By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “CSGV got itself a thesarus and a new catch word.”
  1. Nah, they’ve just dug it back out. Remember the case of the CCW guy who shot and killed a thug that was pistol whipping an old lady for her purse? They claimed the goblin was ‘executed’.
    We see where their sympathies lie.

  2. If that first article is about the incident I am thinking of, “executed” would be, for the first time ever, the right word for CSGV to use.

    Unless, of course, the information that has come out is incorrect, as it was with the Trayvon Martin case’s initial reporting.

  3. As with most people who dig up a thesaurus and start rifling through it, I don’t think they’re using it right. When I hear the term “Executed,” I think of someone being killed while on their knees or lying down, and unable to fight back.

    That or a hero who dies to only creep and turret damage.

  4. Yeah, the two teens was an execution. The initial shootings MIGHT (emphasis might) have been justifiable – however, since he shot the first one and knew he was unarmed, and shot the girl when all he could see was her hips – thats questionable.

    The followup shots were murder plain and simple.

    (again, unless the basic facts we know are incorrect).

  5. Honestly? There were extenuating circumstances. He’d been broken into repeatedly and happened to be home when this one occurred. The fact the teenagers broke into the house in the *middle of the day* on a freakin holiday when someone was almost guaranteed to be home? *facepalm* It just proves the point I make elsenet all the time about most teens being “terminally stupid”, and in this case, quite literally.
    Does it fit the legal definition of murder? No doubt, he grabbed his weapons and purposely waited for them without calling the cops. Hell he stored the bodies in his cellar til next day! His lawyer will probably try the temp insanity plea, and will probably..if the judge and the defense let him, bring up the fact that the little shits WERE in fact[as proven by the discovery of things from a previous robbery in their car] seemingly embarking on the start of a journey to the title of “career criminal”, albeit badly.

    If they hadn’t been cousins I’d have wondered why in the hell the girl didn’t run after hearing multiple gunshots. Frankly, cousins or not, I’m STILL kinda stunned she didn’t run after hearing multiple gunshots, and presumably, her cousins cries and the end there of, of pain.

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