By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

24 thoughts on “CSGV Laddite of the Day.”
  1. LOL Mean spirited, but I can’t say he doesn’t deserve it.

    I call “Progressives” Perpetual children….most don’t show it as well as he does…

  2. I’d ask Ben who this “we” is.

    The NRA is exactly what gun owners created.

    I suppose he wants to force all gunowners to join a new organization, one run by bed-wetting fetishist victim-disarmament supporters?

  3. We do have other gun owners groups besides NRA. Gun Owners of America and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
    I’m an NRA benefactor member and a Life member of the other two.

  4. And there are the State groups. The California Rifle and Pistol Association has been making some gains – with the CalGuns Foundation (and the NRA) backing significant law-suits and legislation.
    But don’t worry about that dude’s manliness, he’s got tattoos!

  5. I bet he could’ve saved most, if not all, of the Norwegian shooting victims, just by being there in that costume.

  6. “I bet he could’ve saved most, if not all, of the Norwegian shooting victims, just by being there in that costume.”

    No, he wouldn’t have saved them. He would have destroyed them along with the gunner. Talk about overkill!

  7. That’s the first profile pic I’ve seen that ends the argument before it begins. Special people, the Anti’s are…

  8. A cunning plan on his part. I’ll have no use for all of my guns after I rip my eyes out.

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