence works.”

For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Could they have made it any more clear”
  1. I’ve had the that verse running through my head since the first news of trump protesters storming the capitol.

  2. Sen. Cotton make this point in an op-ed in today’s WSJ. But the precedent set last year wasn’t followed in this case. Unlike last year, there was armed response from the police and a lot of arrests; also indications that there will be serious prosecution.
    Did some of the rioters do what they did because they expected last year’s precedent to hold and there wouldn’t be any real consequences? Possibly.
    The question now is whether the old precedent has been canceled, or merely set aside for one day. Or for one party.

    1. Please, you know the answer to that question. That standard never applied to the people with “incorrect” political ideas. If it wasn’t for double standards, the swamp politicians (and, yes, I include democrats, republicans and “independents” in congress in that category) would have no standards at all.

  3. It is called the First Axiom of Politics for a reason. All other rules, conventions, and standards are subservient.

    First Axiom of Politics:
    The action being taken by the person is not what causes offense. The political affiliation of the person taking action causes the offense.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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