csgv history failApparently the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence forgot a wee bit detail by using the OK Corral shootout as example: The Earps were enforcing Gun Control Laws and that was one of the things that led to what some call an unnecessary shooting. If anything, this is the Dream of CSGV: Have strict gun control, shoot anybody with a gun who is not authorized by them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “CSGV Historical Fail.”
  1. Can someone post up a counter-poster? Say, a picture of the Boston Massacre or the aftermath of Waco with the caption, “CSGV Utopia: The enforcers with the guns make the rules”?

    1. Their vision is our total submission to the state to be run by them (i.e. Democrats) or the threat of prison or FEMA camps so conservatives and other “undesirables” can be dealt with. Our firearm ownership makes their “utopia” impossible, so we must be disarmed. Only the government should have arms in their mind. There is a name for when the government is the only one with weapons…a police state.

      Why else the obsession with disarming me and the 80 million other Americans that have never done any “gun violence” in their lifetime and never will?

  2. C’mon.. CSGV is a shadow site- right? I mean no one can be as consistently wrong as they are- except maybe the ‘Liberal Chick’ that keeps showing up in Doug Giles’ blog.. either a pro-gun group trying to raise the hackles of us freedom lovers or a third way geek trolling us..

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