Via The Examiner. People are not backing down when politicians decide to break the law and violate the Constitution.

William Frail had an M-1 rifle on his shoulder as he testified. “Sir, my mother was Jew,” he said. “My family went to the chambers. I will not go into the night quietly while these two ask me to board the train.”

via Crowd packs heat; Oak Harbor backs down – Local –

I have the feeling we are living in a momentous time. Perhaps once again we are in the brink of taking down the democratically appointed royal class and back to a government of the people, by the people, for the people.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Crowd packs heat; Oak Harbor backs down.”
  1. There’s guna be another civil war and there’s guna be hundreds of thousands if not millions of dead citizens all over our lost country.
    Some of us may have assault style weapons but we don’t have helicopter gunships, shoulder launch rockets or armored vehicles with national guard troops and the Homeland Security Army armed with machine guns and hand grenades jumping out of them, we’re fucked!

    1. “…we don’t have helicopter gunships, shoulder launch rockets or armored vehicles with national guard troops and the Homeland Security Army armed with machine guns and hand grenades jumping out of them,..”

      Don’t worry, Carlos- the Afghans, Iraquis and Vietnamese didn’t have them, either. Look how good the dot mil is doing against them. Not to mention, helicopters, armored vehicles, tanks… all need petroleum to move: stop the flow of petrol and they’re just oversized paper weights. Too, even surrounded by armor, a man or woman eventually needs to get out to piss, shit, or restock both. Don’t allow them exit, or reentry.

      Take a deep breath, relax and think outside the box. Then grab their hand grenades and rocket launchers and machine guns. Then fuck them.

  2. This is where I am stationed and I thank you for commenting on it!
    This was a huge thing for the gun-community here (which is massive!) since just several weeks ago, one of the members of the city council tried to have a citizen at city council meeting, who was legally carrying his weapon, disarmed. This was a legal protest by our community saying we WONT be disarmed.

  3. Guerrilla tactics have worked in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Also there are millions of survivalist, ex-military, militia, ex-law enforcement, and active duty that will uphold their oaths. anyone who argues that we cant fight against tanks and jets doesn’t realize that when officers take command of entire companies and turn sides WITH tanks and jets a full scale civil war can be won. Also other countries will lend aid to secure possible interests, other countries helped both sides during the revolutionary war and the civil war. Look at EVERY civil war happening around the world, name one that doesn’t have foreign involvement.

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